2022 US Elections

I haven't seen the clip. TYT I used to watch when I was young then I grew up. They spout a lot of nonsense on topics i see them cover. Its clear agenda and narratives. I don't watch right wing channels so not sure of the vitriol you refer to
You literally replied to my post of the Stephen Miller clip earlier, the one where it decries that white people are being stigmatized.

You’re making no sense in this post.
Checks stats, can confirm: all of those things you're portraying as...outlandish?... are entirely true. I'm a bit confused, are you saying white people didn't go crazy and turn violent on Jan 6th? Are you saying white replacement theory is not something to be concerned about?

Only one party in the US wants to govern. Only one party wants to put into law policies that will improve lives of regular people.

The GOP has no policy platform. It's a platform of owning the libs, getting rid of government and winning at all costs. But when it wins, it doesn't know how to actually do anything, because the candidates never had a good idea outside of getting elected.
Those were a small group and it's dishonest to say "this is what white people do" one could have said the same about the BLM riots and it would be wrong to say "this is what black people and white liberals do" wouldn't it. In fact any black protest that went violent e.g. LA in the 90s where people died etc. Fact is these are individuals and don't represent the whole race.
Your opinion of the GOP I don't really care for as I support neither party. I am sure they would say the same about yours. I doubt many communities are happy with Biden and Kamala right now. Please tell me how the lives of regular people are being improved.

No I am not concerned about white replacement theory. Why would I be?
You literally replied to my post of the Stephen Miller clip earlier, the one where it decries that white people are being stigmatized.

You’re making no sense in this post.
Sorry I didn't see who it was by. I have responded to a lot of people so hard to keep track. Yeah I saw that one. It was overdramatic as I maintained and yes they are all comparable as they are dramatic as hell
Those were a small group and it's dishonest to say "this is what white people do" one could have said the same about the BLM riots and it would be wrong to say "this is what black people and white liberals do" wouldn't it. In fact any black protest that went violent e.g. LA in the 90s where people died etc. Fact is these are individuals and don't represent the whole race.
Your opinion of the GOP I don't really care for as I support neither party. I am sure they would say the same about yours. I doubt many communities are happy with Biden and Kamala right now. Please tell me how the lives of regular people are being improved.

No I am not concerned about white replacement theory. Why would I be?

1. Student loan debt relief
2. Massive investment in infrastructure
3. Ability of medicare to negotiate drug prices
4. Capping of insulin prices for those on medicare (would be for everyone but for the GOP rejecting that amendment)
5. Massive investment in renewable energy
6. Massive investment in technology via the CHIP act
7. Funding for veterans affected by burn pits
8. Lowest unemployment in decades

That's just off the top and I am sure I am missing some. I am sure that the other side has similar stuff, right? So what laws or EO's passed from 2016 to 2020 had a positive impact on regular people? What actual policy position of current GOP candidates (not talking points, but actual bills) will have a positive effect on regular people?
Literally the other day I heard these quotes on MSNBC. Making statements about entire populations is dangerous and you would not tolerate it if said about blacks, Jews, Muslims. The right wingers do the same nonsense when discussing white liberals, blacks and muslims.

"we see American white people are going crazy, they're resorting to violence"

"this is literally what conservative white folks do when they don't get their way they turn violent."

"white replacement can strangle culture, so YES we should all be concerned about white replacement. it is after all a very threat to our survival here (Tiffany Cross).

Imagine telling a group of viewers, "these lot are a threat to your survival." Calm down love! A lot of fear mongering.

I mean I am pro abortion up to a point but even I found this is a bit excessive.

Also rewatch MSNBC coverage of that kid who shot those geezers during the BLM thing last year. That's really where I first started to notice the narratives they were creating. I hadn't noticed before (well maybe the Yung Turks been guilty of it for ages) but the coverage was extremely dishonest I felt and made me realise that liberal media is the same.

Watch the coverage of the shooting at the BLM march last year. Also feel free to watch the young turks, cnn and msnbc's coverage of any topic. See one of Russell Brands vids on MSM. I cant post it here.
“Paid Millions To LIE??” Is THIS Why MSM Is DYING??!"

