2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

50m freestyle is just a riot to watch. Absolute splashfest, love it.
Poor Regan Smith. She can actually match McKeown's times - even has the WR in the 100m - but she just can't ever beat her in a race

Kaylee is an all time great though
Bacon got cooked in that race.
Great achievement and consistency.

Dresser finished 6th. The pool hasn’t been good for the U.S., especially men.

I can only imagine the work ethic required to be at the top of your discipline for that long when there is generally a big turnover. The same is true for the likes of Sjöström, Peaty and a few others.
Swimming is so overpowered in the Olympics in terms of medals on offer.

Need to stop sending our kids to schools and chuck them in local pools.
I can only imagine the work ethic required to be at the top of your discipline for that long when there is generally a big turnover. The same is true for the likes of Sjöström, Peaty and a few others.
Oh yeah. What sets apart the Phelps from the Lochte
You can tell who is coached by an american(or an aussie) by how they do the underwater turn
Aaaah. 0.06 of a seconds! Booooooo, at least set a WR if you want my respect
I think he’d have had it if his stroke pattern was just slightly different… looked like a “long” last stroke?
Maaaybe but I don't think so. If it were butterfly he could have gone for a double stroke(Like Phelps in 2008) maybe

@JPRouve The price of Riner and Marchand doing the business is your men failed to medal in the team epeé. Scandalous!
Maaaybe but I don't think so. If it were butterfly he could have gone for a double stroke(Like Phelps in 2008) maybe

@JPRouve The price of Riner and Marchand doing the business is your men failed to medal in the team epeé. Scandalous!
I thought that Marchand slowed down a bit at the end. He was half a body length ahead of WR midway through the last 50 meters.

The WRs will get broken later, though.
I thought that Marchand slowed down a bit at the end. He was half a body length ahead of WR midway through the last 50 meters.

The WRs will get broken later, though.
Yeah he slowed down because he ran out of gas. He also just doesn't have a strong freestyle apparently
GB have done so well in the last few Olympics. Is it the London 2012 investments still paying off or what?
Maybe, it would be easy for that to be the pinnacle, but it maybe encouraged more to take up sports so more talent to be found.
Not long now until Beth Shriever in the BMX. Cmon geezer!!!
Medals for France:

2016: 42 total, 10 gold
2020: 33 total, 10 gold
2024: 33 total, 10 gold
Medals for France:

2016: 42 total, 10 gold
2020: 33 total, 10 gold
2024: 33 total, 10 gold
The hosts always perform very well, no?
Japan was 7 gold in 2012, 12 in 2016 and 27 in 2020 at home
China won the whole thing in Beijing and never managed to better USA since
Pretty sure GB also did extremely well in London, not sure about Brazil
How do they decide the bike numbers for BMX? Doesn't seem to be based on lane so is it like F1 where the riders pick?
Dressel is crying. It’s okay, you got many medals and you have a family, man. That’s the most important thing.

8 gold medals, and you can see how much it still means to him!
France - Argentina has been a very fun game of football so far. Pure chaos and energy.

The swimming was fantastic too.

The crowd has been brilliant throughout.