2022 US Elections

This could be viewed as a satirical piece by SNL or from an UHF-like movie.
Seriously worried about the next 5 years.

Republicans are going to turn America upside down And it’s going to spill into Europe because they’re so compromised by Russia, Ukraine is going to be handed to them on a plate. They want revenge on Zelensky as much as anything.
Seriously worried about the next 5 years.

Republicans are going to turn America upside down And it’s going to spill into Europe because they’re so compromised by Russia, Ukraine is going to be handed to them on a plate. They want revenge on Zelensky as much as anything.
A bit dramatic that. There was no war last time a Republican was in office.
Maybe it’s the last shred of eternal optimist that still resides in me, but I’m not buying all the doom mongering. I think the GOP still gets the house, but I also think the Dems pick up a seat in the senate. I’m just not buying that enough people will actually decide that Walker/Oz are who they want as their Senators. I think Ryan has a good chance in Ohio too. There is also a good chance that that last shred of optimism is snuffed out in a few days.

They don't call him Baby Goebbels for nothing
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.

Except that there is a clear trend where the right is using disinformation and outright lies to create their own narratives. There really isn't a problem with this on the American left. Its overwhelmingly a right wing phenomenon.
It's pretty wild tbh

Both parties seem to be really into accusing the other of wanting to commit genocide, while at the same time rarely having any disagreements in actual policy. It's a political system where everyone thinks their next door neighbour is a confederate nazi or white hating communist while also agreeing that ICE and the police need more funding.
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Maybe it’s the last shred of eternal optimist that still resides in me, but I’m not buying all the doom mongering. I think the GOP still gets the house, but I also think the Dems pick up a seat in the senate. I’m just not buying that enough people will actually decide that Walker/Oz are who they want as their Senators. I think Ryan has a good chance in Ohio too. There is also a good chance that that last shred of optimism is snuffed out in a few days.

This 2 should have 0 votes to be honest. Specially walker. If i would not know his political views and i would have a conversation with him without touching that topic, i would think that he is way below IQ and EQ than average. How you would like a person to govern you?

So not having enough people to vote him in is a pirric victory, (if he loses), but having close to 50% is a real loss in georgian (and per extension US) Society.

What i dont understand in today's worldwide politics, is that people are voting morons based in ideology like a sport team. Im R so ill vote R no matter what and the sane with D, tories labour etc...

Having different ideologies and being governed by it it would be okeish as long as they are competent and they would look in a decent percentage of their policies, for the best of the society. But lately not only they are evil but they are fecking morons. And walker is the epitome of it
This 2 should have 0 votes to be honest. Specially walker. If i would not know his political views and i would have a conversation with him without touching that topic, i would think that he is way below IQ and EQ than average. How you would like a person to govern you?

So not having enough people to vote him in is a pirric victory, (if he loses), but having close to 50% is a real loss in georgian (and per extension US) Society.

What i dont understand in today's worldwide politics, is that people are voting morons based in ideology like a sport team. Im R so ill vote R no matter what and the sane with D, tories labour etc...

Having different ideologies and being governed by it it would be okeish as long as they are competent and they would look in a decent percentage of their policies, for the best of the society. But lately not only they are evil but they are fecking morons. And walker is the epitome of it
The Ds don’t coalesce nearly as well as the Rs when voting. Far more smaller tents under the main one.
The Ds don’t coalesce nearly as well as the Rs when voting. Far more smaller tents under the main one.

That usually happens with right vs left (counting Ds on the left of R, not like truely left). I am biased why i think it happens, but i think is because there is more critical thinking and probably some good people still there (like berny) But at the end of the day, the cynical in me can't help to think that the bigger picture is rigged and doesnt matter much who you vote besides exceptions (like trump and bolsonaro). In the end they try to save their own skin and globally they serve the same master, power and money
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.
Examples of liberal channels telling lies please?
Seriously worried about the next 5 years.

Republicans are going to turn America upside down And it’s going to spill into Europe because they’re so compromised by Russia, Ukraine is going to be handed to them on a plate. They want revenge on Zelensky as much as anything.
Yep. The number of election deniers running for office is astounding! Unless someone or something calls “stop” the USA is heading for deep deep trouble.
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.

