2022 US Elections

I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.
I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.
I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.

Congrats. Whether or not your guy wins, voting still produces a self-satisfactory feeling that you are in a way advancing policies that matter to you.
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I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.
Would McMullin canvass with Democrats or Republicans? He is essentially a pre ‘let’s go full nuts’ Republican right?
Said he would be very pragmatic with his votes / legislation & that he's not going to caucus with either party.
I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.

That is awesome! I am 50 and have voted in every election since I turned 18. Even though most of my votes didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, I still get emotional every time I vote. In Maryland we actually get to vote on legalizing recreational marijuana this election which is interesting.
That is awesome! I am 50 and have voted in every election since I turned 18. Even though most of my votes didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, I still get emotional every time I vote. In Maryland we actually get to vote on legalizing recreational marijuana this election which is interesting.
I acutely remember being emotional the first time I voted, where I was, etc.
Thank you!
Congrats. Whether or not your guy wins, voting still produces a self-satisfactory feeling that you are in a way advancing policies that matter to you.
Thank you, my vote feeling like a "feck you" to Greg Abott is indeed satisfying
That is awesome! I am 50 and have voted in every election since I turned 18. Even though most of my votes didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, I still get emotional every time I vote. In Maryland we actually get to vote on legalizing recreational marijuana this election which is interesting.
Interesting, I didn't even know the ballot included laws and such until I reached that part, I was surprised by the number of positions I had to vote on too.
Thank you!

Thank you, my vote feeling like a "feck you" to Greg Abott is indeed satisfying

Interesting, I didn't even know the ballot included laws and such until I reached that part, I was surprised by the number of positions I had to vote on too.

Yeah, depending on where you live, there are always things like "registrar of wills", "judge of the orphan courts" and things like that which are really hard to research if you want to be informed.
Pastors like this type, being R or D are disgusting.even if they resonate on some things they say

Because if you are a pastor, stay on your religious sermons, influencing your comunity using a belief system to influence politics is wrong. Specially when it looks such a sect flair
Because if you are a pastor, stay on your religious sermons, influencing your comunity using a belief system to influence politics is wrong. Specially when it looks such a sect flair

Did he mention God once in that clip?

I don't disagree that religious leaders can have an enormous impact on peoples' beliefs (political and otherwise) and as long as Church's remain untaxed there should be limits on how they conduct themselves, but I do not think they should be muzzled from speaking their opinions.

Also, to label that service as a "sect" (and using that word as a derogatory term) after a 2 min clip is a bit much.
Did he mention God once in that clip?

I don't disagree that religious leaders can have an enormous impact on peoples' beliefs (political and otherwise) and as long as Church's remain untaxed there should be limits on how they conduct themselves, but I do not think they should be muzzled from speaking their opinions.

Also, to label that service as a "sect" (and using that word as a derogatory term) after a 2 min clip is a bit much.

He didnt mention god but this people revers him because he is a christian pastor, not a ethics pastor. This guy has his influence based on god belief and nothing else

Religion should be out of anything government related, should be taxed and should have not lobby. Im pretty sure you critizied evangrlist influence R nd specially trump. They have a saying ln LGTB and what is happening at books prohibition

God into the church and thats it

And yes, this pastor like scenes, looks to me like a sect fervent followers, not because of 2 min, but is because i see this trend in this type of services. And seeing people jumping, screaming, body movement...i would be embarrassed if it would be someone i know. Is sect behaviour, but as it is christian is accepted
Because if you are a pastor, stay on your religious sermons, influencing your comunity using a belief system to influence politics is wrong. Specially when it looks such a sect flair
Evangelical & AME churches have long blurred the lines between church & politics, it’s just more pronounced now with social media, broadcasting, etc. Normally it has been used for good (‘Souls to the Polls,’ for example), but it has taken a bit of a darker turn recently, especially the evangelicals.

I eschew all western organized religions equally. They’ve all gone far enough into politics to warrant losing their tax exempt statuses.
Evangelical & AME churches have long blurred the lines between church & politics, it’s just more pronounced now with social media, broadcasting, etc. Normally it has been used for good (‘Souls to the Polls,’ for example), but it has taken a bit of a darker turn recently, especially the evangelicals.

