2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

I’m trying to watch Breaking. Like, I don’t understand. Someone help me understand?

It’s obviously incredibly impressive and clearly they have loads of talent. But how is this a sport?
I won’t doubt that there’s still required but where do you draw the line? Tap dancing requires a skill but it still doesn’t make it a sport.
Love breaking but yeah I'm not sure it's a sport, although technically it probably can be one. Anyway when the blokes come on you'll see more moves and less airy fairy stuff.
It’s an art, not a sport. It’s far too reliant on judges’ subjective opinions to decide a winner. If you have dance, why not other art forms like singing, acting, painting? All those require high levels of skill too. Maybe they should bring back town planning as an Olympic event too?

I won’t doubt that there’s still required but where do you draw the line? Tap dancing requires a skill but it still doesn’t make it a sport.
I think it has to do with popularity as well. I'm not sure how it's decided but my opinion is biased because I love and appreciate dancing of all categories. I'm just happy one of them is included. Maybe they'll include more or even create a new category for the arts. Everyone who has talent should be celebrated and given a chance to showcase it. Takes a lot of discipline no matter what it is. I just don't agree with putting anyone down because it's not something that appeals to me. Let them enjoy it and the people who appreciate it.
10 seconds of the 7 minutes of added time remain and Spain get a penalty.
Ok I've only watched 10 minutes but breakdance is hilarious.
We got 16 year old girls going 1 on 1 taking turns doing dance moves while the other person smiles at them arrogantly and dismissive and then they switch. Like a rap battle but without lyrics or context and they're trying to point out how shite the other person is with great theatrics.
All this while acting smug and confident the whole time haha.

It's the equivalent of two chavs squaring up in Blackpool outside a pub without it ever comes to pulling punches.
10 seconds of the 7 minutes of added time remain and Spain get a penalty.

Did VAR check the pen? I'm watching in German and can't understand a word, looked like a blatant dive
I've been watching for about 90 seconds but I entirely agree.

Apparently so do the judges.

Yeah I don't want to see competitors doing bizarre pointless dance routines, I want to see moves! And I'm saying this as a person who couldn't pull off the basic of moves as a kid.
I don’t understand how people struggle with breaking as a sport. What else ist it supposed to be if not a sport?
it's a good watch but scoring system is not transparent and it ruins the experience - in bouldering it was clear how the points are awarded and it made it a much better experience for a first-timer
I don’t understand how people struggle with breaking as a sport. What else ist it supposed to be if not a sport?

I'm trying to see this positively - but at the moment it's looking more like a dance school version of West Side Story than a sport. Maybe I've just been lucky with the dance school performances I've seen.

It's not really the break dancing I was expecting to see though. Maybe the later rounds?
Unbelievable effort by Toby Roberts! That boulder is so hard. Has to have a real chance of a medal.

You watching @Tropical Bob ?

I wasn't able to watch it live so I just watched the combined event on catch-up, without having seen the result. I was surprised when he didn't manage the yellow slab, but then he nailed that 3rd boulder, and I really thought he was going to be good for a medal, but I thought Sorato was going to chew his way through that lead climb, all the way to the top. What a surprise to see him fall! Wow. Toby will need a while to let that sink in, I think.

My money is on Janja for tomorrow, obviously.
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Nasar is destroying the 89kg world, junior and olympic records.
Did VAR check the pen? I'm watching in German and can't understand a word, looked like a blatant dive
More a went down easily I would have said. Apparently they do use VAR but the Discovery channel aren't big on action replays (they don't seem to get different camera angles live either) so I don't know anything beyond my first impressions.
Incredible really - new to the scene and also so young too

He isn't that new, in the sense that he has been lifting like a senior in the last 4 years. Which is amusing to write. :lol:
They seem to change the format of Modern Pentathlon every time. Didn’t they use to do the whole thing in day? Now they have semi-finals?

Next time they’re getting rid of the lottery of the showjumping (with randomly assigned horses) and replacing it with Ninja Warrior, which should make it more watchable.
I'm trying to see this positively - but at the moment it's looking more like a dance school version of West Side Story than a sport. Maybe I've just been lucky with the dance school performances I've seen.

It's not really the break dancing I was expecting to see though. Maybe the later rounds?

I've watched a couple of World Championships and I found female breakers tend to dance more. So, yeah it's not the break dancing you'd expect and it's a tad tedious. I hope the blokes are on next, I think you'll see a difference. It's not as apparent in other sports, I mean male and female athletes are equally as enjoyable yo watch. Diving too and gymnastic but I've found breaking to be different.
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I wasn't able to watch it live so I just watched the combined event on catch-up, without having seen the result. I was surprised when he didn't manage the yellow slab, but then he nailed that 3rd boulder, and I really thought he was going to be good for a medal, but I thought Sorato was going to chew his way through that lead climb, all the way to the top. What a surprise to see him fall! Wow. Toby will need a while to let that sink in, I think.

My money is on Janja for tomorrow, obviously.

Your money’s safe! A friend of mine tried to put a bet on. Brooke was the second favourite, at 13/1. Janja was 1/100!
They seem to change the format of Modern Pentathlon every time. Didn’t they use to do the whole thing in day? Now they have semi-finals?

Next time they’re getting rid of the lottery of the showjumping (with randomly assigned horses) and replacing it with Ninja Warrior, which should make it more watchable.

That's what's confusing me too, I thought they all did each event then moved onto the next, so unsure why they're in batches, looks like medals are awarded today?

Edit no medals are tomorrow

I've watched a couple of World Championships and I found female breakers tend to dance more. So, yeah it's not the break dancing you'd expect and it's a tad tedious. I hope the blokes are on next, I think you'll see a difference. It's not as apparent in other sports, I mean male and female athletes are equally as enjoyable. Diving too and gymnastic but I've found breaking to be different.

Maybe it's that - I kind of hope so, because otherwise it's Olympics debut is going to be a real damp squib.

I remember watching BMX and skateboarding at their first Olympics and them blowing the cynicism away really quickly. Mind you if the first event I saw was Skateboarding Street I might not have felt too positive about that either.
Congratulations to Nasar with the weightlifting. That was outstanding. He could have gone even heavier, too. Wow.
Congratulations to Nasar with the weightlifting. That was outstanding. He could have gone even heavier, too. Wow.

He started way below his level on both lifts. Now I expect an answer from Li Dayin, he can't let Nasar punk him like that.
He started way below his level on both lifts. Now I expect an answer from Li Dayin, he can't let Nasar punk him like that.
He'll be 30 next Olympics and will likely need another 10kg plus on his clean and jerk, can't see anyone challenging Nasar in the 89s for a while.
He'll be 30 next Olympics and will likely need another 10kg plus on his clean and jerk, can't see anyone challenging Nasar in the 89s for a while.

I'm talking about the world record, not the Olympics. And 30 isn't old, the issue is his weight.
I'm talking about the world record, not the Olympics. And 30 isn't old, the issue is his weight.

Can't see him taking the world record, still needs to take 9kg on his clean and jerk, and that's assuming Nasar won't get better which he almost certainly will. 30isnt old, till you compare it to the 20 year old he's competing against.

He can still fill out the 89s better, and I'd like to see him do it as it will make it a more interesting battle, but I'd be surprised.
Can't see him taking the world record, still needs to take 9kg on his clean and jerk, and that's assuming Nasar won't get better which he almost certainly will. 30isnt old, till you compare it to the 20 year old he's competing against.

He can still fill out the 89s better, and I'd like to see him do it as it will make it a more interesting battle, but I'd be surprised.

I don't know if he will but I expect him to try, that's the point I was making.