Old people have always died and been replaced with a younger? Really?
The boomer age range is currently 60-78. More and more of this generation are dying off each 4 year election cycle, so this will hurt Trump more now that previously - as well as Republican in the future. As mentioned previously, this generation favoured Republicans, largely because the US had Republican presidents for much of the boomers prime years - 70s, 80s and into the early 90s.
I agree - the older generation are a far more reliable voting block than the youth. But my point was that those who are reaching around 55 today, Gen X (who are replacing the boomers as the most likely to vote) would have come of "Political age" around the good times of Clinton and will very much remember being taken into wars and recessions by the Bush's. That makes Gen X more likley to vote Dem than the boomers were previously.
Most people just assume that one you get to a certain age, the voting block becomes more conservative, but that changes over time, depending on long held views. We know that the vast majority of people don't switch affiliation.
I think his point is very valid. 20mil boomers replaced with 40mil Gen Z. To which party those age groups lean, it undeniable...
Yes, as you say, they are harder to turn out, but replacing 20mil boomers with 40mil Gen Z gives the Democrats a massive potential advantage, in this election and going forward.
Agree re naturalized citizens. Although, we may see in this election more more Hispanics vote Republican then in previous years. Hispanic adults made up 34% of immigrant eligible voters.
A lot of the demographics are favoring Democrats, perhaps enough soon that we will see more policy changes from the GOP to capture them.