2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

We’re dominating the posh sports in these games, like rowing and the horsey stuff. We have the most athletic poshos in the world. The poors need to start pulling their weight
They're only good at that at 6am in an all inclusive resort.
Their specialty there is deckchair hogging. Come after breakfast to the pool and they’re all gone courtesy of some early Teutonic towel booking technique.
Just turned it on now. That is weird, fun but weird. :lol:
I want to know how they created this :lol:
I'd probably fall out the kayak :lol:

Did I hear them right that there's going to be multiple competitors on the course at once when the time trial is over? It'll be carnage :lol:
Yep and from googling it just now, contact is allowed as long as it doesn't get excessive... :lol:

Don't think I've ever been more excited to see something :lol:
I want to know how they created this :lol:

Yep and from googling it just now, contact is allowed as long as it doesn't get excessive... :lol:

Don't think I've ever been more excited to see something :lol:

Also really excited to see it :lol: those starting spots are really close together, I presume they have to roll in the group races too?
Also really excited to see it :lol: those starting spots are really close together, I presume they have to roll in the group races too?
I think so. Does not seem safe if there's gonna be 4 people rolling at the same time but again, I can't wait :lol:
Do they get a map of the course/chance to drift down the river to see it before they compete or do they just have to react to what they need to do as they go along?
Do they get a map of the course/chance to drift down the river to see it before they compete or do they just have to react to what they need to do as they go along?
I think they get to see the course, they've just mentioned the higher seeds get to choose their starting slot so would need to know which ones are most advantageous. Don't know if they get to try the course once the markers are out there.
We’re dominating the posh sports in these games, like rowing and the horsey stuff. We have the most athletic poshos in the world. The poors need to start pulling their weight
We excel at the sitting down sports: sailing, rowing, cycling, horses.
Are they going to drop more than one Kayak into the water tomorrow, thought this was an individual time trial event ?
Are they going to drop more than one Kayak into the water tomorrow, thought this was an individual time trial event ?
Yep, in the next round they're going to drop 3 or 4 in at once. The time trial just sets the seeding for the tournament.
Teddy Riner three times gold medalist.
If Bryony Page was asked to sum up her trampolining career do you think she’d say that it’s hard its ups and downs?
The match was dull, and then…. Boom… Ippon!

What a legend!
Did you see the women's heavyweight final? That was apalling.

Judo is like that tough, I was a national level judoka in my youth, the higher up the levels you get, the more attritional the fights become. At the very top level its a pretty boring sport to watch.
Did you see the women's heavyweight final? That was apalling.

Judo is like that tough, I was a national level judoka in my youth, the higher up the levels you get, the more attritional the fights become. At the very top level its a pretty boring sport to watch.

Yeah, it's all about hand positioning and having the perfect leverage or milking penalties.