2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Liz Warren continues attempting to humanize herself with beer and dogs. Not sure if this is a wise strategy given the other things she could be talking about.

Preferable to instagraming dentistry at any rate.
What do you mean?

I mean that social media (and regular media) made a huge deal out of essentially nothing. There was a very brief clip of some dentistry mixed into what was otherwise a conversation between him and the woman who happened to be his dentist. The dentistry part was a bit silly, maybe, but it was basically a non story.
I mean that social media (and regular media) made a huge deal out of essentially nothing. There was a very brief clip of some dentistry mixed into what was otherwise a conversation between him and the woman who happened to be his dentist. The dentistry part was a bit silly, maybe, but it was basically a non story.
Right. Thought you meant it had been faked or something :lol:
Liz Warren continues attempting to humanize herself with beer and dogs. Not sure if this is a wise strategy given the other things she could be talking about.

Should be a hit with the south Tampa biddies who love nothing more than to talk ablut their dogs.
I mean that social media (and regular media) made a huge deal out of essentially nothing. There was a very brief clip of some dentistry mixed into what was otherwise a conversation between him and the woman who happened to be his dentist. The dentistry part was a bit silly, maybe, but it was basically a non story.
I was instantly reminded of this doctor

There’s an energy bubbling off Warren’s already growing team. They know she’s had a good couple of weeks; they like the crowds she’s getting; and they like hearing about each set of new staff hires, which have been impressing even skeptics in the political world for the level of skill and experience she’s been able to nail down.

That energy is also showing up in the response Warren has been generating more widely. Since she announced her exploratory committee, 50 percent of the people who’ve donated to her campaign had never donated to her before, according to Warren-campaign aides. Her digital staff, which by last year was already bigger than what most of the other campaigns will be able to assemble for months still, have been going through the data on those new people and comparing their issue concerns with those of the people on their existing list.

The size of that list of emails and phone numbers is a closely kept secret, and her aides declined to say how much it’s grown since New Year’s. But right after her announcement video went out, they turned the key on a personalized-texting operation. It centered on existing supporters in the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada, and has already begun generating a huge response from donors, sign-ups from volunteers, and feedback on issues.

From climate change to health care to voters’ struggles to pay their rent, Warren addresses issues with serious policy analysis.

“I’m in this race because everything I’ve fought for, for pretty much my whole grown-up life, intersects with this moment in time, and the only thing I can do is be true to that fight,” she told me. “I’m explaining why I’m in this fight. I can’t be in this fight for any other reason. This is the heart of what’s happening in America.”
Liz Warren continues attempting to humanize herself with beer and dogs. Not sure if this is a wise strategy given the other things she could be talking about.

Excuse me are you trying to imply that Bailey is NOT a good boy?!?!?!
Ojeda looks like the person Trump would least like to criticise while in the same room. He looks loco.
Inspirational stuff from the Dems so far

It is more race for VP, to be fair.

I just cannot see past Biden, Bernie, and Beto as the winner of primaries. The others are parading to become VPs.
It is more race for VP, to be fair.

I just cannot see past Biden, Bernie, and Beto as the winner of primaries. The others are parading to become VPs.
It's anyone's race atm. You are most likely going to see 15+ candidates running and it wont be because they are vying for the VP spot.

Beto is currently in his Edgar Allan Poe phase, not even clear he is going to be able to get into his game mode.

Its weird how politicians announce that they're running for the presidency/leadership in the US,especially in-comparison with us.
The response is different too as we are more downbeat,waiting to get the knives out and are generally sombre about it all,also primarily because we have the pessimistic foresight that we're going to get screwed either way whoever political side one chooses.

The US of A on the other-hand seem to be the complete opposite. More hooting and cheering.There seems to be this overly joyous,cringey cloud of delusion that takes over.

I watched a interview with a politician on Steven Colbert's Late Night Show a few days ago and this woman announced,similarly to the above,that she too would be running for presidency and the response was a fit of over-excitement from the crowd.

I would just like to replace that response with us miserable Brits.

But anyway,does Kamala Harris have a dog ?
It is more race for VP, to be fair.

I just cannot see past Biden, Bernie, and Beto as the winner of primaries. The others are parading to become VPs.

What actually puts Beto in among Biden and Bernie? Or should I say what puts Beto above the rest?

Six months ago nobody knew of him. That's not a bad thing necessarily but the point is people like Warren and Harris have been angling a run since Trump was sworn in. They have received longer visibility and perhaps more impactful on the record compared to Beto who led a great campaign but ultimately lost.
Who said Ojeda was batshit crazy?
A not-well-off person in charge of all his mental faculties voting for Donald Trump?

I'd take someone promoting good policies without the reactionary streak. Medicare for all and cannabis legalisation are not a pass for your shitty behaviour.
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A not-well-off person in charge of all his mental faculties voting for Donald Trump?

I'd take someone promoting good policies without the reactionary streak. Medicare for all and cannabis legalisation are not a pass for your shitty behaviour.
What exactly are you on about right now?

I said he’d pull the moderate republican votes from Trump and you respond with the last 2 posts...

He’s not gonna win, but he can help keep Trump from winning.
What exactly are you on about right now?

I said he’d pull the moderate republican votes from Trump and you respond with the last 2 posts...
A West Virginian Trump voting Democrats won’t pull ‘moderate Republican votes’. I’d not give reactionary populists any platform at all, but then you and I have differed on this before so doubt this is going anywhere.
What exactly are you on about right now?

I said he’d pull the moderate republican votes from Trump and you respond with the last 2 posts...

He’s not gonna win, but he can help keep Trump from winning.

This is why he should go independent imo, since that's about the only utility 3rd party runs have.
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