2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Cuomo has backed Biden and now Dianne Feinstein apparently gave the nod to Biden. Looks like the Dem establishment choice is Biden. Just fecking give it to Sanders ffs.

Sanders, just announce it Gundogan style.
I honeslty think he would prefer to run against Warren.. He probably wants her to get the nomination
There is only some mileage you can get out of the Pocahontas name calling. Even now it seems tired.
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand gauges Wall Street executives’ interest in backing a potential 2020 presidential run
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been reaching out to Wall Street executives about supporting a potential 2020 run for president.
  • Gillibrand has gotten a mixed response from the executives.
  • The New York Democrat’s effort comes as she contemplates entering what will likely be an expensive and protracted Democratic primary.

This is why, outside Bernie, Warren is the only real option.
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand gauges Wall Street executives’ interest in backing a potential 2020 presidential run
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been reaching out to Wall Street executives about supporting a potential 2020 run for president.
  • Gillibrand has gotten a mixed response from the executives.
  • The New York Democrat’s effort comes as she contemplates entering what will likely be an expensive and protracted Democratic primary.

This is why, outside Bernie, Warren is the only real option.

Come off it, Eboue likes this Gillenbrand
Not sure what to think of Biden running.

On one hand Biden vs Trump debates would be the greatest show the world has ever seen.

On the other he is an establishment man. He was in the senate when Nixon was President. Almost half a century in Washington. His record is Clinton-esque. He has much more personality but the record counts. The only way I think he can unite the democrats in a way Hillary couldn't is if he brings in a young progressive as VP and says he will do one term to "clean up the mess" as a senior head and then hand the reigns over.
So Kamala Harris has been seemingly on every TV network this week just by coincidence, she "doesn't really know" if she'll be running. What do people on here think of her?
What kind of person takes a video of himself getting his teeth done?
Gillibrand is just auditioning for VP she has no chance of winning. I'm thinking even that is optimistic though because most progressives don't like her/won't trust her and her NYC elite connections won't play well with midwest swing state moderates and independents.
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