2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

Yeah, he had the chance to go gracefully this week but if he’s still plantning to stay on, he is directly sabotaging the country and his legacy, and thinks will get very ugly. If he and his campaign can’t see that it’s impossible for him to continue/win now, they are beyond delusional.

If he does not step down by early next week, there will be a full on mutiny. I can see the majority of Dem senators calling for him to step down.
That's the normal reaction of anyone being shot at.

Trump has also been briefed and trained on how to behave in this case. I didn't see or hear him cry either, more like being in shock which is, once again, a normal human reaction.

He sure had enough of political saviness to milk the living shit out of the situation with his fist pumping and not only his supporters but also some neutrals are lapping it.

Trump and badass don't belong to the same sentence, but the damage is already done.

He gasped and cried "ahh" like the old lady from Florida he is. :lol:
I hate Trump, but have to admit, for those who lap this kind of stuff up, fist pumping and shouting "fight, fight, fight" moments after being shot is legendary stuff.

It does make me question why the secret service didnt get him off stage asap. And why there seemed to be so many warning about the kid who took the shot. Miraculous how the bullet just grazed his ear. Im not a conspiracy theorist, but it all seems very strange.
Only for people who want to see it that way.

I dont believe he's a courageous man or a badass. On the contrary. He did that fist pumping when the shooter was down and he was circled by enough bodies.

They tried but he kept insisting on getting his shoes. Not easy to move a 6'4 piece of lard when it doesn't cooperate.

There's nothing strange, he turned his head at the right moment and the bullet only grazed his ear instead of blowing the back of his head. Sheer luck, nothing more.
34 Dems have come out now and asked for Biden to step down. Been quite a flurry today and suspect we will be at 100+ by the start of next week.
Yes, you take cover quickly and calmly and don't need to make a big show of it.
That's exactly what he did. The big show is obviously for his cult.

You also can't make fun of people being scared because they were shot at. Not everyone reacts the same way and being afraid isn't a mark of shame.

Taking advantage of the situation is, though.
Imagine going through all the trouble to replace Biden with someone who is even less popular.

Why does "everyone" keep saying that? Saying something over and over doesn't actually make it true.

Biden's net approval is - 18, Harris is - 12.
Why does "everyone" keep saying that? Saying something over and over doesn't actually make it true.

Biden's net approval is - 18, Harris is - 12.

With the obvious caveat that she hasn't been running for President all this time, and as such, the Republicans haven't been dedicated to bringing her numbers down. Once she runs, they will attack her mercilessly with race, gender, and her performance running Biden's border policy as the main points of attack.
With the obvious caveat that she hasn't been running for President all this time, and as such, the Republicans haven't been dedicated to bringing her numbers down. Once she runs, they will attack her mercilessly with race, gender, and her performance running Biden's border policy as the main points of attack.
There’s also the chance that she will be able to distinguish herself more from Biden and won’t be seen as ‘guilty by association’ by as many people.
There’s also the chance that she will be able to distinguish herself more from Biden and won’t be as seen as ‘guilty by association’ by as many people.

Agreed. Except for the age issue, she will be tarred with the same attacks they would have levied on him.
With the obvious caveat that she hasn't been running for President all this time, and as such, the Republicans haven't been dedicated to bringing her numbers down. Once she runs, they will attack her mercilessly with race, gender, and her performance running Biden's border policy as the main points of attack.

Nah, all they need to do, is just let her speak....

Nah, all they need to do, is just let her speak....

Anyone can chop up a video like this. That's not going to be a showstopper for most people, just as it isn't when they see Trump gaff videos. Her main weakness for Republicans (officially) will be her ineffectiveness at the border, which is a key right wing policy area. Unofficially, they are going to be releasing endless racial and gender tropes to discredit her - ranging from her relationship with Willie Brown (she slept her way to the top) to her half Indian background.
No, seriously—get Newsom, Beshear, or Whitmer in there. Kamala would be a disaster. The Biden Administration has essentially locked her down for the past three and a half years because she's not likable or charismatic. She's not ready for primetime and has no tangible success as VP. Remember the 2020 DNC primary debates? She had that one "that girl on the bus was me" soundbite, but nothing else memorable or substantial. She couldn't connect! Her early exit from the race, much sooner than Buttigieg or Klobuchar, says it all.
That's exactly what he did. The big show is obviously for his cult.

You also can't make fun of people being scared because they were shot at. Not everyone reacts the same way and being afraid isn't a mark of shame.

Taking advantage of the situation is, though.
I think he was panicky and melodramatic and would describe his action as more of a pathetic collapse rather than deliberately seeking cover.

His bravado while being carted off the stage was also phony. Due to his bully, wanna be tough guy persona, it's probably the first time in his life someone other than his father reached out and touched him, so the way he responded to it in the moment isn't surprising. Bullies are often stunned in such a situation.

