2022 US Elections

Just turned this on. It does sound like Walker getting softballs and Warnock getting some trickier questions but Warnock needs to fight back, he doesn't seem to have a lot of fight in him.
I've always known Walker is an idiot, but I'm actually genuinely shocked watching him speak live. There have been plenty of incompetent and/or evil people who have been elected in the US, but I truly can't believe there has ever been anyone who is as obviously a moron as Walker. Literally every single thing he says is moronic. Trump is Einstein compared to this.
Walker is a complete world salad. Warnock needs to fecking fight and stop being a politician.
This was my worst fear. Warnock looks completely underprepared and overconfident. This should have been easy. Shocking.
This debate might turn the tide for Walker. Warnock was terrible at making any kind of point to any of the questions.
Honestly, I think he may have lost the seat tonight. That was one of the worst debate performances I have seen compared to expectations. I know exactly what he was doing, which is what every fecking Democrat politician does: Try to get the "moderate undecided voter". feck THAT YOU feckING PUSSY. All you did tonight was demotivate your base and make Walker seem less like an idiot.
The problem with Warnock is that he is a pastor. He's not going to roll up his sleeves and fight.
Also, they both fecked with my drinking game by pissing me off so I ended up drinking a growler and 2 shots of Roses in an hour. I "may" be as fecked up as Warnocks performance was.
It is always hard to admit that our guy (D) is as useless as their guy (R).
I don't think he's useless (as a legislator), but he has the aggression of Luke Shaw and the finishing ability of a Rashford/Bruno lovechild.
That was an atrocious performance from Warnock but Walker is just a horrible, terrible person. There's no way Warnock can blow this easy win is there?
I wish we could have swapped in Mandela Barnes for Warnock. He would have left the stage covered in blood with Walker's soul in his pocket.
I don't think he's useless (as a legislator), but he has the aggression of Luke Shaw and the finishing ability of a Rashford/Bruno lovechild.

I am an atheist, so I really dislike having a pastor in the Senate. I'd be more happy if the democratic candidate was a football player, with many illegitimate kids, and two brain cells more than Walker. Leave the pastors for the republicans.
I am an atheist, so I really dislike having a pastor in the Senate. I'd be more happy if the democratic candidate was a football player, with many illegitimate kids, and two brain cells more than Walker. Leave the pastors for the republicans.
I don’t have an issue with any profession being in congress. Having a legislative body the is a mirror of the population is a good thing. Unfortunately, half that mirror is currently on loan from a Halloween fun house,
Scarborough has glossed Vance ‘Butters’ as in South Park. No clue of the comparison is apt or not.

I haven't seen enough South Park episodes to know either but if it angers Vance, I'd happily agree to that moniker
I didn't say they'd be right, but it's certainly in the realm of "unfortunate side effects" of democratic republics.
I have seen videos of actual fights breaking in the South Korean and Taiwanese parliaments before. Warnock vs. Walker ain't the worst I've seen as side effects of democratic republics.
I have seen videos of actual fights breaking in the South Korean and Taiwanese parliaments before. Warnock vs. Walker ain't the worst I've seen as side effects of democratic republics.
A fight isn't the same as a complete lacking of any conceivable form of competence. Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton, though they did have the decency to take it outside, didn't make him a bad politician.