2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I’ve got normally GOP voting friends and colleagues who have said they’d vote for Ojeda over another Trump candidacy.

Yeah this echoes what a few moderate/centrists I know said recently. They don't like Harris, Biden or Bernie but they lile Ojeda and Gabbard.
It is more race for VP, to be fair.

I just cannot see past Biden, Bernie, and Beto as the winner of primaries. The others are parading to become VPs.

Yes agreed...the killer Bs are the ones to beat. Although Harris will likely be in the mix deeper than the pretenders
This is why he should go independent imo, since that about the only utility 3rd party runs have.
Yes. And I hope he does.
Yeah this echoes what a few moderate/centrists I know said recently. They don't like Harris, Biden or Bernie but they lile Ojeda and Gabbard.
Exactly. He ticks the right boxes for some of the moderate GOP types who Trump has alienated.
I’ve got normally GOP voting friends and colleagues who have said they’d vote for Ojeda over another Trump candidacy.
Likewise. He hates the NRA too, and his comments on republican legislators being pro life until their mistress gets an abortion was something else. Other positive I have is that he’s very pro-union. And supported Bernie in the 2016 primary.

All that said it’s tough to get past his position on coal (to be fair, if I were a West Virginia Democrat...) and voting Trump (to be fair, Hillary Clinton, also Trump was quite populist when he campaigned in the rust belt) and it’s the latter that will scupper his already nonexistent chances. Hopefully he can serve as Bernie’s attack dog on stage at least
Likewise. He hates the NRA too, and his comments on republican legislators being pro life until their mistress gets an abortion was something else. Other positive I have is that he’s very pro-union. And supported Bernie in the 2016 primary.

All that said it’s tough to get past his position on coal (to be fair, if I were a West Virginia Democrat...) and voting Trump (to be fair, Hillary Clinton, also Trump was quite populist when he campaigned in the rust belt) and it’s the latter that will scupper his already nonexistent chances. Hopefully he can serve as Bernie’s attack dog on stage at least

Ojeda's switch from the dark side to progressive makes a lot of sense when you consider that Trump and Sanders are generally in the same camp when it comes to globalization, trade, and manufacturing jobs. Trump of course demagogues the issue whereas Sanders speaks about it more honestly, but from a voter perspective I can easily see a small subsection of Trump voters making the switch to Sanders.
Likewise. He hates the NRA too, and his comments on republican legislators being pro life until their mistress gets an abortion was something else. Other positive I have is that he’s very pro-union. And supported Bernie in the 2016 primary.

All that said it’s tough to get past his position on coal (to be fair, if I were a West Virginia Democrat...) and voting Trump (to be fair, Hillary Clinton, also Trump was quite populist when he campaigned in the rust belt) and it’s the latter that will scupper his already nonexistent chances. Hopefully he can serve as Bernie’s attack dog on stage at least

:lol: very good
Yes agreed...the killer Bs are the ones to beat. Although Harris will likely be in the mix deeper than the pretenders

Only way Harris lasts more than a minute is if she manages to steal the support for Biden.
What actually puts Beto in among Biden and Bernie? Or should I say what puts Beto above the rest?

Six months ago nobody knew of him. That's not a bad thing necessarily but the point is people like Warren and Harris have been angling a run since Trump was sworn in. They have received longer visibility and perhaps more impactful on the record compared to Beto who led a great campaign but ultimately lost.
In polls, he is doing very well. He seems a good speaker (not Obama level, but very good) and he did brilliantly in Texas. He can also unite centrists with leftists, by virtue of being a centrist who pretends to care about left-wing issues.
Likability is a huge factor.
While I agree with Warren's views which are similar to Bernie, she comes across as an irritating school teacher.

If Bernie runs, he has my vote. If he does not win the nomination, it will need to be someone who has a good chunk of progressive issues on the platform.

And by that I don't mean the gargoyle in 2016 putting Bernie's platform and insulting him in the run up to the GE.
Why do you think Harris would do better than Warren?

She has a lot of establishment hype behind her. In a way, she has the sort of hype machine building her up as Warren had a few years ago. All of it is completely unjustified of course since she is little more than a freshman Senator with almost no national constituency. Sort of like Obama, but without the Obama magic.
Likability is a huge factor.
While I agree with Warren's views which are similar to Bernie, she comes across as an irritating school teacher.

If Bernie runs, he has my vote. If he does not win the nomination, it will need to be someone who has a good chunk of progressive issues on the platform.