Ah well there wont be any opposing "liberal' media after 2025 so you will be happy in your wee size 8 jackboots in a theocracy. Sure what could go wrong?
I haven't seen the clip. TYT I used to watch when I was young then I grew up. They spout a lot of nonsense on topics i see them cover. Its clear agenda and narratives. I don't watch right wing channels so not sure of the vitriol you refer to

Maybe that's your problem, that you don't really know how insane right-wing vitriol has gotten recently that it completely dwarfs anything coming out of MSNBC or even the Young Turks. Even just compare the tweets linked here of that Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert compared to AOC, they aren't even in the same solar system in vitriol and misinformation content. Every month or so I spent an hour or two listening to right-wing media just to know where they are at, and its an entirely different level to anything the libs or left has done.

Did you ever listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck? They were already exponentially more hateful than anything you'd hear on "liberal cable news" or even Air America in its short life. And now between OANN, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson there is nothing on "lib media" that even comes close to the vitriol. And there is no left-wing equivalent to the GDL or Proud Boys.
Bias in what way? I consumed all the evidence and realised it wasn't matching up to how the MSM was conveying it
Calling the victims of a crime “geezers” suggests you are not sympathetic.

Maybe you are being open minded, but a comment like that sounds like something a close-minded Republican would say. It doesn’t help how your argument is viewed.

Imagine a defense lawyer calling the victims “geezers” in court, would that be a god look?
Maybe that's your problem, that you don't really know how insane right-wing vitriol has gotten recently that it completely dwarfs anything coming out of MSNBC or even the Young Turks. Even just compare the tweets linked here of that Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert compared to AOC, they aren't even in the same solar system in vitriol and misinformation content. Every month or so I spent an hour or two listening to right-wing media just to know where they are at, and its an entirely different level to anything the libs or left has done.

Did you ever listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck? They were already exponentially more hateful than anything you'd hear on "liberal cable news" or even Air America in its short life. And now between OANN, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson there is nothing on "lib media" that even comes close to the vitriol. And there is no left-wing equivalent to the GDL or Proud Boys.
He’s taking a ridiculous position. While claiming he doesn’t watch right wing media. Makes sense.
1. Student loan debt relief - according to Charlamagne the God it wasn't as much as promised on his interviews with Biden.
2. Massive investment in infrastructure - A bit vague
3. Ability of medicare to negotiate drug prices - This sounds good
4. Capping of insulin prices for those on medicare (would be for everyone but for the GOP rejecting that amendment) - again sounds promising
5. Massive investment in renewable energy a bit vague like what is he investing in his renewable energy stocks and shares?
6. Massive investment in technology via the CHIP act - how does it affect regular people?
7. Funding for veterans affected by burn pits - thats decent
8. Lowest unemployment in decades - unemployment has decreased to lowest levels with pretty much every recent president. but this time its coupled with sky high gas prices and inflation so I dont think the people are happy.

That's just off the top and I am sure I am missing some. I am sure that the other side has similar stuff, right? So what laws or EO's passed from 2016 to 2020 had a positive impact on regular people? What actual policy position of current GOP candidates (not talking points, but actual bills) will have a positive effect on regular people?
you asking the wrong person mate. don't follow them closely enough but I'm sure if you research you could find some. I mean I know of a few off the top e.g.

1. PPP loans - very popular among business owners and scammers in the hood.
2. Stimulus cheques were popular among the small folk from the CARES Act
3. Prison reform
4. opportunity zones - saw this on a debate hosted by P Diddy
5. Pardoned Kodak Black, Weezy and others.
6. Lowest unemployment in decades
7. There were bills aimed at crime in particular drug trafficking's violent crime etc.
8. There was investment in farming

