2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Ive considered an all nighter too, but kinda need my sleep after such an emotional rollercoaster. No doubt parcelforce will wake me up when I decide to sleep anyway though :s
I got around three hours of sleep in, getting up at 1 am. I wanted to be part of the fun here but now I'll probably do some work and then play some video games to get my mind off it until something meaningful happens.
It's so much better to do the ring tbh.. Vegas, south rim, page, arizona, Zion National park and back to Vegas. Can be done in 3 days
That's great, if I go back to Vegas that is on my list. I'm yearning to go back to Yosemite too, I like to be close to society but Yosemite called me like nowhere I've been before.
CNN projects Minnesota for Biden
Sounds like a Trump although I can't understand squat from any website.
Im calling it a night. Got a massive headache bc of this, the alcohol, or both. Either way I hope ill wake up tomorrow and suddenly more positive news started rolling in. If Biden doesnt take MI back Ill officially enter into a depression of sorts.
Gap has widened from 300k to 310k with 83% reporting.
Less than a million vote left.. Biden needs a huge % of those.
Atlanta, due in large part to its racial makeup, could deliver if current nationwide voting trends hold.
I was hoping for a big landslide to restore my faith in Americans. Mostly to see a rejection of the Trump style.
I was hoping for a big landslide to restore my faith in Americans. Mostly to see a rejection of the Trump style.

As a collective we are really, really dumb when it comes to politics and social issues. Really dumb.

Can anyone expain the Pennsylvania optimism? That trend looks shit. Are they going to put all the early votes as a single-dump tomorrow? Has Philly + suburbs not been counted at all?
Wisconsin to a lesser extent, since there I know they haven't counted early stuff yet at all.

Mainly Philly & Pittsburgh barely been counted.

Reminds me of Rove flipping about about Ohio in 2012.
Gerrymandering aside I can see the needs for electoral college system to ensure low population states like Hawai and Alaska still gets a say in the grand scheme of things.
Well, the irony is that neither actually has a real say: they are both safe states and are pretty much ignored in every campaign.
Dunno, should I not?

Think NE2 is the most likely tipping point (if he loses GA). For PA to matter he’d need to lose one of wi or mi now, meaning he’d be in trouble in Pa.

i think anyway.
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