2022 US Elections

She did not win last time, which is why it was governor Kemp not governor Abrams. However, she did a great job in helping the two Georgia Democrat challengers winning the senate two years ago (and consequently giving the Democrats the senate).

Ah right thanks, my bad. Also I find the term lengths a bit odd as it’s 2 years for congress and 6 years for a Senator.
I wonder if DeSantis and Trump will do a deal and let Trump run so he gives DeSantis his backing at the next one.
Momentum is everything. Next one is 6 years from now, and popular politicians become nobody. For example, Beto O'Rourke 4 years ago was supposed to be the new face of the Democrat party, but now is a perennial loser who lost 3 elections in a row.

Of course, Desantis will have the Florida highest seat for at least another 4 years, so he won't become irrelevant, but there is always the risk that someone else from GOP will become the new face of the party and then it would be an uphill battle for 2024. It wasn't clear what Desantis will do before today, but with Trump's GOP doing far worse than expected in this election, and Desantis winning Florida with 60%, I think it is clear that Desantis will run in 2024.
Latest on the remaining 5 senate seats yet to declare? I know Georgia likely to go to run off, but the others?
Arizona will be dropping another tranche shortly from Maricopa, probably will be good for Ds. Nevada doesn’t look good. WI is too close, probably will go R.
Latest on the remaining 5 senate seats yet to declare? I know Georgia likely to go to run off, but the others?
Alaska is gonna be Republican, be it Murkowski or Tshibaka.
Georgia run off.
Wisconsin seems to go Republican.
In Arizona, Kelly (D) is leading heavily but 1/3 of the votes remain.
Nevada can go either way.

If Kelly wins (looks likely), the Dems need to win either Nevada or Georgia's run of to control the senate.
Arizona will be dropping another tranche shortly from Maricopa, probably will be good for Ds. Nevada doesn’t look good. WI is too close, probably will go R.

This isn't quite right as there are 100k outstanding mail-in votes in Clark County, NV so even if Laxalt takes a 20-25k lead once rural votes come in, there should be enough there for CCM to overtake him.
I wonder if DeSantis and Trump will do a deal and let Trump run so he gives DeSantis his backing at the next one.

Trump will be 82 years old for the 2028 presidential election. If he's even alive there's no guarantee that he will have the energy to really campaign for DeSantis. I don't think DeSantis will take that risk.
Obviously the Republicans have a Trump problem but if the young voters have turned out, I imagine it's more traditionally reprehensible positions like abortion that have motivated the surge.
This isn't quite right as there are 100k outstanding mail-in votes in Clark County, NV so even if Laxalt takes a 20-25k lead once rural votes come in, there should be enough there for CCM to overtake him.
Hope so, but have been hearing Dem turnout today was subpar. Wasn’t aware that there’s so much mail in to be counted (trying to get caught up after a decent nap).
Is it somewhat ironic that, had the GOP not stacked the supreme court, there wouldn't have been an abortion ruling back-lash at the polls, and they'd likely be doing much better tonight?
Hope so, but have been hearing Dem turnout today was subpar. Wasn’t aware that there’s so much mail in to be counted (trying to get caught up after a decent nap).
22% of votes in Las Vegas still remain to be counted, so that would give a 30K advantage to Democrats (currently Republicans leading by 600 votes). Probably enough to compensate for the Republicans lead in other areas.
This isn't quite right as there are 100k outstanding mail-in votes in Clark County, NV so even if Laxalt takes a 20-25k lead once rural votes come in, there should be enough there for CCM to overtake him.
He’s very solid vis à vis NV…

Hope so, but have been hearing Dem turnout today was subpar. Wasn’t aware that there’s so much mail in to be counted (trying to get caught up after a decent nap).

Na that stuff is outdated now, it was good enough to keep CCM in a good place in Clark and Washoe based on late day votes. CCM and Kelly should win when it's all done, what I'm worried about is Hobbs losing to Lake in AZ Gov. Lots of people saying Lake is favorite here but I think it will be close. But from the standpoint of the US Senate, Dems should maintain or increase their seats by 1 and will have to wait to see how the House plays out. The fact it's even this competitive is a miracle though.
22% of votes in Las Vegas still remain to be counted, so that would give a 30K advantage to Democrats (currently Republicans leading by 600 votes). Probably enough to compensate for the Republicans lead in other areas.
Yep, just saw Ralston tweet that Clark is done for the evening & the remaining votes are sizably mail in.
Na that stuff is outdated now, it was good enough to keep CCM in a good place in Clark and Washoe based on late day votes. CCM and Kelly should win when it's all done, what I'm worried about is Hobbs losing to Lake in AZ Gov. Lots of people saying Lake is favorite here but I think it will be close. But from the standpoint of the US Senate, Dems should maintain or increase their seats by 1 and will have to wait to see how the House plays out. The fact it's even this competitive is a miracle though.
With the biggest inflation since the seventies, indeed it is. GOP only had to run non-insane candidates to easily win this election. And yet they failed!
Na that stuff is outdated now, it was good enough to keep CCM in a good place in Clark and Washoe based on late day votes. CCM and Kelly should win when it's all done, what I'm worried about is Hobbs losing to Lake in AZ Gov. Lots of people saying Lake is favorite here but I think it will be close. But from the standpoint of the US Senate, Dems should maintain or increase their seats by 1 and will have to wait to see how the House plays out. The fact it's even this competitive is a miracle though.
The FL result made the red mirage actually seem almost real.
Mentioned it earlier, but saw confirmation that every Dem ad buy in Repub primaries to prop up wacko candidates over more electable ones was a clean sweep. Quite an adroit political move.
Yep, just saw Ralston tweet that Clark is done for the evening & the remaining votes are sizably mail in.

16k mail left in Washoe left also even with Laxalt having now built up a lead there from E-Day votes. So there should be enough votes outstanding to carry CCM over the finish line.
In any case, we will most likely have to wait until Saturday to have a final result in Nevada. That's the expected timeline when it comes to going through the mail-in ballots.
It will be so pleasing if she loses.

Although there’s zero chance she just accepts it, she’ll go full Trump with claims of fraud and a rigged election.
She can’t even go back to Gun Hooters, landlord chose not to renew the lease with her.

I think Laxalt is ahead by 23k votes or so. CCM would need to win remaining VBM 65-35% to win race by a few thousand votes. Not a surefire thing but certainly possible. Sisolak is definitely in trouble though, COVID lockdowns really hurt him.
So, i get that in general this is bad news for the GOP, that it does lead to more infighting for them too.. so why have their odds of having the next president gone down overnight?

Gone down, as in, they think it's more likely the next president will be republican?
Not sure I agree. Trump was kind of stupid, Desantis looks smart. Trump's presidency was kind of doomed when they lost heavily the House 2 years in his presidency, and he was a massive underdog for the presidential election. His main contribution to the Republic cause was essentially approving McConnell's judiciary appointments.

Desantis won't be a cult leader, but could be a more effective Republican president than Trump.

I guess the best thing to wish is a Republican civil war between Trump's and Desantis' fraction. Probably an ugly one to divide the base and give again a unified Democrat government/legislature.

More effective how? Trump gave the Supreme court to the Republicans. He gave huge tax cuts to the rich. He loved Putin and Bolsonaro. He gave a voice to the worst elements in the USA, the racists and the religious fanatics. He caused the Jan 6 insurrection.

What can DeSantis do that is worse?
It’s funny because it’s true!

Yep, my teenagers don't need a phone that you can make calls on. Though they will spend hours in a voice message 'chat' but won't make or take a call, even with a visible number.