2022 US Elections

@Raoul @WI_Red how do you guys see the mid terms going?

feck if I know. My guess is the Dems lose the house by 10-15 seats and pick up 1 or 2 in the senate. The next 2 years will be spent on countless impeachment votes and investigative hearings by the house, the holding of the budget hostage by the house, and absolutely zero legislation passed(thanks to the house).
feck if I know. My guess is the Dems lose the house by 10-15 seats and pick up 1 or 2 in the senate. The next 2 years will be spent on countless impeachment votes and investigative hears by the house, the holding of the budget hostage by the house, and absolutely zero legislation passed(thanks to the house).

fecking hell. Why are people so fecking stupid in continuing to vote for these fascist assholes?
fecking hell. Why are people so fecking stupid in continuing to vote for these fascist assholes?

my non flippant answer will be that it is (in broad terms) because they::

1) Are assholes who love to hate and love that the GOP has given them license to do so openly.
2) Are selfish assholes who care only for the tax breaks and policies that will enrich them, at the expense of the basic rights of others.
3) Are religious nutters who think god is telling them to vote to save the babies no matter how many other countless thousands die from the other GOP “policies”.
4) Have been convinced (by Fox News, Facebook, etc. that things are so bad with crime/drugs/the border/etc. that they have to vote against a party whose social policies (healthcare/education/social security) are in their best interest.
5) Have always voted R because that is what people like them do. They have no real grasp on any of the actual policies the candidates have, they just “know” the other side is bad, mostly because it doesn’t look like them.

My guess is the majority fall in buckets 4 and 5. We make think it’s the others, but my experiences suggest most people are not that hateful or greedy. It’s no excuse, and the core of their choice is still bigoted, but they are not the crazies we see on social media.

My flippant answer is that it is because they are all selfish, racist, hateful assholes themselves.
It's what Jesus would do, tell them to vote Republican.
i'd guess a lot of it comes down to the electoral system. even the best of "good faith" republicans, or independents, only have one option (other than democrat) if they want to vote to protest the current conditions. i'd also guess that's why it's so common in the united states for the party of the president to suffer midterm defeats. two years into the presidency, it's very rare that the policies promised will have been delivered and the economy is such that there is always a crisis and ultimately it is the ruling party which must take responsbility for the crisis.

for 12 years in the uk the tories have cited "global trends" whenever they were doing something, locally, to make life worse for people unnecessarily. there's always some truth to the "global" argument because of the interlinked nature of financial markets, but the tories would never apply the same "global" line of reasoning to labour's management of the financial crisis in 2008. in other words, it's "global" if you're in power and it's "local" when you're in opposition. this line of excuse became farcical of late when truss tried to "putin's war" her way out of issues that had feck all to do with the war in ukraine. biden has also tried to use the "putin's pricehike". again, bits of truth but the primary purpose there is to excuse the government of responsibility.

point of which is simply that if you're a voter, non-democrat, in the us you'll be looking at inflation, cost of living, price of gas, and all sorts of other issues and what can you do if you want to participate in the electoral process except vote against the government which is overseeing the economy? that's why, i think, the us tends to vote against the president's party more often than not in midterm elections. some people say it's a self-regulating balancing act but i don't see a lot of proof for that argument beyond some rhetoric. it's self-regulating the sense that if you have two options and want to register dissatisifcation with one, you'll vote for the other. but its not some harmonious system where voters are chiefly thinking about the checks and balances on the executive branch, beyond the libertarians. it comes down to that clinton campaign slogan of the "economy stupid" when understood within a binary electoral system, ultimately.

i do think the gop will win more seats than expected. i don't think it will have much bearing on 2024. can't see biden running either way and voters judge presidential elections differently. mccain wasn't a million miles away, at one point at least, in 2008 despite the iraq war and the financial crisis.
I'm already prepping the popcorn ahead of Friday's debate. I say Walker will look like Nils Bjurman after Lisbeth's revenge in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by the end of the night.
I’m just pissed that I can’t go to the debate. It’s taking place about a mile from my apartment.

There’s still a part of me that thinks Walker doesn’t show.
Romney not endorsing him seems to be having an effect. Still think he squeaks it out. Any word on who McMullin would caucus with if he somehow pulls this out?

He claims he will caucus with neither, which would be a net loss for the Rs.
That’s admirable, but I can’t see him doing it for long unless he is content with shit committee assignments.

I think a lot will weigh on the final numbers in the Senate. if the Rs are down by 1, but McMullin happens to win his race, they could make him a deal (since he is originally an R, albiet a big anti-Trumper) He could wind up a Manchin like king maker next term.
Romney not endorsing him seems to be having an effect. Still think he squeaks it out. Any word on who McMullin would caucus with if he somehow pulls this out?

Good to see. It was way back yonder when I started this thread with a tweet about him. Good Caf karma.
Betis - Roma 1-1 after a lengthy VAR review. Good game so far, both sides want to win this.
Really glad to hear Beto has caught up to Greg "The Roman" Abbot. It would give me hope but I bet Trump appointed the refs manning VAR. :(
Really glad to hear Beto has caught up to Greg "The Roman" Abbot. It would give me hope but I bet Trump appointed the refs manning VAR. :(

Haha, Wrong thread, how did this happen?! I'll delete it sorry!
I am looking forward to tonight's debate in a way I usually feel about a sporting event. I still think there is a 25% chance Walker does not show (last minute COVID diagnosis? Family emergency?).
The most ridiculous thing about this is free parenting classes. Like the GOP would ever fund such a thing.

I mean, unless they view it as a way to pre train the "domestic supply of babies". Kind of like puppy classes at Pet Smart.