No they fecking dont
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.
Link up a couple of these liberal channels. I’d be interested in listening to them.
I see this kind of dramatic campaigning and rhetoric on both sides. I find American politics, especially use of the media, quite abhorrent. Some of the liberal channels say some shocking stuff and the conservative ones just as bad. too much labelling and grouping people rather than focusing on individuals.

I'm hoping for the red to dominate the blue, just as Man Utd dominated Chelsea in late 2000s.
I'd love to hear what kind of things MSNBC say that are just as bad as white nationalist propaganda.
Literally the other day I heard these quotes on MSNBC. Making statements about entire populations is dangerous and you would not tolerate it if said about blacks, Jews, Muslims. The right wingers do the same nonsense when discussing white liberals, blacks and muslims.

"we see American white people are going crazy, they're resorting to violence"

"this is literally what conservative white folks do when they don't get their way they turn violent."

"white replacement can strangle culture, so YES we should all be concerned about white replacement. it is after all a very threat to our survival here (Tiffany Cross).

Imagine telling a group of viewers, "these lot are a threat to your survival." Calm down love! A lot of fear mongering.

Except that there is a clear trend where the right is using disinformation and outright lies to create their own narratives. There really isn't a problem with this on the American left. Its overwhelmingly a right wing phenomenon.

I mean I am pro abortion up to a point but even I found this is a bit excessive.

Also rewatch MSNBC coverage of that kid who shot those geezers during the BLM thing last year. That's really where I first started to notice the narratives they were creating. I hadn't noticed before (well maybe the Yung Turks been guilty of it for ages) but the coverage was extremely dishonest I felt and made me realise that liberal media is the same.

Examples of liberal channels telling lies please?
Watch the coverage of the shooting at the BLM march last year. Also feel free to watch the young turks, cnn and msnbc's coverage of any topic. See one of Russell Brands vids on MSM. I cant post it here.
“Paid Millions To LIE??” Is THIS Why MSM Is DYING??!"
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The Young Turks is one of my personal favs. CNN depending on who is on as they are meant to be neutral. MSNBC is the biggest one
I watch TYT all the time. There’s no association between them & right wing vitriol, there just isn’t. MSNBC is also not even close in terms of comparative vitriol. Not even in the same time zone.

If you think the quotes you posted & the anti-abortion clip is associative with the Miller clip I posted, that’s surreal.
Literally the other day I heard these quotes on MSNBC. Making statements about entire populations is dangerous and you would not tolerate it if said about blacks, Jews, Muslims. The right wingers do the same nonsense when discussing white liberals, blacks and muslims.

"we see American white people are going crazy, they're resorting to violence"

"this is literally what conservative white folks do when they don't get their way they turn violent."

"white replacement can strangle culture, so YES we should all be concerned about white replacement. it is after all a very threat to our survival here (Tiffany Cross).

Imagine telling a group of viewers, "these lot are a threat to your survival." Calm down love! A lot of fear mongering.
Checks stats, can confirm: all of those things you're portraying as...outlandish?... are entirely true. I'm a bit confused, are you saying white people didn't go crazy and turn violent on Jan 6th? Are you saying white replacement theory is not something to be concerned about?

Only one party in the US wants to govern. Only one party wants to put into law policies that will improve lives of regular people.

The GOP has no policy platform. It's a platform of owning the libs, getting rid of government and winning at all costs. But when it wins, it doesn't know how to actually do anything, because the candidates never had a good idea outside of getting elected.
I watch TYT all the time. There’s no association between them & right wing vitriol, there just isn’t. MSNBC is also not even close in terms of comparative vitriol. Not even in the same time zone.

If you think the quotes you posted & the anti-abortion clip is associative with the Miller clip I posted, that’s surreal.
I haven't seen the clip. TYT I used to watch when I was young then I grew up. They spout a lot of nonsense on topics i see them cover. Its clear agenda and narratives. I don't watch right wing channels so not sure of the vitriol you refer to
Also rewatch MSNBC coverage of that kid who shot those geezers during the BLM thing last year.
You might want to avoid a comment like this if you're looking to discuss bias, it makes you seem very biased.