Seeing his cult (not suggesting this is you) laud him as some big, tough superman in the days following necessitates a mocking response, though. He is very lucky, nothing else.
I think he was panicky and melodramatic and would describe his action as more of a pathetic collapse rather than deliberately seeking cover.

His bravado while being carted off the stage was also phony. Due to his bully, wanna be tough guy persona, it's probably the first time in his life someone other than his father reached out and touched him, so the way he responded to it in the moment isn't surprising. Bullies are often stunned in such a situation.

Seeing his cult (not suggesting this is you) laud him as some big, tough superman in the days following necessitates a mocking response, though. He is very lucky, nothing else.
I wholly agree on that.

I don't think there's many, if any on this forum.

Yes, he is.
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It's always interesting to see suggestions from those who might not be familiar with the intricacies of US politics, norms, customs, party rules, and procedures. The idea that Biden should simply drop out this late in the game is quite a bold one. Rest assured, the party apparatus is undoubtedly considering all scenarios and preparing for any eventuality, even if Biden's withdrawal is still uncertain at this point.

Obama knows the intricacies of someone stepping down this far into an election campaign

Yet there he is advocating it’s time too stand down
Would agree with this. Trump remains prone to blunders. No fecking way should the Dems be losing to him.

It doesn't matter, as long as dems persist with a candidate even more incoherent than Trump.
I know he won't do it because it's basically a poison chalice for his long term ambitions, but Newsom's ability to handle the likes of a Desantis/Fox and even get the raging racists online to pine over his "traditional" family is like the perfect candidate to blunt all of this elections right-wing hate and bile. You're essentially going to have a GOP campaign that is a version of Elon frothing at the mouth because "Newsom won't make schools out trans kids to parents" and they are going to look like the most online losers imaginable. Newsom running turns the GOP tactics into a culture war election and they are so "online" they will sound like they are from another reality.
I know he won't do it because it's basically a poison chalice for his long term ambitions, but Newsom's ability to handle the likes of a Desantis/Fox and even get the raging racists online to pine over his "traditional" family is like the perfect candidate to blunt all of this elections right-wing hate and bile. You're essentially going to have a GOP campaign that is a version of Elon frothing at the mouth because "Newsom won't make schools out trans kids to parents" and they are going to look like the most online losers imaginable. Newsom running turns the GOP tactics into a culture war election and they are so "online" they will sound like they are from another reality.

While i agree, that is what the GOP will resort too, I don't think Newsom will run.

Plus, being the Gov of California doesn't necessarily help win the blue wall.
I know he won't do it because it's basically a poison chalice for his long term ambitions, but Newsom's ability to handle the likes of a Desantis/Fox and even get the raging racists online to pine over his "traditional" family is like the perfect candidate to blunt all of this elections right-wing hate and bile. You're essentially going to have a GOP campaign that is a version of Elon frothing at the mouth because "Newsom won't make schools out trans kids to parents" and they are going to look like the most online losers imaginable. Newsom running turns the GOP tactics into a culture war election and they are so "online" they will sound like they are from another reality.

He's in a tough spot. He and Harris have known each other for years coming up in CA politics, and he seems to be reluctant to make any moves that could be viewed as attempting to step over her.
No, seriously—get Newsom, Beshear, or Whitmer in there. Kamala would be a disaster. The Biden Administration has essentially locked her down for the past three and a half years because she's not likable or charismatic. She's not ready for primetime and has no tangible success as VP. Remember the 2020 DNC primary debates? She had that one "that girl on the bus was me" soundbite, but nothing else memorable or substantial. She couldn't connect! Her early exit from the race, much sooner than Buttigieg or Klobuchar, says it all.
I tend to agree. Plus, the GOP will hit her on the border, because she was supposed to be Bidens "border tsar".

She has more upside than Biden though.

It should be Whitmer and Josh Shapiro for me. Two popular Governors in two crucial swing states. Always liked Corey Booker too - would be a good VP.

Would the black caucus be unhappy about passing over Kamala - yes, but her being VP only signals she is next in line should the president be incapacitated. The President didn't pick her to be the next person to be on the ballot.

There should be an open convention. Add some energy back into the party. As long as it is fair, unlike when Bernie got screwed, I think when it is all said and done, the party is smart enough to get behind a candidate to fight Trump. He is seen now as a much bigger threat than he was when he beat Hillary in 2016.
No way Newson and Whitmer will enter the race. They envision a longer future and normal race for themselves surely. Only ones I can see entering the race now are the likes of a Gov Shapiro. He s polling really well too.
He's in a tough spot. He and Harris have known each other for years coming up in CA politics, and he seems to be reluctant to make any moves that could be viewed as attempting to step over her.

yeah, which is the sad part. I'm thoroughly convinced that Harris saves some congressional seats and maybe one swing state. However, the stench of Biden is just too much on her. If Newsom is looking to the future, then its got to be someone way outside the current orbit, but with some name ID