2022 US Elections

I don’t even know who you are anymore.

I just can’t do it. Did what I could; donated, volunteered, and voted. However, it is likely that a party fueled by cruelty, anger, lies and who has no discernible plan, is going to win at least one chamber and likely increase their hold over states. At best the legislative status quo holds for 2 years as nothing gets passed. At worst the GOP holds the economy hostage to extract their revenge on those who”aggrieved” them.

I don’t think this is the end of democracy, but a group of people fueled by false fear and false grievance is going to bring down real fear and real grievance on real people. It’s hard to have any faith in the future when confronted with that.
Yep, he was talking about a very narrow Dem win in the preceding days.
Yeah he's generous very reliable but seems to have a hate boner for laxalt which i find pretty strange as i think he's a pretty good candidate.

Funnily enough apparently the only time he made a wrong prediction before also involved laxalt (the ag race) so there's that.
locking good for reps in Arizona so far, I wonder whether there's going to be some major lake/Kelly ticket splitting.
Florida is looking horrific for Dems, might actually end to the right of Texas which is bonkers.
I don’t know how much stock shouldn't be put on the Florida results as the state overall seems to have rapidly moved rightward since 2016 but still it may be a harbinger of what's to come.

Good thing they're pretty fast at counting.
Never seen such a vote in Dade. The incessant drumbeat of ‘socialism’ has really made its effect.
Crazy to think that de santis won by less than 35 thousand votes the last time around, what a shift.
Florida and Ohio are basically red states now which will make every general election a nail-biter for Dems going forward.
As long as Hershel Walker loses I won't lose faith in humanity.
Worth remembering if you exclude context of the current candidates and so forth, the stats point towards a swing in the house of c. 40 seats following a president swap and inflation where it is. These things always swing back after a President one way or the other.

Only scary bit of course is the GOP's claims that this will be the last election contested ever, but let's hope that's hyperbole.
:lol: Don't count on it.

I think there would have to be some serious ticket splitting between people voting for Kemp and Warnock for that to happen.

From what I just saw on ABC, Walker was getting something like 5% fewer votes than Kemp from the same reporting districts so my early hope is there are enough Kemp voters who won't vote Walker for Warnock to win.
Rubio wins Florida. I swear that I will never understand how nor why people stay attached so much to scummy wimps like him and Ted Cruz in their respective states.
@Raoul Definitely looks like a problem for Walker

Hi All, on this day I want to thank all of you. you dont know me but you guys have been my "buddies" right from that 2016 election night.
Thank you all!! and looking forward to engage with you
Wait a minute! Looks like we could have a possible flip in North Carolina for the US Senate. Cheri Beasley (D) has a 6.6% lead over Ted Budd (R) with 45% of the pools still to be counted, and we have to remember that the Senate seat belonged to a retiring Republican.