And by that I don't mean the gargoyle in 2016 putting Bernie's platform and insulting him in the run up to the GE.

Likability is massive, which is why only 3 or 4 Dems have a shot at winning.
Likability is massive, which is why only 3 or 4 Dems have a shot at winning.

Likability is First imo.
Second is credibility.
Few will have both.

Harris is disqualified because of the second.

I agree. Only a few tick both boxes.

Mind you once Trump is run out this year, the Republicans who stood by him or just supported him by remaining silent will be floundering.
the Dems have an open run at the presidency, so long as their greed...and stupidity does not blind them.
Warren will easily lose to Trump. The more she is in the spotlight, the cringier she appears to be and Trump will bully her further with stuff like the "Native DNA 1/1024" thing which will make her look weak.

Kamala Harris? America won't elect a half Indian/half Jamaican woman. Her heritage alone is an automatic "no" for roughly 40 % of Americans. Obama doesn't strike twice.

Same applies to Julian Castro and Tulsi Gabbard.

Bernie is the most sympathic politician in America right now but he will be 79 next year. Dems fecked it up in 2016.
Ugh - Kamala Harris, really?
Her history as AG will get decimated, and rightly so.

I don't think she'll be able to overcome it, also America isn't ready to have a black woman as president - I'm not sure what she's thinking.
Warren will easily lose to Trump. The more she is in the spotlight, the cringier she appears to be and Trump will bully her further with stuff like the "Native DNA 1/1024" thing.

Kamala Harris? America won't elect a half Indian/half Jamaican woman. Her heritage alone is an automatic "no" for roughly 40 % of Americans. Obama doesn't strike twice.

Same applies to Julian Castro and Tulsi Gabbard.

Bernie is the most sympathic politician in America right now but he will be 79 next year. Dems fecked it up in 2016.

Pretty much spot on. If you eliminate Bernie and Biden due to age, Beto would seem like the only one who doesn't bring any of the baggage as the others do.
It is more race for VP, to be fair.

I just cannot see past Biden, Bernie, and Beto as the winner of primaries. The others are parading to become VPs.

Beto has nothing to offer as president. He'd make the perfect VP candidate.

Bernie/Biden to run for president with Beto as VP.
After 2+ years, they take a backseat and Beto gets the spotlight.
He then runs for presidency next election with likes of Brown/Klobuchar for his VP.
Ojeda's switch from the dark side to progressive makes a lot of sense when you consider that Trump and Sanders are generally in the same camp when it comes to globalization, trade, and manufacturing jobs. Trump of course demagogues the issue whereas Sanders speaks about it more honestly, but from a voter perspective I can easily see a small subsection of Trump voters making the switch to Sanders.
Yeah, economically Trump pretended to have the same interests as Sanders when he went to the rust belt. And people buying it was far more common than the “well they’re mentally unwell” narrative suggests. The day after the election in 2016 Bernie was on (I think) CNN saying if Trump means what he said about X or Y I’ll work with him on X or Y.

All that said, people should have known better than to believe the lie but you could say that about many politicians and pretty much every republican who tells poor people they’ll look out for them.

Let’s not forget the Obama voters who then voted trump 4/8 years later. Are they mentally unwell too? (Perhaps :lol: ) Worth noting Obama campaigned much more to the left, much more populist, than he governed...
In terms of scandal but the progressives won’t view his voting record as clean!

Fair point. He needs to show and prove what he believes in.

But he is credible for moderates on both sides...if there still are moderate Republicans.
I want to vote for someone who is honest about his or her beliefs, providing the platform for the most part agrees with my beliefs.
She has a lot of establishment hype behind her. In a way, she has the sort of hype machine building her up as Warren had a few years ago. All of it is completely unjustified of course since she is little more than a freshman Senator with almost no national constituency. Sort of like Obama, but without the Obama magic.
Harris is much smoother as a public speaker too. That matters in a soap opera debate system. I reckon Warren has good intentions but poor advisers, and I find her utterly void of charisma, unlike someone like Bernie who has that weird grumpy old man charisma
Fair point. He needs to show and prove what he believes in.

But he is credible for moderates on both sides...if there still are moderate Republicans.
I want to vote for someone who is honest about his or her beliefs, providing the platform for the most part agrees with my beliefs.
I think there are moderates in terms of policy but they doubled down last time along partisan lines and I see them doing it again...

I’m in the same both as you mate.
Beto has nothing to offer as president. He'd make the perfect VP candidate.