As I said these were ones I heard of in debates mostly as I mostly heard news reported about Trumps tweets as opposed to policies etc. I am sure with due dilligence you can find something. The issue with American politics is its hella tribal. Y'all act like sports teams and won't give the other side an ounce of credit (both ways).
Ah well there wont be any opposing "liberal' media after 2025 so you will be happy in your wee size 8 jackboots in a theocracy. Sure what could go wrong?
This is what I am on about. So bloody dramatic
1) there will always be a liberal media and a conservative one. Both make too much money for their bosses spreading propaganda and creating narratives which their respective fanbases lap up. Why would anyone cut that?
2) I would prefer there is some kind of accountability and journalistic integrity in what commentators say online. would prefer that than straight up cancellation
3) Never worn Jackboots
Maybe that's your problem, that you don't really know how insane right-wing vitriol has gotten recently that it completely dwarfs anything coming out of MSNBC or even the Young Turks. Even just compare the tweets linked here of that Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert compared to AOC, they aren't even in the same solar system in vitriol and misinformation content. Every month or so I spent an hour or two listening to right-wing media just to know where they are at, and its an entirely different level to anything the libs or left has done.

Did you ever listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck? They were already exponentially more hateful than anything you'd hear on "liberal cable news" or even Air America in its short life. And now between OANN, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson there is nothing on "lib media" that even comes close to the vitriol. And there is no left-wing equivalent to the GDL or Proud Boys.
Marjorie Taylor tweets some wild shit. Never heard of Lauren Boebert. Rush Limbaugh never watched him. Heard of Sean Hannity but not recently. Glenn Beck nope. I have seen Tucker Carlson (spreader of white replacement theory and purveyor of white victimisation) I remember they had a guy Bill O Reilly from Fox back in the day as he used to debate Marc Lamont Hill who I used to follow. Bill got fired for sexual harrassment. Heard of Candace Owen.
Calling the victims of a crime “geezers” suggests you are not sympathetic.

Maybe you are being open minded, but a comment like that sounds like something a close-minded Republican would say. It doesn’t help how your argument is viewed.

Imagine a defense lawyer calling the victims “geezers” in court, would that be a god look?
1) I am not a defense lawyer, just a casual viewer.
2) in calling them victims it is you who is showing bias as one of the deceased (the nonce one) was the aggressor and doing some wild shit trying to cause total devastation at the event acting wild. He chased the armed kid down and caused his own demise. I have seen video of the whole event after I watched discussions with Andrew Schaultz debating Charlamagne. He wasn't no victim of anything and I have no sympathy for that paedo. The other dude tried to hit the kid with a skateboard. The 3rd guy shot also had a gun. The 2nd guy was maybe a bit unfortunate but who told him to attack an armed person? None of us would do such nonsense.
He’s taking a ridiculous position. While claiming he doesn’t watch right wing media. Makes sense.
I don't consume a lot of media in general for the reasons I stated. Its biased, narratives, tribal and dishonest. most that comes on my feed is The View, MSNBC, CNN, TYT, The Hill, ET Canada.
Why there isn't a cry from the American public to have more than two choices come election time, I'll never know. Two parties for a population of 360 million is ridiculous and a big part of the reason why it's so partisan. Almost beyond repair it seems like from far away.

In Denmark with our 6m people, we just had an election where there were 14 parties on the ballot, 12 of which got into parliament as they got more than 2% of the vote.
This is what I am on about. So bloody dramatic
1) there will always be a liberal media and a conservative one. Both make too much money for their bosses spreading propaganda and creating narratives which their respective fanbases lap up. Why would anyone cut that?
2) I would prefer there is some kind of accountability and journalistic integrity in what commentators say online. would prefer that than straight up cancellation
3) Never worn Jackboots

Marjorie Taylor tweets some wild shit. Never heard of Lauren Boebert. Rush Limbaugh never watched him. Heard of Sean Hannity but not recently. Glenn Beck nope. I have seen Tucker Carlson (spreader of white replacement theory and purveyor of white victimisation) I remember they had a guy Bill O Reilly from Fox back in the day as he used to debate Marc Lamont Hill who I used to follow. Bill got fired for sexual harrassment. Heard of Candace Owen.

