2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I think Obama being a professor type who also shoots hoops and quotes Jay Z lended a veneer of credibility and respectability to the imperialist war machine and I also think that is more damaging than donald trump being a dementia addled moron who exposes how dumb this country is and always has been.

I'm not on board with woke bae beto who rides a skateboard in between drone strikes and plays guitar to unwind after fundraising dinners with Exxon.

I'm sure I've mentioned on here before how I think Obama's administration was a complete failure. I don't want Obama 2.0 because suburban housewives think hes hot.
To make sure that doesn't happen, you think a politician with no strong core belief, mentored by the very establishment dems whom you loathe, and who was ready to cosponsor a bill that would prosecute people protesting Anti Israel measures is the better choice here? I don't get this but I never got your vote for Harambe either.
Maybe Tulsi Gabbard may work, she's a woman, veteran and a photogenic surfer. But she met Assad etc, so she comes with a baggage. But if Bernie decides to run, he would have many good candidates to run on the ticket. I think someone African American could be a good combination for Bernie.
Kamala Harris would be great IMO. Problem is she is doing well in the polls and seems that she is going to tun for pres. But when she drops out, Bernie should try to put her in the ticket. It will appeal to Afro Americans who vote Democrat but aren't hot on Bernie, and it will appeal to centrists. She is also a good and calm speaker, will do well against Pence in any debate. And considering her torturing Kavanaugh even before the sexual scandal, she will appeal to many women.

Bernie-Harris would be my first choice for a Dem ticket. Ticks all the boxes. The only problem is that Harris would then be frontrunner for president if Bernie retires in 4 years, and we don't want an another centrist President. Obama and Clinton were enough. Well, there seems to be an another problem. Her being from Cali, doesn't make her deliver a strategic state, but on the other side, if Dems win, some other Dem will easily win that Senate seat.
I’m not sure why you guys are suggesting black women to run for VP.

You’re severely underestimating how much the country hates black women - look at Michelle Obama’s treatment.

All that will happen, if a black woman runs for VP or President is that she’ll get the black vote, and a small majority of the others.
But the majority of white men, women and Hispanics won’t vote for Lee or Harris, and in turn won’t vote for whoever the Presidental candidate is either - meaning an easy victory for Trump.
Plus the rhetoric and racist propaganda that they’ll have to deal with is frankly too much.

No black women, not that they can’t do a good job, just that a large majority of the electorate hate them and they’ll be expected to be perfect and any small mistake or misquote will be amplified 10x
I’m not sure why you guys are suggesting black women to run for VP.

You’re severely underestimating how much the country hates black women - look at Michelle Obama’s treatment.

All that will happen, if a black woman runs for VP or President is that she’ll get the black vote, and a small majority of the others.
But the majority of white men, women and Hispanics won’t vote for Lee or Harris, and in turn won’t vote for whoever the Presidental candidate is either - meaning an easy victory for Trump.
Plus the rhetoric and racist propaganda that they’ll have to deal with is frankly too much.

No black women, not that they can’t do a good job, just that a large majority of the electorate hate them and they’ll be expected to be perfect and any small mistake or misquote will be amplified 10x
Cause she is a good senator, has presence and complements Bernie well (she is a centrist while Bernie is leftist, Bernie typically doesn't connect well with Afro-Americans, and well he is a man, she is a woman).

While typically you want the Pres and VP to be aligned, Democrats are having an identity crisis and the party is very divided. Having a pres from one side and a VP from the other side might unite people behind them as long as they seem to be able to work together.
Cause she is a good senator, has presence and complements Bernie well (she is a centrist while Bernie is leftist, Bernie typically doesn't connect well with Afro-Americans, and well he is a man, she is a woman).

While typically you want the Pres and VP to be aligned, Democrats are having an identity crisis and the party is very divided. Having a pres from one side and a VP from the other side might unite people behind them as long as they seem to be able to work together.

What i'm saying has nothing to do with Harris or Lee's ability to be a good politician, or potential good VP - if all else was equal, I think they'd be good at it.

It's about recognising the climate that we're in both socially and politically, and being strategic about the Dem's chances of beating Trump.
The entire Democratic party has to be united in order to beat him and both the presidential nominee and VP will have to appeal to voters in key swing states such as the MidWest.

I don't think a black woman and a socialist will do that, they'll get the young votes for sure but they are least likely to vote.
What i'm saying has nothing to do with Harris or Lee's ability to be a good politician, or potential good VP - if all else was equal, I think they'd be good at it.

It's about recognising the climate that we're in both socially and politically, and being strategic about the Dem's chances of beating Trump.
The entire Democratic party has to be united in order to beat him and both the presidential nominee and VP will have to appeal to voters in key swing states such as the MidWest.

I don't think a black woman and a socialist will do that, they'll get the young votes for sure but they are least likely to vote.

It really depends on who the politician is. If its some run of the mill leftist then I would agree with you. If its a female version of Obama - a gifted politician with a message that can galvanize both the base and capture the imagination of independents, then she could be very successful. Such a candidate doesn't exist right now, but certainly could in future cycles.
It really depends on who the politician is. If its some run of the mill leftist then I would agree with you. If its a female version of Obama - a gifted politician with a message that can galvanize both the base and capture the imagination of independents, then she could be very successful. Such a candidate doesn't exist right now, but certainly could in future cycles.

I agree with that but that would basically be a unicorn, politically speaking.
You only need to look at the treatment Michelle Obama got for basically being a mother & a wife, and realise that betting on black would be a bad idea if you want to appeal to the masses.
Obviously I wish it wasn't the case, but at some point we just have to be honest about where the electorate are at right now.
I’m not sure why you guys are suggesting black women to run for VP.

You’re severely underestimating how much the country hates black women - look at Michelle Obama’s treatment.