Bernie/Biden to run for president with Beto as VP.
After 2+ years, they take a backseat and Beto gets the spotlight.
He then runs for presidency next election with likes of Brown/Klobuchar for his VP.

It depends what you mean by "offer as President". As long as his policies are in line with most Dems he would have a lot to offer, especially since he has very high favorables and is in the ideal age range.
Beto has nothing to offer as president. He'd make the perfect VP candidate.

Bernie/Biden to run for president with Beto as VP.
After 2+ years, they take a backseat and Beto gets the spotlight.
He then runs for presidency next election with likes of Brown/Klobuchar for his VP.

I would be shocked if any of the candidates especially Bernie and Biden run for President on the assumption of only being one term and handing over the Presidency in 2024
Likeliest to be Dem candidate as bye the betting markets

1 Beto
2 Kamala
3 Biden
4 Warren
5 Bernie
6 Gillibrand
7 Klobuchar
8 Bloomberg
9 Gabbard
10 Brown
11 Booker
12 Oprah

Didn't expect Kamala to be so high. Probably the uncertainty around Biden and Bernie running is giving them worse odds, but still. Beto hasn't announced as well and he's the front runner.
Oprah needs to be higher on the list.

«You get health care, you get health care, everybody look under your seats, you all get health care!»
Likeliest to be Dem candidate as bye the betting markets

1 Beto
2 Kamala
3 Biden
4 Warren
5 Bernie
6 Gillibrand
7 Klobuchar
8 Bloomberg
9 Gabbard
10 Brown
11 Booker
12 Oprah

Didn't expect Kamala to be so high. Probably the uncertainty around Biden and Bernie running is giving them worse odds, but still. Beto hasn't announced as well and he's the front runner.

Which betting service is this from ?
Kamala Harris is basically The Guardian newspaper in person.
Likeliest to be Dem candidate as bye the betting markets

1 Beto
2 Kamala
3 Biden
4 Warren
5 Bernie
6 Gillibrand
7 Klobuchar
8 Bloomberg
9 Gabbard
10 Brown
11 Booker
12 Oprah

Didn't expect Kamala to be so high. Probably the uncertainty around Biden and Bernie running is giving them worse odds, but still. Beto hasn't announced as well and he's the front runner.

sanders odds have gone out a lot... will be interesting to see if he can re-energise his old base or if they split out to others... gut feel its too late for him and he missed his only chance (or was robbed of it - depending on your POV)
Nearly everyone has adopted Bernie's policies ,even Republican lite Gilibrand.Maybe harder for him to stand out this time round.
Here are Bovada's 2020 Presidential Betting odds

Name Odds
Donald Trump +150
Kamala Harris +1000
Beto O’Rourke +1000
Joe Biden +1400
Elizabeth Warren +1500
Bernie Sanders +1800
Mike Pence +2000
Cory Booker +2500
Tulsi Gabbard +2500
Hillary Clinton +3000
Kirsten Gillibrand +3000
Amy Klobuchar +3000
Oprah Winfrey +3000
Michelle Obama +3300
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson +4000
Michael Avenatti +4000
Sherrod Brown +4000
Nikki Haley +5000
Michael Bloomberg +5000
Andrew Cuomo +5000
John Kasich +5000
Mitch Landrieu +5000
Paul Ryan +5500
Julian Castro +6000
Chris Murphy +6000
Bob Iger +6000
Eric Garcetti +6000
Tom Steyer +6000
Howard Schultz +6000
Marco Rubio +6600
Mitt Romney +6600
Ben Shapiro +6600
Tom Wolf +6600
John Hickenlooper +6600
Joe Kennedy III +6600
Mark Zuckerberg +6600
Mark Cuban +7000
Orrin Hatch +7500
Rahm Emanuel +7500
Tim Kaine +8000
George Clooney +8000
Ted Cruz +8000
Rand Paul +8000
Terry McAuliffe +8000
Tammy Duckworth +10000
Jeb Bush +10000
Martin O’Malley +10000
Trey Gowdy +10000
Leonardo DiCaprio +10000
Bill Gates +10000
Ivanka Trump +15000
Kanye West +15000
Chelsea Clinton +15000
Will Smith +20000
Joe Rogan +20000
Tom Brady +20000


I think the last 3 are my favorites
Not bad odds for Beto given he isn't currently running. Once he announces on Oprah in three weeks his odds will skyrocket.
I think its starting to show that both Biden and Bernie are vulnerable. Harris seems to have secured support from Hollywood and Silicon Valley which gives her a big advantage over someone like Biden.
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