2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Would be interesting to bet in all three of Beto, Biden and Bernie. Of course, the orange buffoon might ruin the party, however I don't see any other Dem getting the nomination, and I think that it is likely that Dems will win the next one.

Every time I have thought like that in sports bets I end up losing to a Leicester win or Porto win or something
Don't be surprised if Beto runs and wins.

What‘s the basis on which Beto takes the win? What‘s his standout feature except for not offending anyone till date with some things he did or said 1/3/5/10 years ago?
What‘s the basis on which Beto takes the win? What‘s his standout feature except for not offending anyone till date with some things he did or said 1/3/5/10 years ago?

  • He set the all time fundraising record for his Senate race without taking PAC donations indicating he has broad national appeal.
  • He ran Ted Cruz far closer in Texas Senate than anyone thought possible a year ago indicating he can fight the Republicans on their home field.
  • He has stated firm support for a public option for universal healthcare giving him appeal to progressive voters while seeming less radical and thus digestible to many centrist Democrat donors.
  • While not as natural as Ocasio-Cortez, he has have his own social media style which is necessary to counteract Trump's non-stop twittering.
  • He set the all time fundraising record for his Senate race without taking PAC donations indicating he has broad national appeal.
  • He ran Ted Cruz far closer in Texas Senate than anyone thought possible a year ago indicating he can fight the Republicans on their home field.
  • He has stated firm support for a public option for universal healthcare giving him appeal to progressive voters while seeming less radical and thus digestible to many centrist Democrat donors.
  • While not as natural as Ocasio-Cortez, he has have his own social media style which is necessary to counteract Trump's non-stop twittering.

Thanks, he is very unknown in other countries at the moment except to people who religiously follow US politics.

I hope you know he needs to come to Berlin first before he can attain „Chosen One“ status:D
Thanks, he is very unknown in other countries at the moment except to people who religiously follow US politics.

I hope you know he needs to come to Berlin first before he can attain „Chosen One“ status:D

Ha. I do think it might come down to him and Harris or him and Warren rather than the Biden vs Bernie final two everyone has been imagining.
Trump's agenda can be summarized as:
- Roll back Obama policies (Withdraw from Paris Climate, TPP, various LGBT and environmental and ethics regulations)
- Tax (bill passed)
- Jobs (Make in America is shouted on, but not sure what is actually being done. Jobs report seems to favour him)
- Mexican Wall / Curtail immigration
- Infrastructure (nothing done yet)

Can anyone summarize the highlights of Democratic agenda (for the coming election perhaps?)
Thanks, he is very unknown in other countries at the moment except to people who religiously follow US politics.

I hope you know he needs to come to Berlin first before he can attain „Chosen One“ status:D

He's getting interviewed by Oprah on Feb 11, which if he's running, is when he will announce.

He's also got various groups attempting to draft him into running, some are even creating ads for him.

Seems to be no doubt who the establishment news media would like for President. Already Kamala Harris as a CNN town hall .
Seems to be no doubt who the establishment news media would like for President. Already Kamala Harris as a CNN town hall .

CNN are taking a bit of a risk with the Harris town hall. All the other credible candidates will be expecting their own town halls in the coming months.

I can see this becoming a bit of a controversy in the next year or so with accusations of favoritism.
Pete Butti..whatever.

A Dem mayor from Indiana....yeah......


If he really wanted to be taken seriously, he would first run for congress and get some more experience. I suspect the reason he's getting involved is because he wants to boost his name recognition.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. swept into Benton Harbor, Mich., three weeks before the November elections, in the midst of his quest to reclaim the Midwest for Democrats. He took the stage at Lake Michigan College as Representative Fred Upton, a long-serving Republican from the area, faced the toughest race of his career.

But Mr. Biden was not there to denounce Mr. Upton. Instead, he was collecting $200,000 from the Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan to address a Republican-leaning audience, according to a speaking contract obtained by The New York Times and interviews with organizers. The group, a business-minded civic organization, is supported in part by an Upton family foundation.

Mr. Biden stunned Democrats and elated Republicans by praising Mr. Upton while the lawmaker looked on from the audience. Alluding to Mr. Upton’s support for a landmark medical-research law, Mr. Biden called him a champion in the fight against cancer — and “one of the finest guys I’ve ever worked with.”

Mr. Biden’s remarks, coming amid a wide-ranging discourse on American politics, quickly appeared in Republican advertising. The local Democratic Party pleaded with Mr. Biden to repair what it saw as a damaging error, to no avail. On Nov. 6, Mr. Upton defeated his Democratic challenger by four and a half percentage points.

Et tu, Joe?

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/23/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Would make a solid VP choice....especially for any candidate in their late 70s.

I heard him on the radio today. He doesn't sound half bad actually. Too wordy when he was asked which progressive ideas he believes in but he can work on that. Also found this:



Here is a great example of someone choosing to take a speaking fee (perfectly legal) but by doing so raises serious questions about where Biden's priorities (and morality) really lie. So sure, people can choose to take every speaking fee that comes their way but they shouldn't expect there to be no consequences because 'they did nothing wrong because its legal'.

Personally I think this story definitely sinks Biden's as a candidate. This type of thing is going to lose the progressive base for sure if it wasn't lost already./

Here is a great example of someone choosing to take a speaking fee (perfectly legal) but by doing so raises serious questions about where Biden's priorities (and morality) really lie. So sure, people can choose to take every speaking fee that comes their way but they shouldn't expect there to be no consequences because 'they did nothing wrong because its legal'.

Personally I think this story definitely sinks Biden's as a candidate. This type of thing is going to lose the progressive base for sure if it wasn't lost already./

I don't think Biden can do anything to sink his candidacy that he hasn't already done over the years. There are more than enough independents, non-leftist base members, and Trump refugees the other party to get him elected. Ultimately its up to him if he runs, but if he did, he would be hard to derail given his favorability numbers.
I don't think Biden can do anything to sink his candidacy that he hasn't already done over the years. There are more than enough independents, non-leftist base members, and Trump refugees the other party to get him elected. Ultimately its up to him if he runs, but if he did, he would be hard to derail given his favorability numbers.

You actually think independents and 'Trump refugees' want to vote for Biden in the Democratic primary? What's your evidence of this? I hold to my theory that his early polling is rubbish and he will be quickly exposed if he enters. Harris is already positioning to steal a march on his support network which makes him redundant.

A democrat can't win without the progressives anymore and shunning the progressive base is going to be a losing move for any establishment candidate. Harris seems to realize this. Biden seems to be surrounded by sycophants based on the hubris of his recent statements.
You actually think independents and 'Trump refugees' want to vote for Biden in the Democratic primary? What's your evidence of this? I hold to my theory that his early polling is rubbish and he will be quickly exposed if he enters. Harris is already positioning to steal a march on his support network which makes him redundant.

A democrat can't win without the progressives anymore and shunning the progressive base is going to be a losing move for any establishment candidate. Harris seems to realize this. Biden seems to be surrounded by sycophants based on the hubris of his recent statements.

Independents make up a significantly larger voting block than base voters from either party these days, so it stands to reason that a candidate who can get independent support will do very well. Biden has very high favorability numbers in the present, which is generally not possible unless you have a solid base of support among core constituency groups, which in Biden's case could be between base to independents to more centrist Dems who are suspicious of the ability of a progressive candidate to win a general election.
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