All that will happen, if a black woman runs for VP or President is that she’ll get the black vote, and a small majority of the others.
But the majority of white men, women and Hispanics won’t vote for Lee or Harris, and in turn won’t vote for whoever the Presidental candidate is either - meaning an easy victory for Trump.
Plus the rhetoric and racist propaganda that they’ll have to deal with is frankly too much.

No black women, not that they can’t do a good job, just that a large majority of the electorate hate them and they’ll be expected to be perfect and any small mistake or misquote will be amplified 10x
I think you are more or less right. One thing I've learned living in West Texas that doesn't get mentioned, and that I hesitate to even delve into, is that racism goes in all directions. Deeply, sometimes...
I think Obama being a professor type who also shoots hoops and quotes Jay Z lended a veneer of credibility and respectability to the imperialist war machine and I also think that is more damaging than donald trump being a dementia addled moron who exposes how dumb this country is and always has been.

I'm not on board with woke bae beto who rides a skateboard in between drone strikes and plays guitar to unwind after fundraising dinners with Exxon.

I'm sure I've mentioned on here before how I think Obama's administration was a complete failure. I don't want Obama 2.0 because suburban housewives think hes hot.

Ultimately there's going to be some form of compromise. I think it's absolutely fair for single-payer to be a must for any candidate and for there to be a whole host of measures to reduce inequality and tackle the rampant corporatism being promoted by both parties, but the US isn't going to renege on its commitments to Israel and it's not going to completely renege on all its military commitments, however abhorrent they may be. I think it's fair to be particular in who you want to vote for and to have red lines but the fact is you're going to struggle to find someone who completely adheres to your personal belief system without holding certain views or values you don't in a race that's always essentially between two people.

I don't think you're realistically going to see any candidate who completely reneges on US commitments to Israel. At worst you'll see some light condemnation from some and a vague promise to work towards a viable two-state solution.
I don't think you're realistically going to see any candidate who completely reneges on US commitments to Israel. At worst you'll see some light condemnation from some and a vague promise to work towards a viable two-state solution.
Agree. Even Bernie is shite when it comes to this topic. I just posted it to show that there really shouldn't be any excitement from the left towards Beto. A good talker who's remember a couple of MLK lines but thats about it.
Agree. Even Bernie is shite when it comes to this topic. I just posted it to show that there really shouldn't be any excitement from the left towards Beto. A good talker who's remember a couple of MLK lines but thats about it.

Excitement's always got to be tempered because (especially in the US) there's always going to be things you want to get done that either get ignored, or which you know won't get done. Nevertheless the left will need to try and manifest excitement over someone at some point if they want to get rid of Trump, and if he supports universal healthcare then Beto isn't an awful option in that regard - certainly far, far better than the current incumbent, and a solid improvement on Hilary.
Excitement's always got to be tempered because (especially in the US) there's always going to be things you want to get done that either get ignored, or which you know won't get done. Nevertheless the left will need to try and manifest excitement over someone at some point if they want to get rid of Trump, and if he supports universal healthcare then Beto isn't an awful option in that regard - certainly far, far better than the current incumbent, and a solid improvement on Hilary.

The good part so far is that unless Hilary runs again everyone who's running will be a improvement on 2016. The only actual left option is Bernie and everyone else is basically hold your nose and vote for them candidate(Which is a improvement on 2016).
Beto should run,imo.

It's his chance now and he won't get a better one.

Well infact he possibly has a better shot at being president than winning the other Texas senate seat in 2020 which might end his mojo completely.
My first time seeing Brown speak. Yeah, I don't see this guy doing much, he just doesn't sound or look like a President. Shame as he seems to tick all the boxes:

My first time seeing Brown speak. Yeah, I don't see this guy doing much, he just doesn't sound or look like a President. Shame as he seems to tick all the boxes:

I'm told otherwise by friends, but IMO Bernie is an uncharismatic, charmless speaker.
You think? I'd say Bernie generally comes across very well.

But he doesn't have any flair, he's not a patch on Obama in those terms. He's blunt and easy to follow, but not charismatic.
But he doesn't have any flair, he's not a patch on Obama in those terms. He's blunt and easy to follow, but not charismatic.

With the policies he's advocating, I think that works to an extent. There's an honesty that comes across with him I think a lot of other major politicians lack.
The primaries are going to be such a shitshow. I think I might just try and view it as entertainment, because it will be crushing to see another centre-right robot chosen again.
The primaries are going to be such a shitshow. I think I might just try and view it as entertainment, because it will be crushing to see another centre-right robot chosen again.

The primaries have always been good entertainment. Though in past years it's generally been the GOP primaries that have provided the best entertainment. Herman Cain's 9-9-9, Rick Santorum's unfortunate google incident, everything about Michelle Bachmann and all the others, it was pure gold. And best of all, Rick Perry forgetting the third federal agency he wanted to disband, in the middle of explaining his plan in a GOP debate, ending with him going "I can't. The third one, I can't. Sorry. Oops."

It was magnificent. And we all had a good laugh when Donald Trump said he might run too, and an even better one when he actually did run four years later.

How is this an issue? Accepting donation from certain sectors does not mean agreeing with its use in every situation. :confused:

This only highlights the lack of unity & identity within the Democrats.
27% don't know, and less than 1/5 of those asked have a clear preferable candidate.

The same question asked to Republican voters has 2 clear stand out options Booker & Pence - or Trump, if he chose to seek a second term.
This only highlights the lack of unity & identity within the Democrats.
27% don't know, and less than 1/5 of those asked have a clear preferable candidate.

The same question asked to Republican voters has 2 clear stand out options Booker & Pence - or Trump, if he chose to seek a second term.
Not necessarily a bad thing. The reverse was true for previous cycle.
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