2022 US Elections

I keep seeing this, but the last year, and especially the last few months, have seen the passage of some truly extraordinary legislation. It's nowhere near enough but it is far more transformational than anything we have seen since FDR or could have expected.
I think Biden's past two years have been a bit underrated or not giving him and the party enough credit. Of course, people want more, but they thought his presidency would be bad a few months ago.
Just, wow…

I like his idea.

Let's have a big reset and cancel everybody's debt. I wanna see what happens.

Would Herschel be the dumbest Senator ever? I know there have probably been some real idiots, but I think he might take it.

He genuinely makes Adam Sandler's character in Waterboy sound intelligent.

He's a real life example of the concussion guy in Not Another Teen Movie surviving good ol' fashioned fitbah'

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watching republicans freak out over preferential voting, as an Aussie, is absolutely hilarious stuff. So many American's really just don't know much about the world do they? For the right-wing to think it's a good talking point and to equate preferential voting to dictatorships etc they really know the people they are talking to.

A different reality over there.
Well, it's clear now where CNN is heading. Two hours after this reporter said this he was fired.

Well, it's clear now where CNN is heading. Two hours after this reporter said this he was fired.

You do not fire someone who has seen it all like John Harwood because he tells the truth, which has never been a threat to journalistic integrity.

Chris Licht is a cnut. He looks like the type of guy who would bring back scumbags like Jeffrey Lord, Paris Dennard, Steve Cortes, Rick Santorum, Jason Miller and others if he could.
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Those are my predictions.

AZ - Merk Kelly (D) to retain
GA - Raphael Warnock (D) to retain

PA - Fetterman (D) to win and flip
WI - Barnes (D) to win and flip

NC - Budd (R) to win and retain

NV - Cortez Matso (D) Toss up
NH - Maggie Hassan (D) Toss up

It all comes down to Nevada and New Hampshire. Dems have to win at least one to improve their chances.
Partially agree with this. I've often not hired people because they were smokers...

Those are my predictions.

AZ - Merk Kelly (D) to retain
GA - Raphael Warnock (D) to retain

PA - Fetterman (D) to win and flip
WI - Barnes (D) to win and flip

NC - Budd (R) to win and retain

NV - Cortez Matso (D) Toss up
NH - Maggie Hassan (D) Toss up

It all comes down to Nevada and New Hampshire. Dems have to win at least one to improve their chances.

You can't predict a toss up, that's not a prediction.

"My team has identified abortion as a very dangerous issue for our campaign, so I'm going to go ahead and shoot an ad where I talk about how much my opponent cares about abortion rights while I'm holding a baby".

Warnock needs the debate, more so than Herschel
Warnock should just do a Jon Ossoff and debate an empty podium if Walker wants to clown his way out. I'm sure that turning down the debate went well for David Perdue... not.

And can people please call Walker out for residing in Texas? Fetterman is living rent free in Oz's head just because of the New Jersey thing.
Imagine having to get Herschel up to speed for an ‘any question goes’ debate.
Warnock should just do a Jon Ossoff and debate an empty podium if Walker wants to clown his way out. I'm sure that turning down the debate went well for David Perdue... not.

And can people please call Walker out for residing in Texas? Fetterman is living rent free in Oz's head just because of the New Jersey thing.

I'm not sure this is a great idea as the empty podium will almost assuredly present a tougher challenge than Walker.
Imagine having to get Herschel up to speed for an ‘any question goes’ debate.

It wouldn’t really matter what he says in a debate given that the MAGA audience wouldn’t care and would probably become more endeared to him the more nonsensical he talked.