2022 US Elections

Awesome! Saw Hines signs all up and down 15/501, same with Budd.

I was going to ask why he was putting signs way out there, but he did just move to the district this year to run so that tracks. Nothing on 15-501 is in NC-13.
I was going to ask why he was putting signs way out there, but he did just move to the district this year to run so that tracks. Nothing on 15-501 is in NC-13.
Yeah, I thought I was weird, but still getting my bearings straight here, geographically and politically, so thought maybe there was a reason.
I was expecting worse than this considering Biden’s approval ratings. Gives me hope for 2024.
I was expecting worse than this considering Biden’s approval ratings. Gives me hope for 2024.
The enthusiasm gap between D & R was R +9 on Oct. 1, Ds gained 10 points since. This basically overcame Biden’s tepid approval rating.
Is the main take away from tonight that Trump is probably over and De Santis will likely be the republican nominee?
I was expecting worse than this considering Biden’s approval ratings. Gives me hope for 2024.

I think this confirms that Trump has no shot at getting re-elected again. Dems will be energised to keep him out of the office along with some % of independents. Republicans would be mad to line up behind him when DeSantis is the clear star now. MAGA crowd will be mad if they dump Trump but most will end up voting Republicans anyway.
Is the main take away from tonight that Trump is probably over and De Santis will likely be the republican nominee?

Only problem for Repubs is that Trump won't see it that way and he seems to be intent on running again. Let's see if they can stand up to him. Some leaks already said that DeSantis won't run if Trump does.
Only problem for Repubs is that Trump won't see it that way and he seems to be intent on running again. Let's see if they can stand up to him. Some leaks already said that DeSantis won't run if Trump does.
DeSantis might reconsider now after both his wins tonight.
Could be. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him push back his announcement on the 15th.
I doubt it. This guy is a extreme narcissist and will see what happened tonight (if it goes well for the Dems) as proof everyone was wrong to tell him not to announce before the election. Beyond that, no way does he step aside for DeSantis, and should he lose the primary he will go scorched earth.
DeSantis might reconsider now after both his wins tonight.
I'm sure he will, especially after Trump's comments about him. It seems Trump's endorsement isn't as useful as it once was.

I'm following from the logic of 2 random accounts who called this result beforehand, this was (roughly) their reasoning:

Republicans chose terrible senate candidates, abortion was a massive issue that polls weren't picking up (and it could be seen in by-elections right after Dobbs, where polling completely missed the results), and finally, after gas prices cooled a bit, Biden's approval went up a decent amount.

One thing I was wrong about was that the Dem strategy to promote GOP Nazis in the primaries worked - apparently they are winning those seats. Again, these 2 random accounts called this beforehand as well.

e - it's genuinely fecking absurd that 2 college students called almost every bit of this better than the polls

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This has show that if it were a level playing field, the GOP would be wiped out.
As someone who hasnt followed this.. Didn't the democrats control both the House and the senate?
They are losing the house and its close for the senate.. how is this a good result for them and bad for the republicans?
I'm following from the logic of 2 random accounts who called this result beforehand, this was (roughly) their reasoning:

Republicans chose terrible senate candidates, abortion was a massive issue that polls weren't picking up (and it could be seen in by-elections right after Dobbs, where polling completely missed the results), and finally, after gas prices cooled a bit, Biden's approval went up a decent amount.

One thing I was wrong about was that the Dem strategy to promote GOP Nazis in the primaries worked - apparently they are winning those seats. Again, these 2 random accounts called this beforehand as well.
Don’t disagree. Basically the way I felt. Thought that the strategy to boost wackos was spot on.

One thing that will take some time is to determine if the polling was really off or not. Most of these victories were within the margin of error.
Kinda disappointing so far for Evan McMullin though. I was hoping he would unseat Mark Lee in Utah.

If this is not a supporting point for age limits or term limits, then I don't know what that is. He should be enjoying a quieter life alongside his grandkids or even his grand-grandkids.
DeSantis might reconsider now after both his wins tonight.

He will be "only" 46 by 2024. He might think to wait before going against the nutjob of trump. Trump might win or not win in 2024 presidency but he will steamroll the R primaries and he would be specially nasty with the sanctis that could damage him for the future like ted cruz that is not even in the conversation

He can wait when he will be 50 without having to face it

NC is headed for a "managed democracy" like Wisconsin where the GOP gerrymanders itself into perpetual power in the legislature and neuters any statewide offices that are won by Democrats. It's why I told friends the state supreme court seats were the most important on the ballot.
As someone who hasnt followed this.. Didn't the democrats control both the House and the senate?
They are losing the house and its close for the senate.. how is this a good result for them and bad for the republicans?
Because following historic trends (based on previous midterms) the GOP should’ve won big already by now. They might win the house but not by much, and the senate will probably come down to a run off in December (which they might not win).

Republicans are underperforming compared to Biden’s appalling approval ratings and the general state of the economy.