2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

They’ve all been just a bit off. A lot of laudable ambition slightly undercut by a “eh, we’ll do it on the day” French attitude
I’m currently unable too watch

how does this compare too London 2012?

1 being 1 million miles away from anything 2012 gave us

10 being on par, utterly outstanding

Solid 6 purely for not having it in a stadium, London was on a different level.
For English nationalists maybe. Shite for everyone else. At least people like French culture.
Olympic opening ceremonies are one of those things that every nation think theirs is the best.

I take it you didn't enjoy the queen going skydiving with Mr. Bond ?
Perhaps they’re leaving the greatest Frenchman Cantona until the end
For English nationalists maybe. Shite for everyone else. At least people like French culture.
Yes. I don’t remember anything about London. The British will of course not like what the French are doing.
After this shitshow I will never complain about UEFA draws dragging out ever again
I still can't believe that they put Phillipe Katherine in his string in front of billions of people.
It was really weird. Yer man who made Trainspotting directed it. I think someone dressed up as the queen did parkour at one point.
The spice girls played too didn’t they? And they had an Aston Martin. It was basically a “how British can they make this” thing, sort of forgetting that most countries hate what Britain stands for, which, ironically, is a very British attitude.
Yes. I don’t remember anything about London. The British will of course not like what the French are doing.
James Bond parachuting in vs Zidane getting stuck on a train.
Speeches should not be more than 3 minutes. No one actually listens to them.