2022 US Elections

Lots of garlic, lots of blue cheese...just masking the ugly truth
So guessing you eat plain bread, plain pasta, plain potatoes, etc.? No need to add sauces, cheese, herbs, etc. to those right as you only need to add stuff to mask bad flavors, right?
So guessing you eat plain bread, plain pasta, plain potatoes, etc.? No need to add sauces, cheese, herbs, etc. to those right as you only need to add stuff to mask bad flavors, right?

No. I put some garlic and some blue cheese (or yes, a lot too), not burying the taste. Don't mind me, cauliflower is my nemesis, it was the only vegetable that I negotiated with my mother as a kid as a no no in exchange to eat everything else. And yes, buried with tones of cheese is delicious...mmm cheese
That also sounds good. Recently I was tossing it with paprika and oil before sauteeing, too.
Speaking of buffalo sauce, made buffalo chicken stuffed sweet potatoes drizzled with ranch dressing last night. Ridiculously good.
The more it goes, the more I believe there is a need for foreign official observers and foreign military to enforce security on the ground around the elections just like it's done in some third-world countries where there is/was tension surrounding the electoral system.

I don't mind if Canada sends our boys from the 34 Canadian Brigade Group after they had that major military exercise outside of Montreal on Saturday. Arizona, Nevada and Michigan look like they are in need of it.
Thanks! I've changed so much since that time, I was only 17 at the time and when I remember some of the posts I had at the time I cringe and I feel embarassed. :lol:

Isn’t waking up and feeling shame at things I posted on the Caf a morning tradition for everyone?
Who hurt you with bad sprouts? Sprouts roasted with butter and bacon fat, finished in the broiler to char and topped with bacon? Top 3 side dish.
At that point are you eating sprouts or eating bacon?

Simple blanched and grilled, then sautéed with garlic and butter suffices.
Who hurt you with bad sprouts? Sprouts roasted with butter and bacon fat, finished in the broiler to char and topped with bacon? Top 3 side dish.
Buffalo cauliflower with homemade bleu cheese dressing & micro celery.

Delicious. These are my two favorite gastropub foods although I prefer the cauliflower without bleu cheese myself. Cauliflower is amazing, I love cauliflower rice and potatoes too.
That is awesome! I am 50 and have voted in every election since I turned 18. Even though most of my votes didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, I still get emotional every time I vote. In Maryland we actually get to vote on legalizing recreational marijuana this election which is interesting.
What county are you in? AA?

Who hurt you with bad sprouts? Sprouts roasted with butter and bacon fat, finished in the broiler to char and topped with bacon? Top 3 side dish.
To be fair I was lied to about sprouts my whole life. Always given them boiled by my parents in Ireland.
My wife introduced me to sautéed sprouts. I do them now in olive oil with garlic and red chilli flakes.
What county are you in? AA?

To be fair I was lied to about sprouts my whole life. Always given them boiled by my parents in Ireland.
My wife introduced me to sautéed sprouts. I do them now in olive oil with garlic and red chilli flakes.

To be fair to your parents (and mine who also tried to instill a hatred of sprouts), current sprouts are not the same ones they grew up hating.

From Culinary Dud To Stud: How Dutch Plant Breeders Built Our Brussels Sprouts Boom : The Salt : NPR
What is more surprising, that Bobo endorsed her spiritual and intellectual mother or that the press release announcing it misspelled her name?

What is more surprising, that Bobo endorsed her spiritual and intellectual mother or that the press release announcing it misspelled her name?

A surprising amount of people talk about the turn in American politics like it started with Trump in 2016, but Palin could have been one old guy away from the Presidency.
A surprising amount of people talk about the turn in American politics like it started with Trump in 2016, but Palin could have been one old guy away from the Presidency.

Palin is not even close to how dangerous Trump is. McCain - Palin sounds very reasonable today... and in my opinion is better than Bush-Cheney.
Palin is not even close to how dangerous Trump is. McCain - Palin sounds very reasonable today... and in my opinion is better than Bush-Cheney.
The insanity on the right can be traced back to the Palin / Tea Party era. She’s basically the insanity OG.
Palin is not even close to how dangerous Trump is. McCain - Palin sounds very reasonable today... and in my opinion is better than Bush-Cheney.

I feel like we wouldn't be saying this if Palin actually became president. She could have been every bit as dangerous IMO. Not as war-crimey as Bush and Cheney, but dangerous to Americans for sure.
It can be tracked to Reagan if you like. However, Trump is a whole different level of crazy.
More difficult to extend back to Reagan outside of evangelical influence. Some also say that Gingrich was the match that lit the fuse, but that’s more actual nuts & bolts crazy like wanting to be able to drown the country in a bathtub / Grover Norquist batshittery. But you are right about Trump being a new level & version of crazy & the land started getting tilled by Palin / Tea Party. Trump didn’t invent any crazy, he just illuminated it & gave it an exceptionally sturdy platform.
More difficult to extend back to Reagan outside of evangelical influence. Some also say that Gingrich was the match that lit the fuse, but that’s more actual nuts & bolts crazy like wanting to be able to drown the country in a bathtub / Grover Norquist batshittery. But you are right about Trump being a new level & version of crazy & the land started getting tilled by Palin / Tea Party. Trump didn’t invent any crazy, he just illuminated it & gave it an exceptionally sturdy platform.

Reagan-Gingrich-Bush/Cheney-Tea Party-Trump

(Let's not forget the Florida 2000)
More difficult to extend back to Reagan outside of evangelical influence. Some also say that Gingrich was the match that lit the fuse, but that’s more actual nuts & bolts crazy like wanting to be able to drown the country in a bathtub / Grover Norquist batshittery. But you are right about Trump being a new level & version of crazy & the land started getting tilled by Palin / Tea Party. Trump didn’t invent any crazy, he just illuminated it & gave it an exceptionally sturdy platform.

A lot of the America first stuff was pushed forward with Reagan. Ronnie used the phrase Make America Great Again and a lot of Reagan supporters (including some of the Reagan Democrats of the era) were of that "I only care about America, feck the rest of the world" variety. Reagan also was the culmination of a lot of work from the followers of Barry Goldwater who really emphasized the culture war and started to undermine the whole "Rockefeller Republicans" that weren't as into the rabid social conservative things.

Maybe it can be traced back to the Southern Strategy where the GOP consolidated a lot of those early MAGA types whereas before, they were spread across both parties and thus more diluted.