2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

The spice girls played too didn’t they? And they had an Aston Martin. It was basically a “how British can they make this” thing, sort of forgetting that most countries hate what Britain stands for, which, ironically, is a very British attitude.
It’s ironic that you’re bashing British culture (which is one area where the UK is still punching way above its weight) on a website which celebrates one very prominent example of British culture being world leading…
This guy needs to shut up
Still a farce that Russia has been excluded but the Israeli genocidal maniacs are still welcomed.
So everyone is soaked in rain, and the opening ceremony had a lot of history lesson just to have someone needing an umbrella while delivering some already written speech.
From the horse it went downhill.
Should do all this crap at the start. Totally ruins the mood. Should have been the horse and straight into lighting the torch.
The spice girls played too didn’t they? And they had an Aston Martin. It was basically a “how British can they make this” thing, sort of forgetting that most countries hate what Britain stands for, which, ironically, is a very British attitude.

James McClean is that you?
Can they light this guy on fire with the torch?
I mean, do you have an actual argument, or just childish emojis and tedious anglophobia? This French opening ceremony literally had a song by a British artist, sung in English. British musicians regularly top the charts around the world. British actors, filmmakers, athletes, etc are among the most popular on the planet. These are objective facts.
Maybe the assassins creed guy will come put him out of his misery.
This might change the way opening ceremonies are done in the future. I thought the teams being introduced on the boats was excellent, better than just walking into the stadium. Not so sure about the arty farty stuff but then again that’s quite French so fair play. The rain hasn’t helped at and I always feel gutted for people who organise things like this then the weather pisses on it. I like that Paris has said it will only try and use existing venues for the games rather building new ones that could go to rot and will be cheaper and more economical. Really looking forward to these games.