2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

I still don't get how Trump can have a slight national lead over Harris, if state polling is kinda okay for her.

Too early to conclude much though.

That picture may get clearer in the coming days as more polls come out. Either the national polls are off because there aren't sufficient polls on Harris yet, or the swing state polls are also a bit off for the same reasons.
Trump can do whatever he wants. If vance is a problem he can just come out and say "look, my kid said he was a great guy and I love my kid so I gave him a chance, cause I'm the bestest of dads", but this guy vance is a clown, so I called him and told him YOU'RE FIRED (everyone laughs) and now I'll pick my own guy".

Great dad, so sweet, you're fired ah ah classic. Now it's the real deal, LFG!
Also, how many people are going to be like "mmm I was going to vote for Donald fecking Trump, but his VP is a bit of a cnut, so now I won't"?
I don't think that's the main effect we'd see.

It'd more be independents who were not bothered to vote who will be motivated to vote by what he's said.
Inside the powerful Peter Thiel network that anointed JD Vance

“WE HAVE A FORMER TECH VC IN THE WHITE HOUSE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH BABY,” Delian Asparouhov, a partner at Thiel’s Founder’s Fund, wrote on X after the announcement of Vance’s nomination.
Thiel made him wealthy, setting him up to invest in companies that became popular with the MAGA set. He shepherded Vance’s entry into politics, bankrolling, alongside other Silicon Valley donors, his successful bid for the U.S. Senate in 2022.
Walz seems like a pretty decent guy and I know nothing about him. Perfect for the electorate.
Let's me point out that the venn diagram of Vance supporters is a tiny circle inside the one of Trump supporters.

Wouldn't be at all surprised as others have said if Trump fires him next week.
He apparently shares Kamala’s fondness for them
It just can't be long now before the Reps denounce Venn diagrams as a woke invention of the devil, and then the Trump base will laugh at the fools that think they have any value and are so easily deluded.
It just can't be long now before the Reps denounce Venn diagrams as a woke invention of the devil, and then the Trump base will laugh at the fools that think they have any value and are so easily deluded.
Nah, Venn was a bona fide white guy from a long line of evangelicals. Ideal MAGA credentials.
Trump ain't firing his VP for talking shit. Trump didn't get to this point (including flipflopping his political position) without doing the same himself. They love it there.

If it does happen, he would do it because Vance is stealing the spotlight from him, not because of the nonsensical things he's saying.
As funny as that'd be, Trump's pride/ego precludes him from ever admitting he got something wrong.
The way you do it presumably is leak whatever the worst you have on him is, privately let conservative media institutions know that he's not to be protected, then force him to resign in disgrace over it.

Trump needs not say a word until 'I think he made the right decision' to leave the ticket.
The way you do it presumably is leak whatever the worst you have on him is, privately let conservative media institutions know that he's not to be protected, then force him to resign in disgrace over it.

Trump needs not say a word until 'I think he made the right decision' to leave the ticket.

It won't happen but how beautiful will it be if he publicly blames Don Jr for it.
As funny as that'd be, Trump's pride/ego precludes him from ever admitting he got something wrong.

That feels like it should be very true, but consider the hordes of cabinet and staff members he's hired, fired and later shit-talked. He says Biden is the worst President in US history, but I think purely by his own words Trump has had the worst inner circle.
Found out today my dad is considering voting for Trump. He can't articulate why and just parrots Fox News talking points (Trump has nothing to do with P2025, Trump is bad but how do we not know Kamala has raped someone or comitted 4 billion crimes, etc. etc.). He is a good man, but the MAGA brain rot is real and he spends very little time (if any) watching TV. Most of this is from reading online and, most likely, from the YouTube algorithm. I am at a loss for words.
Found out today my dad is considering voting for Trump. He can't articulate why and just parrots Fox News talking points (Trump has nothing to do with P2025, Trump is bad but how do we not know Kamala has raped someone or comitted 4 billion crimes, etc. etc.). He is a good man, but the MAGA brain rot is real and he spends very little time (if any) watching TV. Most of this is from reading online and, most likely, from the YouTube algorithm. I am at a loss for words.
I feel your pain.
Found out today my dad is considering voting for Trump. He can't articulate why and just parrots Fox News talking points (Trump has nothing to do with P2025, Trump is bad but how do we not know Kamala has raped someone or comitted 4 billion crimes, etc. etc.). He is a good man, but the MAGA brain rot is real and he spends very little time (if any) watching TV. Most of this is from reading online and, most likely, from the YouTube algorithm. I am at a loss for words.
Send him the "in four years you won't need to vote" video. Curious what the reaction will be.
Fingers crossed the VP pick followed by the convention gives the Dems a boost and a fighting chance. Trump still favourite at the moment but it's not quite over.
Right. Do they work in a way that Harris can get 57% and Trump 47% without some people saying they have a favourable view of both?
My guess is that some have favorable views of both, hence the results.
Not sure why Fox keep inviting Pete on since he mops the floor each time.

Given the amount of very competent, truly presidential candidates in their ranks, how the Democrats still preferred to bank on that senile piece of crap is beyond me.
That interviewer really didn't know how to handle him. How we have people who can come across as so competent like that, and yet the actual options were two senile old men for so long.