1) I am not a defense lawyer, just a casual viewer.
2) in calling them victims it is you who is showing bias as one of the deceased (the nonce one) was the aggressor and doing some wild shit trying to cause total devastation at the event acting wild. He chased the armed kid down and caused his own demise. I have seen video of the whole event after I watched discussions with Andrew Schaultz debating Charlamagne. He wasn't no victim of anything and I have no sympathy for that paedo. The other dude tried to hit the kid with a skateboard. The 3rd guy shot also had a gun. The 2nd guy was maybe a bit unfortunate but who told him to attack an armed person? None of us would do such nonsense.

I don't consume a lot of media in general for the reasons I stated. Its biased, narratives, tribal and dishonest. most that comes on my feed is The View, MSNBC, CNN, TYT, The Hill, ET Canada.
Another classic, coupled with the list post. :lol:
Why there isn't a cry from the American public to have more than two choices come election time, I'll never know. Two parties for a population of 360 million is ridiculous and a big part of the reason why it's so partisan. Almost beyond repair it seems like from far away.

In Denmark with our 6m people, we just had an election where there were 14 parties on the ballot, 12 of which got into parliament as they got more than 2% of the vote.
If traditional Republicans showed any balls, they would have triggered a definite divorce with Trumpists in the last 2 years already. Such split would have also pushed the same with the Democratic Party in a few years at best. The fact is that neither traditional Republicans nor Trumpists want to want to go their own separate ways, especially traditional Republicans.

In Canada, we have 4 mainstream federal parties with the odd Green MP. That should be enough to build an alliance that can last even with a minority government in any country rather than emulate the mess in Israel.
there didn't need to be a what? This Ukraine beef been brewing since 2014 when Crimea was annexed
Putin didn’t need to invade when Trump was POTUS. Trump was giving Putin everything he wanted anyway! “This Ukraine beef” . Jesus!
Why there isn't a cry from the American public to have more than two choices come election time, I'll never know. Two parties for a population of 360 million is ridiculous and a big part of the reason why it's so partisan. Almost beyond repair it seems like from far away.

In Denmark with our 6m people, we just had an election where there were 14 parties on the ballot, 12 of which got into parliament as they got more than 2% of the vote.
I would seriously consider to vote an independent. I remember Marc Lamont Hill faced backlash from some members of the black community because he said he would be an independent and they said he was basically giving away free points to the pubs. Its super partisan. Like Andrew Schultz said, the more research and news they consume, each see the other side as evil and seem to want them to face jail and physical harm for their views. scary shit :nervous:
I haven't seen the clip. TYT I used to watch when I was young then I grew up. They spout a lot of nonsense on topics i see them cover. Its clear agenda and narratives. I don't watch right wing channels so not sure of the vitriol you refer to
I have seen TYT , I’ve not seen any nonsense being spouted. If you want nonsense, vitriol , misinformation and downright lies check out Fox and OAN.
Why there isn't a cry from the American public to have more than two choices come election time, I'll never know. Two parties for a population of 360 million is ridiculous and a big part of the reason why it's so partisan. Almost beyond repair it seems like from far away.

i do wonder what the end result of the polarisation will be?
will it just continue
will people eventually overcome it and work together more (perhaps some external event such as climate change?)
will multi party politics naturally arise
civil war?

My own guess is that at some point a state like Texas or New York disagrees with an election outcome and seriously looks at leaving the union... texit/ nexit I guess
I have seen TYT , I’ve not seen any nonsense being spouted. If you want nonsense, vitriol , misinformation and downright lies check out Fox and OAN.
Same. To say that TYT spout nonsense is purely horseshit.

That being said, I'm more of a regular watcher of No Lie with Bryan Tyler Cohen.
you asking the wrong person mate. don't follow them closely enough but I'm sure if you research you could find some. I mean I know of a few off the top e.g.

