2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The Al Franken thing is baffling. He wasn't particularly effective as a senator and his replacement won reelection. And most importantly he's a sex creep.

Yeah but he’s our sex creep.
While she seems like the perfect Democrat candidate at this age (is very charismatic and ticks most diversity boxes of Democratic party [young, female, minority] , can win back many of Bernie voters who voted trump in 2016. she's definitely disliked by the DNC establishment because of not buying too much russiagate and being a vocal anti-interventionist (Politico's recent poll showed half of the democrats oppose leaving Syria), and even meeting with Assad.

How Tulsi will poll will tell us about the average priorities and mindset of the current day democrat voter.
While she seems like the perfect Democrat candidate at this age (is very charismatic and ticks most diversity boxes of Democratic party [young, female, minority] , can win back many of Bernie voters who voted trump in 2016. she's definitely disliked by the DNC establishment because of not buying too much russiagate and being a vocal anti-interventionist (Politico's recent poll showed half of the democrats oppose leaving Syria), and even meeting with Assad.

How Tulsi will poll will tell us about the average priorities and mindset of the current day democrat voter.

She doesn't really have a constituency. Sanders will run and gobble up everyone who may otherwise consider voting for her. Same with Liz Warren.
The base would have to decide whether they prefer a regular non-progressive Dem to another 4 years of Trump.

Would be fascinating to see how his rabid followers go if he chooses not to run again. I like his platform but he doesn't own it. In the same way with Corbyn his supporters resonate with that Trump quote "only I can fix it".

If Bernie doesn't run, Bernie bros will vote Trump or simply not going to vote. (understandably, just like last time. No need for a quote from Bernie, he is not a puppeteer nor his voters puppets. Its what gonna happen.)

If the dems feck him up once again, Bernie MUST run independently. Sure, Trump would have it easier to win, but chances are he will beat any other candidate who is not Sanders anyway.

At least the results of that election would give us a more realistic political view from a bigger chunk of voters.
While she seems like the perfect Democrat candidate at this age (is very charismatic and ticks most diversity boxes of Democratic party [young, female, minority] , can win back many of Bernie voters who voted trump in 2016. she's definitely disliked by the DNC establishment because of not buying too much russiagate and being a vocal anti-interventionist (Politico's recent poll showed half of the democrats oppose leaving Syria), and even meeting with Assad.

How Tulsi will poll will tell us about the average priorities and mindset of the current day democrat voter.
I'm not certain she'd be a favorite. Personally, I want to support her since she's young, has some good talking points, and is from Hawaii (hey, I gotta rep), but I'm not convinced on the foreign policy front. Obama probably had more foreign policy qualifications than her and his was pretty bad throughout his presidency, plus that whole thing with Syria just looks so bad on her CV.
If Bernie doesn't run, Bernie bros will vote Trump or simply not going to vote. (understandably, just like last time. No need for a quote from Bernie, he is not a puppeteer nor his voters puppets. Its what gonna happen.)

If the dems feck him up once again, Bernie MUST run independently. Sure, Trump would have it easier to win, but chances are he will beat any other candidate who is not Sanders anyway.

At least the results of that election would give us a more realistic political view from a bigger chunk of voters.
Bernie voters who vote Trump are stupider than inherent Trump supporters. At least the latter have the excuse of ignorance. So called "progressives" should know better.
that whole thing with Syria just looks so bad on her CV.

It looked really bad a couple years ago. It just looks kind of bad now. And with Assad looking set to be rehabilitated following his victory, it might look kind of smart by the end of 2020.
Bernie voters who vote Trump are stupider than inherent Trump supporters. At least the latter have the excuse of ignorance. So called "progressives" should know better.

They are not gonna vote Trump because they think he will be a good president, but because he will be just as bad as any random establishment democrat candidate.
It looked really bad a couple years ago. It just looks kind of bad now. And with Assad looking set to be rehabilitated following his victory, it might look kind of smart by the end of 2020.

She will always be linked to Assad. Not sure that can be spun as smart in any context, much less in a Presidential one.
She will always be linked to Assad. Not sure that can be spun as smart in any context, much less in a Presidential one.

Well, the alternative would likely have been Libya v2.0, no matter how much we in the West tried to convince ourselves differently at the time being.
I'm absolutely thrilled by Tulsi Gabbard's announcement. Been hoping for a run for years. Given the fact she s pissed off the entire democrat establishment though she s probably going to have to go with a party appointed running mate to even have a chance.
They are not gonna vote Trump because they think he will be a good president, but because he will be just as bad as any random establishment democrat candidate.

I think the last two years has shown that totally wrong. Bernie has helped shift the democratic platform to the left. He pushed Clinton into some concessions on her part. But it still needs a democrat President to sit at the top to enact the agenda. Trump isn't interested, he doesn't listen to his own advisors let alone the opposite party.

If it's Bernie himself great, if not get behind the candidate. I think Biden will be completely malleable to popular opinion and most democrats support single payer. That don't mean I want Biden but if you want to enact an agenda you need to get into power.
She will always be linked to Assad. Not sure that can be spun as smart in any context, much less in a Presidential one.

we are in a strange place in politics. Yes. In terms of foreign policy she is on the wrong side. But she is a solid progressive and domestic policy and climate change will be primarily the main factors. She will push the discussion.
we are in a strange place in politics. Yes. In terms of foreign policy she is on the wrong side. But she is a solid progressive and domestic policy and climate change will be primarily the main factors. She will push the discussion.
Foreign policy is a huge factor in defining the presidency though.
it is. But Health Care, Climate Change and other domestic issues are far more important to Americans.
I doubt she will get anywhere near the nomination. But she will be addressing issues other progressives want to hear.
That's a good point and I hope that turns out to be the case.
The military-industrial complex foreign policy lobby is by design the most powerful lobby. Unlike sectors like Wall Street, Big Pharma, Oil, the MIC spreads its benefits much more diversely. For instance (IIRC) some of those military hardware project contracts(like F-35, B-2,etc) get spread over all 50 states and hundreds of Congressional districts. They do this intentionally to create groups of people who directly and indirectly benefit from the jobs. Its too much a mess to tackle head-on which is why Ron Paul got crushed in the Republican primaries.

Domestic issues really should be the focus as the time has come for universal healthcare, a plan to address climate change and few other key issues that have 65-70% popular support and rising.
I think the last two years has shown that totally wrong. Bernie has helped shift the democratic platform to the left. He pushed Clinton into some concessions on her part. But it still needs a democrat President to sit at the top to enact the agenda. Trump isn't interested, he doesn't listen to his own advisors let alone the opposite party.

If it's Bernie himself great, if not get behind the candidate. I think Biden will be completely malleable to popular opinion and most democrats support single payer. That don't mean I want Biden but if you want to enact an agenda you need to get into power.

People is tired of little concessions here or there. People (at least Bernie supporters) want change, real change.
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