2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Are there any mainstream potential runners who supports electoral reform - changing system of vote - other than Berndog?
"These 2020 hopefuls are courting Wall Street. Don't be fooled by their progressive veneer

Likely candidates are begging for Wall Street’s support – and reminding us who really owns American democracy"


Beyond the funding issue, they are each hopelessly uninspiring for a myriad of other reasons. Booker is a corporate stooge masquerading as a sort of Obama 2.0, when in fact he is light years behind Obama in terms of his mass appeal. Harris has done feck all from the time she became a Senator to now other than grandstand with her slurry voiced gotcha questions against bewildered judges and slippery GOP panelists, as if that is somehow supposed to be enough to propel her to the Presidency. Gillibrand has zero constituency beyond potentially middle aged soccer Moms who think the Me Too movement is the center of the political universe. And Klobuchar is basically another generic, anonymous voice who will get barged out in the early stages.
@Eboue is jealous of Colbert now

Trump Lost 7 Points with Republicans Since Dec.; 57% of Americans ‘Definitely’ Won’t Vote For Him in 2020

President Donald Trump has been getting a lot of bad polling news lately, but the latest survey is particularly devastating, revealing that even Trump’s loyal base is cracking under the weight of the Trump shutdown, and that a crushing majority of Americans have already decided to vote him out in 2020.

Trump’s overall approval rating in the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll dipped three points since December, from 42 percent to 39. But that support has plummeted among a number of groups important to Trump’s success.

Among Republicans, Trump has lost seven points since December, when the government shutdown began, dropping from 90 percent to 83 percent. And among groups that strongly support Trump, the news is just as bad.

Since December, he’s lost 7 points with white evangelical Christians, 7 points with white male non-college graduates, and his support among white voters overall has dipped ten points, from 50 percent to just 40 percent.

And with the 2020 Democratic primary field taking shape, the news is even more devastating for Trump. Respondents were asked “Thinking about the 2020 election, do you definitely plan to vote for Donald Trump for reelection as president or do you definitely plan to vote against him?”

A whopping 57 percent of Americans said they “definitely” plan to vote against Trump, including 60 percent of voters in the Midwest. Even among self-identified Trump supporters, 7 percent said they’d vote against him, and another 17 percent are “unsure.”

At a similar point in Barack Obama’s presidency, 44 percent of Americans said they would “definitely” vote against his reelection. Obama won reelection with 51 percent of the popular vote, and 47.2 percent for his opponent.

This result follows a slew of other bad polls, including one which showed that Trump’s Oval Office address on his border wall only changed the minds of 2 percent of Americans, and others showing that Americans overwhelmingly oppose the wall and blame Trump for the shutdown.

Trump is still popular among Republicans, but this significant slide during his shutdown could have an effect on how long he holds out, and how long Republican lawmakers stick with him.

A ittle surprised that Booker is more known than Beto and Harris.
On the other hand, he's been around since 2012 (same length as Warren) and has been spoken about as a "new Obama" for most of that. Makes Liz's figures look pretty good!

Gillibrand's look bad whatever angle you look at them, but it's early.
America is going to have a collective heart attack before a Chicano dude with the last name Castro comes anywhere near a presidential ballot.
Biden will fall pretty quickly once the debates start. The guy has got a awful history.

I don’t understand how he’s even in contention. Just can’t imagine the guy as President.
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