1. PPP loans - very popular among business owners and scammers in the hood.
2. Stimulus cheques were popular among the small folk from the CARES Act
3. Prison reform
4. opportunity zones - saw this on a debate hosted by P Diddy
5. Pardoned Kodak Black, Weezy and others.
6. Lowest unemployment in decades
7. There were bills aimed at crime in particular drug trafficking's violent crime etc.
8. There was investment in farming

As I said these were ones I heard of in debates mostly as I mostly heard news reported about Trumps tweets as opposed to policies etc. I am sure with due dilligence you can find something. The issue with American politics is its hella tribal. Y'all act like sports teams and won't give the other side an ounce of credit (both ways).
Did you really just cite Charlamagne the God in a political discussion :lol:
Did you really just cite Charlamagne the God in a political discussion :lol:
With his platform he has an influence. POTUS and VP have regular sat down for interviews with him to discuss what is required for the black vote and what they want for the black community. Why is this?
before the election, Charlamagne demanded that the VP be black and I think female and look what happened. Don't act like he doesn't have an influence. I don't approve of it but the reality is black entertainers are relevant in politics of African Americans. Why you think they get Cardi B, Beyonce, Lebron and all these people pushing the Dem vote?
Can only hope that one day the electoral college is scrapped. Given how gerrymandered a lot of states are now it's the only way to preserve democracy in America moving forward. The Republicans will win these elections plus the 2024 election through cheating, period.
My own guess is that at some point a state like Texas or New York disagrees with an election outcome and seriously looks at leaving the union... texit/ nexit I guess

Can't see it. These states have so much at stake that secession would see them massively fecked in defense, federal subsidies, economics, and so forth. Perhaps a bigger state with massive economical power like California, New York, and Texas could do it compared to others but it leaves them open to unseen after effects.

Good luck defending the Mexico border and Gulf waters, Texas, and better hope the US remains on friendly terms with military forces in the surrounding states. The Armed Forces belong to the US so they're immediately withdrawn and installations shut down which would be a massive financial disaster to local cities. People start relocating out of state. Then some of the big and medium-sized corporations decide to relocate.
Can't see it. These states have so much at stake that secession would see them massively fecked in defense, federal subsidies, economics, and so forth. Perhaps a bigger state with massive economical power like California, New York, and Texas could do it compared to others but it leaves them open to unseen after effects.

Good luck defending the Mexico border and Gulf waters, Texas, and better hope the US remains on friendly terms with military forces in the surrounding states. The Armed Forces belong to the US so they're immediately withdrawn and installations shut down which would be a massive financial disaster to local cities. People start relocating out of state. Then some of the big and medium-sized corporations decide to relocate.
i suspect it would be more like a farrage / UKIP style 20 years of bile till it reached a tipping point so not 2024... but who knows in 2044 if things have got even more divided
This is what I am on about. So bloody dramatic
1) there will always be a liberal media and a conservative one. Both make too much money for their bosses spreading propaganda and creating narratives which their respective fanbases lap up. Why would anyone cut that?
2) I would prefer there is some kind of accountability and journalistic integrity in what commentators say online. would prefer that than straight up cancellation
3) Never worn Jackboots

Marjorie Taylor tweets some wild shit. Never heard of Lauren Boebert. Rush Limbaugh never watched him. Heard of Sean Hannity but not recently. Glenn Beck nope. I have seen Tucker Carlson (spreader of white replacement theory and purveyor of white victimisation) I remember they had a guy Bill O Reilly from Fox back in the day as he used to debate Marc Lamont Hill who I used to follow. Bill got fired for sexual harrassment. Heard of Candace Owen.

1) I am not a defense lawyer, just a casual viewer.
2) in calling them victims it is you who is showing bias as one of the deceased (the nonce one) was the aggressor and doing some wild shit trying to cause total devastation at the event acting wild. He chased the armed kid down and caused his own demise. I have seen video of the whole event after I watched discussions with Andrew Schaultz debating Charlamagne. He wasn't no victim of anything and I have no sympathy for that paedo. The other dude tried to hit the kid with a skateboard. The 3rd guy shot also had a gun. The 2nd guy was maybe a bit unfortunate but who told him to attack an armed person? None of us would do such nonsense.

I don't consume a lot of media in general for the reasons I stated. Its biased, narratives, tribal and dishonest. most that comes on my feed is The View, MSNBC, CNN, TYT, The Hill, ET Canada.

"so bloody dramatic" he/she says the day after the republican candidate stated openly that a republican wont ever lose in Wisconsin again after he is elected. Walking blindfolded over a cliff edge.