2022 US Elections

I am going to avail myself of the ignore feature for the first time ever.

Kidding. You never seemed outlandish, that’s probably why it never stuck with me.

What I think has / is happening is the reverse of 2020, that polling is skewed to the right for the past few weeks (mentioned it in this thread about a month ago). Dems, especially women & young, have been underpolled significantly.

Could be wrong though.

Regardless, this will be an interesting next couple of weeks out to a month.
Yes certainly a possible proposition, they may have indeed overcorected to the other side to fix their 2020 bias.

Still the fundamentals look awful for the sitting party and the Dobbs decision seems to have mostly faded to memory so it's not an easy task to predictable whichever way the election will go.

We shouldn't get a few good indication when the polls start closing, let's see.
Yes certainly a possible proposition, they may have indeed overcorected to the other side to fix their 2020 bias.

Still the fundamentals look awful for the sitting party and the Dobbs decision seems to have mostly faded to memory so it's not an easy task to predictable whichever way the election will go.

We shouldn't get a few good indication when the polls start closing, let's see.
These nights are always late ones for me, if I sleep at all.
These nights are always late ones for me, if I sleep at all.
Not repeating my sleepless 40+ hour 2020 again. The best possible feeling will be exhausted relief and the most likely feeling will be horrified depression.
Not repeating my sleepless 40+ hour 2020 again. The best possible feeling will be exhausted relief and the most likely feeling will be horrified depression.
Was gonna ask you what growler you had purchased for tonight.
Was gonna ask you what growler you had purchased for tonight.

That's the whole point. It's also a direct jab at those who complain that we should know results within minutes in the US.
I getcha now. Interesting that we posted that within seconds of one another.

Absolutely no way he realized how stupid he looks however.
I've got a question for the Americans in here (and I guess any other nationalities that have something to add). In the 538 live blog it was mentioned that "most [polling places] currently have wait times of under an hour", and I thought that sounded like a strange... not boast exactly, but thing to point out. Is it normal to wait for a long time when voting in elections in the US? Admittedly I've never voted in big city, but my experience in Norway is essentially no waiting at all, or only a few people in a line.

Apropos that, that quote linked to the website for Maricopa County, showing polling places. I picked a city at random from the drop down, and it had two polling places in total. But surprisingly that's a city of 89k. Is that normal? Is it very close to other cities with other polling places you can use, maybe? My home town of 25k had 11 polling places in the last elections, though admittedly that municipality is physically three times larger than the city in Arizona (Avondale).

(My current municipality has 14k inhabitants and had 25 polling places last time, but it includes a very large, very mountainous island, so that's not a fair comparison).

I am 50 and have voted in every election since I turned 18 (Colorado and Maryland). The only time I had to wait around an hour was because we had limited polling places due to COVID and massive turnout (that was 2 years ago). Took me 25 minutes this morning because I went at 7:00am when the polls opened. Most of the time it's around 10 minutes.
That being said, I have largely lived in suburban areas and for some fecked up reason (that we all know), they usually have more polling places per person than urban areas.
Was gonna ask you what growler you had purchased for tonight.

No booze tonight. Going to turn on a podcast (non-political) and go work on finishing up my patio bar. Made a vow to have it done by World Cup and it is almost there.
No booze tonight. Going to turn on a podcast (non-political) and go work on finishing up my patio bar. Made a vow to have it done by World Cup and it is almost there.
I don’t even know who you are anymore.
Shocked that the libertarians would not support this. I would vote yes as well if I were in CA.

I was too. The best a friend and I could come up with is that the online gambling might put out of business a lot of legal and semi-legal small-time gambling mills and (outright illegal) bookies who might have some influence on the local Libertarian party. Like it would benefit too many out of state corporations like Fanduel as opposed to the guy running numbers out of the local florist shop.

This is interesting to me. I was tangentially involved with the design of new very large office building for the state of CA in Sacramento and one of the departments was slated to deal with online betting. A good sized department too. I think it's still not finished construction.
Sounds like maybe they were getting ready for what they thought/knew what was coming.

That is an interesting tidbit. They must already assume it's going to pass or if not, a future iteration will pass.

Still wrong but I am curious to know if it was handed out inside the polling location or in the restricted area outside. For instance, in my town there is an area where people can setup tables supporting candidates (red area below), and a restricted area right next to it (orange area near the entrance to the polling place). All it takes is one person drifting into the restricted area (which isn't really marked on the ground) to run afoul of the law:

Still wrong but I am curious to know if it was handed out inside the polling location or in the restricted area outside. For instance, in my town there is an area where people can setup tables supporting candidates (red area below), and a restricted area right next to it (orange area near the entrance to the polling place). All it takes is one person drifting into the restricted area (which isn't really marked on the ground) to run afoul of the law:

That’s quite the set up. It seems as though the polling place is a church. Doubt it is sectioned off like your polling location.

Not looking good for dems at Nevada.

They need to win Pennsylvanian now to have a chance at holding the senate.
Don't get too bothered about it, nothing anyone on any side of the isle could do at this point, not worth worrying over.

Will probably be the second last free election in the United States in the foreseeable future and even the 2024 presidential election will be feature heavy voter suppression by the far right of the party you support. I assume then its fair to ask if you are fine with all these undemocratic practises?
Will probably be the second last free election in the United States in the foreseeable future and even the 2024 presidential election will be feature heavy voter suppression by the far right of the party you support. I assume then its fair to ask if you are fine with all these undemocratic practises?
I don't really think any of that is true and even if it was you severely overestimate the gop's competence to get things done, they're the masters of snatching defeat from jaws of victory.

Also i may be uniformed but I don't really think they could even pull off such a thing and even of they did it will severely backfire, so no in short I don't think the premise that you set up is possible.

This fella is very reputable on Nevada matters and had predicted a ccm victory despite the odds, seems to be heavily backtracking though.