2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

@Kasper Women’s bouldering on. Already starting to see tops. Looks like they’re finding this much easier than the men. I’m going to predict three flashes from Janja
Yeah, I feel they've undercooked the problems this time. I reckon you'll need 60 in the bouldering round to have a chance to even hope to qualify in leads.
Greece hot out of the gates so far, Giannis putting on a show.
Shame Sky Brown is carrying an injury in the skateboarding

There's only 6 skateboarders in this, what's the point of prelims? Surely they will all qualify as it's not going to be a case of needing to whittle them down

Edit - they would appear to be in groups as Sky isn't in this one, so guessing it'll be some from each group to go through
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In wrestling Vinesh is upsetting everyone.
China have got an 11-year-old representing them in the skateboarding. Shiiiiiit. Imagine being 11 and at the Olympics. Fecking insane.
Apparently it's meant to be some sort of hat.


As worn by French revolutionaries and an icon used on lots of public buildings. Allegedly.
Duplantis is the coolest athlete at the games, he was clearing them vaults by a mile.

The finishing speed from the last athlete in the GB track cycling gold was absolutely mental.

Hodgkinson had her rivals on toast too.

Quite a night for results, the middle distance running always looks surreal to me too. When you see them look like they are barely moving, or trying, but in reality they are flat out running paces we'd be bollocksed doing 400m at.
I've watched a lot of gymnastics - Olympics does funny things to you. Anyway India battling against Pakistan for Olympic gold in javelin is a proper far fetched Bollywood script. Utterly parallel universe stuff. Oh and I loved the archery stuff. Nerves of steel.
I've watched a lot of gymnastics - Olympics does funny things to you. Anyway India battling against Pakistan for Olympic gold in javelin is a proper far fetched Bollywood script. Utterly parallel universe stuff. Oh and I loved the archery stuff. Nerves of steel.

The dance number is going to be so sick. The javelin will pierce a massive heart-shaped balloon and confetti will fall to the ground, where over a hundred dancers have assembled.