2022 US Elections

As someone who hasnt followed this.. Didn't the democrats control both the House and the senate?
They are losing the house and its close for the senate.. how is this a good result for them and bad for the republicans?
A loss can be a win.
Speaking of WI, it is going to be tight. According to NYT a lot of the last ballots are in Milwaukee. Evers is up by 3%, so he “should” be fine. Barnes has closed to within 1.3% (45,000ish votes), so there’s a chance!
He will be "only" 46 by 2024. He might think to wait before going against the nutjob of trump. Trump might win or not win in 2024 presidency but he will steamroll the R primaries and he would be specially nasty with the sanctis that could damage him for the future like ted cruz that is not even in the conversation

He can wait when he will be 50 without having to face it
I think in politics timing is very important. He might feck up something or some things in his next term as FL gov and lose the steam.
I think in politics timing is very important. He might feck up something or some things in his next term as FL gov and lose the steam.

I agree. Windows of opportunity like DeSanctis popularity is when you have to go for it. But R primaries against Trump are unwinable
I don’t see how the Republicans can win the senate now.

CNN calls PA for Fetterman. Democrats flip a senate seat.
Because following historic trends (based on previous midterms) the GOP should’ve won big already by now. They might win the house but not by much, and the senate will probably come down to a run off in December (which they might not win).

Republicans are underperforming compared to Biden’s appalling approval ratings and the general state of the economy.
But won't losing the house, even if it's not as bad as expected, still ruin the rest of the Biden presidency with idiots like MTG trying to impeach him every other week? Even if it doesn't get through the senate, they'll just keep doing it and stop anything from passing. Isn't that still an issue?
Because following historic trends (based on previous midterms) the GOP should’ve won big already by now. They might win the house but not by much, and the senate will probably come down to a run off in December (which they might not win).

Republicans are underperforming compared to Biden’s appalling approval ratings and the general state of the economy.
Ah.. get it.. They didn't "win bigly"
But won't losing the house, even if it's not as bad as expected, still ruin the rest of the Biden presidency with idiots like MTG trying to impeach him every other week? Even if it doesn't get through the senate, they'll just keep doing it and stop anything from passing. Isn't that still an issue?

When you were expecting to get crushed ( and President's party always gets crushed in mid-terms) things being this close is a very good sign for 24.
But won't losing the house, even if it's not as bad as expected, still ruin the rest of the Biden presidency with idiots like MTG trying to impeach him every other week? Even if it doesn't get through the senate, they'll just keep doing it and stop anything from passing. Isn't that still an issue?
Yeah or it just forces Biden to try and work with McCarthy and more rational House Republicans to get things done.
But won't losing the house, even if it's not as bad as expected, still ruin the rest of the Biden presidency with idiots like MTG trying to impeach him every other week? Even if it doesn't get through the senate, they'll just keep doing it and stop anything from passing. Isn't that still an issue?
Yes, but a small majority means the speaker (likely McCarthy) has to keep everyone in line to pass anything (bills/impeachment/investigations). If this ends up being a huge dud he is going to need to straddle the line very carefully.
Ah.. get it.. They didn't "win bigly"
They didn't do what most parties that don't control the presidency do, which is sweep the house and senate. This is shockingly bad tbh. I was expecting a big red wave.
But won't losing the house, even if it's not as bad as expected, still ruin the rest of the Biden presidency with idiots like MTG trying to impeach him every other week? Even if it doesn't get through the senate, they'll just keep doing it and stop anything from passing. Isn't that still an issue?
There would be no real way to rein in the batshittery in the House, McCarthy, etc. would be unable to whip the votes consistently. You’ll see some of defections to the Dem side by more moderate Rs. They will quickly see how good a speaker Pelosi was.

