2022 US Elections

I presume he’s arrested but not disqualified from running and loads of people will vote for him
Based on what I am reading, I really think and officer probably told Walker at one point that he could be deputized if needed (just like any civilian can be) and he ran with it. He is too stupid to understand nuance or hyperbole so his mind is just running with it. It's remarkable that he can possible win this thing.

He’s effective Reggie Rae from Not Another Teen Movie, one more concussion and he’s done
Just voted here in Savannah. The Dominion machine had a bit of a software hiccup while I was voting, so I raised my hand & said that it appears that my machine may have been broken on its flight from Venezuela.

Don't think anyone got it.
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Just voted here in Savannah. The Dominio machine had a bit of a software hiccup while I was voting, so I raised my hand & said that it appears that my machine may have been broken on its flight from Venezuela.

Don't think anyone got it.
Did you check to see if Soros was hiding inside the machine so he could change everyone's vote?
Did you check to see if Soros was hiding inside the machine so he could change everyone's vote?
They swiftly took the machine out of service, couldn't check.

I was surprised at how small the machines are. The machine actually didn't do the tabulation, it printed out a piece of paper with my choices with one of those VR codes on it & I had to run it through a different machine to tabulate it. Pretty cool process & rapid as feck.
Gotta tax these feckers…

How the feck is not XIV century?

You can be right leaning or left leaning, you can be a trumper for feck sake, but how is that even sane? How it differs from a sect? How anyone in that room is not a nutcase or a griter?

HOW IS THAT NORMAL?!?!?! is dystopian is like a bad series/movie
Their America Is Vanishing. Like Trump, They Insist They Were Cheated.

When Representative Troy Nehls of Texas voted last year to reject Donald J. Trump’s electoral defeat, many of his constituents back home in Fort Bend County were thrilled.

Like the former president, they have been unhappy with the changes unfolding around them. Crime and sprawl from Houston, the big city next door, have been spilling over into their once bucolic towns. (“Build a wall,” Mr. Nehls likes to say, and make Houston pay.) The county in recent years has become one of the nation’s most diverse, where the former white majority has fallen to just 30 percent of the population.

Don Demel, a 61-year-old salesman who turned out last month to pick up a signed copy of a book by Mr. Nehls about the supposedly stolen election, said his parents had raised him “colorblind.” But the reason for the discontent was clear: Other white people in Fort Bend “did not like certain people coming here,” he said. “It’s race. They are old-school.”

A shrinking white share of the population is a hallmark of the congressional districts held by the House Republicans who voted to challenge Mr. Trump’s defeat, a New York Times analysis found — a pattern political scientists say shows how white fear of losing status shaped the movement to keep him in power.

Certain districts primarily reflect either the racial or socioeconomic characteristics. But the typical objector district shows both — a fact demographers said was striking.

Because they are more vulnerable, disadvantaged or less educated white voters can feel especially endangered by the trend toward a minority majority, said Ashley Jardina, a political scientist at George Mason University who studies the attitudes of those voters.

“A lot of white Americans who are really threatened are willing to reject democratic norms,” she said, “because they see it as a way to protect their status.”

Texas is one of six states where the white population is now outnumbered by Black, Hispanic and Asian residents. Mr. Nehls’s district, which includes most of Fort Bend County, is part of the reason: It swung from nearly 70 percent to less than 40 percent white over the last three decades.

But changing demographics in many places may not yet be reflected at the polls, because of a larger white share of the voting-age population and higher turnout levels. Exit polls show that white Texans still made up 60 percent of the state’s voters in 2020.

Really interesting article examining the makeups of districts represented by election denier Congressmen and the changing demographics in them. Unfortunately Nehls is my Rep, but as the article states the reason that Texas isn't "purple" or a battleground state despite demographic shifts is really the turnout. The voters that turnout all the time without fail are still the majority white voters.

Couple that with the fearmongering and the ideas that they are "losing their country" to the libs, elites, and black and brown people. And you see why Texas still isn't a battleground state. Even with these large demographic shifts. Our early voting starts today I will probably go Wednesday morning.
Apparently 'alleged criminal activity by a nation-state in the US,' so election security could very well be it.
It's about Chinese intelligence agents operating in the US but not related to election security.
Depends I guess on expectations. It is pretty significant that the US caught PRC officials trying to infiltrate the DOJ.
Oh, no doubt, but it‘s not as juicy as an active campaign to feck with our upcoming election.
The older I get, the more similarities I see between the "left" and the "right". I still have the feeling that most people prefer a moderate center, but unfortunately the extremists scream louder and generate more clicks.

"We need direct talks with Russia and a negotiated settlement
Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush, Barbara Lee, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and others"

Progressive members of Congress are urging Joe Biden to push for a settlement with Russia over Ukraine. Here’s their letter