I eschew all western organized religions equally. They’ve all gone far enough into politics to warrant losing their tax exempt statuses.

Agree, all of these institutions lobby for their own benefit, but in europe they do it more sneaky and at a high level sipping down to sermons in a more calm and shady demeanor (with exceptions). While this pastor sermon crazyness goes straight to a ecstatic vote for this because god (almost) told me. Hell, even some qualify trump near messiah figure
He didnt mention god but this people revers him because he is a christian pastor, not a ethics pastor. This guy has his influence based on god belief and nothing else

Religion should be out of anything government related, should be taxed and should have not lobby. Im pretty sure you critizied evangrlist influence R nd specially trump. They have a saying ln LGTB and what is happening at books prohibition

God into the church and thats it

And yes, this pastor like scenes, looks to me like a sect fervent followers, not because of 2 min, but is because i see this trend in this type of services. And seeing people jumping, screaming, body movement...i would be embarrassed if it would be someone i know. Is sect behaviour, but as it is christian is accepted

Of course I challenged the evangelical proselytizing of Trump, but I would do that in this case to if the preacher had invoked God in his message. That for me is the breaking point. If the preacher speaks from personal beliefs, even to his congregation, that is fine with me. However, the moment that message even suggests that it is "god's message" is the moment it crosses a line.

As for the service, it is not unlike quite a few I attended over the years in the south, especially in predominantly African American churches. For me it is not about how a service/worship is conducted, but about what the message is. I can tell you I for sure had more fun there than at a Catholic mass.
Agree, all of these institutions lobby for their own benefit, but in europe they do it more sneaky and at a high level sipping down to sermons in a more calm and shady demeanor (with exceptions). While this pastor sermon crazyness goes straight to a ecstatic vote for this because god (almost) told me. Hell, even some qualify trump near messiah figure
If I have a soft spot for religion, it is those AA services with music & motion. I used to occasionally attend services with my best friend when I was 10ish. It sent shockwaves through my mother’s racist side of family based in Mississippi & Louisiana that I (a) had a black best friend as an adolescent, (b) our family never went to church, & (c) I would at times go to an AME service with said best friend. The arguments that would trigger at family were voluminous.
Surely one of the vilest of cnuts who has ever been a minister. Hopefully the theory Sunak brought her back knowing she’d destroy herself is true and she’s gone this evening.

Think you may have confused one wacko political thread with another wacko political thread.
If I have a soft spot for religion, it is those AA services with music & motion. I used to occasionally attend services with my best friend when I was 10ish. It sent shockwaves through my mother’s racist side of family based in Mississippi & Louisiana that I (a) had a black best friend as an adolescent, (b) our family never went to church, & (c) I would at times go to an AME service with said best friend. The arguments that would trigger at family were voluminous.

And i dont have anything against it as long it stays in religious bounderies. Everybody can believe in whichever god(s) they want as long it doesnt affect others
Of course I challenged the evangelical proselytizing of Trump, but I would do that in this case to if the preacher had invoked God in his message. That for me is the breaking point. If the preacher speaks from personal beliefs, even to his congregation, that is fine with me. However, the moment that message even suggests that it is "god's message" is the moment it crosses a line.

As for the service, it is not unlike quite a few I attended over the years in the south, especially in predominantly African American churches. For me it is not about how a service/worship is conducted, but about what the message is. I can tell you I for sure had more fun there than at a Catholic mass.

I guess is matter of red lines. For you it needs to contain explicitly the word god. For me, god is implied when you are in a church and is a pastor that speaks in a sermon

Outside and in an informal conversation...maybe as everybody is entitled to political views
I'm going to vote for the first time in my life today, I know it's Texas and my vote probably won't change anything, but I'm really excited about it, I've only become a US citizen earlier this year and coming from Syria where voting rights aren't protected the ability to vote on its own is amazing to me.

Youv come a long way since the newbies @syrian_scholes. Happy for you!
Should be something shit like brussel sprouts and whatever is a distant second to how shit brussel sprouts are.

Who hurt you with bad sprouts? Sprouts roasted with butter and bacon fat, finished in the broiler to char and topped with bacon? Top 3 side dish.