Nevada should be dropping their initial numbers very soon. It should be over 50% of the votes.
They didn't do what most parties that don't control the presidency do, which is sweep the house and senate. This is shockingly bad tbh. I was expecting a big red wave.
I just googled the 2018 mid term elections(wiki) and looks like the republicans gained 2 senate seats and held but lost the house (by a big margin).. similar-ish to what is happening now..
It might be a historical trend, but things have changed a lot in the last 10-15 years..

I'm sure there is a lot more to it.. but at the face of it, I was surprised how losing the house was being spun as a positive... especially post Trump.. I expected the GOP to suffer for a few years.
Yeah or it just forces Biden to try and work with McCarthy and more rational House Republicans to get things done.
Are there rational Republicans left? Or did most of the ones who said Biden won get replaced? Is it realistic that any house GOP would work with Biden on anything (actually curious, not trying to sound pessimistic)
Could someone explain me why it seems, for what i read, that gerrymandering only benefits Rs? Why Ds cant do the same or at least fix it?
I just googled the 2018 mid term elections(wiki) and looks like the republicans gained 2 senate seats and held but lost the house (by a big margin).. similar-ish to what is happening now..
It might be a historical trend, but things have changed a lot in the last 10-15 years..

I'm sure there is a lot more to it.. but at the face of it, I was surprised how losing the house was being spun as a positive... especially post Trump.. I expected the GOP to suffer for a few years.
The fact that the house is still not called at this hour is nothing short of surreal. It’ll come down to poor / inadequate polling, abortion rights, & threats to democracy once the post mortem is completed, not the economy & crime that have been jammed down our throats for the past six weeks.
Are there rational Republicans left? Or did most of the ones who said Biden won get replaced? Is it realistic that any house GOP would work with Biden on anything (actually curious, not trying to sound pessimistic)
If Trump starts to lose his grip on the party, you will start to suddenly see more rational, moderate Rs.
Could someone explain me why it seems, for what i read, that gerrymandering only benefits Rs? Why Ds cant do the same or at least fix it?
They sort of tried in NY, but the State Supreme Court slapped it down. Another reason is that many blue states, I think, have by law non partisan districting commissions.
Could someone explain me why it seems, for what i read, that gerrymandering only benefits Rs? Why Ds cant do the same or at least fix it?
It has helped in states like NY & CA. Rs control more state legislatures than Ds, so there’s typically more gerrymandering happening in red states than blue.
I just googled the 2018 mid term elections(wiki) and looks like the republicans gained 2 senate seats and held but lost the house (by a big margin).. similar-ish to what is happening now..
It might be a historical trend, but things have changed a lot in the last 10-15 years..

I'm sure there is a lot more to it.. but at the face of it, I was surprised how losing the house was being spun as a positive... especially post Trump.. I expected the GOP to suffer for a few years.

That's now how the US works. The Dems won 40 seats in the house of reps, republican pickups here look tiny. In addition, senate outcomes are always dependent on which states are in play. About 35+ of the US states vote a certain way regardless of how the country is. The house of Reps is where you see real swings.

The GOP is not going to suffer, and will probably win the presidency in 24.. The country is fecked, but this has been a surprisingly good night so far.
That's now how the US works. The Dems won 40 seats in the house of reps, republican pickups here look tiny. In addition, senate outcomes are always dependent on which states are in play. About 35+ of the US states vote a certain way regardless of how the country is. The house of Reps is where you see real swings.

The GOP is not going to suffer, and will probably win the presidency in 24.. The country is fecked, but this has been a surprisingly good night so far.
I think we might actually see some severe infighting inside the R camp similar to what happened after 98…

They sort of tried in NY, but the State Supreme Court slapped it down. Another reason is that many blue states, I think, have by law non partisan districting commissions.

It has helped in states like NY & CA. Rs control more state legislatures than Ds, so there’s typically more gerrymandering happening in red states than blue.

So basically you are telling me that in Red states they can do and undo as they please and in blue states it is usually need it to be bipartisan and the supreme court can overturn it (and not red states)?
I’m glad young people have came out to vote in numbers, really saved us from it being a carnage. Well done.