2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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On a left-right spectrum between, say, Sanders and Biden, where would Harris stand?
On a left-right spectrum between, say, Sanders and Biden, where would Harris stand?
In terms of announced policy closer to Bernie, in terms of nature closer to Biden.
On a left-right spectrum between, say, Sanders and Biden, where would Harris stand?

She’s basically an establishment Dem who is attempting to frame herself more to left to appeal to the base. For instance she only just committed to not accepting PAC money this past August after realizing that it wasn’t politically feasible anymore.
The big issue is healthcare, yeah? Where’s she at there?
The big issue is healthcare, yeah? Where’s she at there?

She signed on to Bernie's single-payer bill (which had zero co-sponsors before his own run in 2016). And afaik the language she uses is "rights" not "access" (which is what Beto uses), and that is good too.
But I'll always be suspicious of a latecomer, especially one who doesn't have any radical history. I googled kamala harris healthcare and set the date before 2017, and there was zero mention of medicare-for-all.

A centrist platform, if the order matters. M4A cannot co-exist with a tax cut., so I'm going to assume she doesn't mean it, Nothing on climate change or tuition.

The average lefty may not, but she will forever be smeared with it in Gen elections if she seeks higher office.

Right, but will the smearing be effective is what I'm asking? Will anybody really care? By the way a considerable proportion of the MAGA crowd are big Assad fans (to the extent that they take an interest or know anything about Syria).
Just ridiculous that Biden is a leader in the race. I just don't see why Warren is not 'likeable' but Biden is. Surely there is sexism involved here. Should really be between Warren and Sanders with options like Beto, Harris and Brown one rung below. Not sure what to make of the lady from Hawaii
she's a bhakt :lol:

Not many care she's a bhakt :lol:

But seriously, meeting Assad is all that is wrong with her, it can be put down to opportunistic at worst and ignorant at best. Somehow I think she's a bit of a charlatan whose only claim as a progressive left has to do with her declaring for Sanders. She's not that great on LGBT rights and tends to vote as centrist as anybody but everybody seems to think she has a street cred of Barbara Walters.
Think booker will try and run as Vp on Bernie ticket. He doesn't have the backing of left, but could gain a lot as sanders Vp. Also sanders is old, but so never know he will be around for 8 more years. Booker could get the black vote for sanders.
Just ridiculous that Biden is a leader in the race. I just don't see why Warren is not 'likeable' but Biden is. Surely there is sexism involved here. Should really be between Warren and Sanders with options like Beto, Harris and Brown one rung below. Not sure what to make of the lady from Hawaii

What's there likeable about Warren? At least Biden has good support in Rust Belt, whilst she is just well known is states that are blue anyway.
Here are Bovada's 2020 Presidential Betting odds

Name Odds
Donald Trump +150
Kamala Harris +1000
Beto O’Rourke +1000
Joe Biden +1400
Elizabeth Warren +1500
Bernie Sanders +1800
Mike Pence +2000
Cory Booker +2500
Tulsi Gabbard +2500
Hillary Clinton +3000
Kirsten Gillibrand +3000
Amy Klobuchar +3000
Oprah Winfrey +3000
Michelle Obama +3300
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson +4000
Michael Avenatti +4000
Sherrod Brown +4000
Nikki Haley +5000
Michael Bloomberg +5000
Andrew Cuomo +5000
John Kasich +5000
Mitch Landrieu +5000
Paul Ryan +5500
Julian Castro +6000
Chris Murphy +6000
Bob Iger +6000
Eric Garcetti +6000
Tom Steyer +6000
Howard Schultz +6000
Marco Rubio +6600
Mitt Romney +6600
Ben Shapiro +6600
Tom Wolf +6600
John Hickenlooper +6600
Joe Kennedy III +6600
Mark Zuckerberg +6600
Mark Cuban +7000
Orrin Hatch +7500
Rahm Emanuel +7500
Tim Kaine +8000
George Clooney +8000
Ted Cruz +8000
Rand Paul +8000
Terry McAuliffe +8000
Tammy Duckworth +10000
Jeb Bush +10000
Martin O’Malley +10000
Trey Gowdy +10000
Leonardo DiCaprio +10000
Bill Gates +10000
Ivanka Trump +15000
Kanye West +15000
Chelsea Clinton +15000
Will Smith +20000
Joe Rogan +20000
Tom Brady +20000


I think the last 3 are my favorites
Would be interesting to bet in all three of Beto, Biden and Bernie. Of course, the orange buffoon might ruin the party, however I don't see any other Dem getting the nomination, and I think that it is likely that Dems will win the next one.
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