2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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With the state of the political climate now, if the incoming president doesn’t have a majority in Congress, they’re a busted flush.
Gillenbrand was a centrist too, she just knows which way the wind is blowing. I think that if she seriously runs she will move to the left.

I think not signing on to that bill, which had no chance of passing and so no real risk of pissing off any donors, means that she *does* have some principles - she will oppose universal healthcare.
Cory Booker is a cosponsor!
Because hes Obama 2.0. I think he could win but his win would do barely anything to change the reality of life in this country for most people and hes not going to take climate change seriously either.



Gillenbrand? The metoo Senator who drove out Franken? Wasn't she firmly pro Clinton since 2006? Except for Bernie and Warren, aren't they all centrists? What's your problem with Beto then? That he may have a chance against Sanders and these folks don't?

Gillenbrand? The metoo Senator who drove out Franken? Wasn't she firmly pro Clinton since 2006? Except for Bernie and Warren, aren't they all centrists? What's your problem with Beto then? That he may have a chance against Sanders and these folks don't?

Franken is a creep and her calling for him to resign is a good thing.

EDIT: Still don't see a difference between Klobuchar, Harris and Beto etc. If you want to go for centrists, then as might as well consider Beto too. The guy probably has a decent chance as well.

Harris is a prosecutor and prosecutors are rats. This is all speculative at this point. I would have happily voted for Warren two months ago, now I'd have to think about it. My guess is that Klobuchar moves to the left and if she does I would consider her. If she doesnt I wont. If Bernie changes his mind on Medicare for All I wont support him.

Beto is better than all those but the Bern. More charisma and I trust his progressive credentials more than the rest.
Brown lacks charisma
Merkley I had to Google to even know who he was
Warren lost her momentum after not running in 2016 and own goaled herself with the 'fake ndn' tag
And you can't even spell the junior Sen. from NY correctly ;)
Beto is better than all those but the Bern. More charisma and I trust his progressive credentials more than the rest.
Brown lacks charisma
Merkley I had to Google to even know who he was
Warren lost her momentum after not running in 2016 and own goaled herself with the 'fake ndn' tag
And you can't even spell the junior Sen. from NY correctly ;)

Other than Bernie. Brown and Beto.

No one else for me.
Harris is a prosecutor and prosecutors are rats. This is all speculative at this point. I would have happily voted for Warren two months ago, now I'd have to think about it. My guess is that Klobuchar moves to the left and if she does I would consider her. If she doesnt I wont. If Bernie changes his mind on Medicare for All I wont support him.

I understand all that eboue. You said in this thread we are all completely fecked if Beto decides to run and in the very next page throw a bunch of names where none of them have the credentials standing up for issues closer to your heart. If we are fecked with Obama 2.0 Beto running, we will be fecked of Sherrod Brown and Klobuchar run as well. I know she called out Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky recently, but still Gillibrand is someone who you should be up in arms against, accusing her of being a Clinton stooge/Establishment Dem. If your thinking is Beto may be a strong candidate against Bernie but other candidates may not be, then I can see your point.

Beto is better than all those but the Bern. More charisma and I trust his progressive credentials more than the rest.
Brown lacks charisma
Merkley I had to Google to even know who he was
Warren lost her momentum after not running in 2016 and own goaled herself with the 'fake ndn' tag
And you can't even spell the junior Sen. from NY correctly ;)

i think this post is fair, but I'd only say that Brown is an interesting choice if the path to victory is Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Penn but he'll surely run as a centrist. Warren could yet surprise us and if she wins back some momentum, she fits the 'Women against Trump' narrative and she has connected well with the voters in the past with some fiery speeches. Maybe this sort of a mistake was insurmountable in the past but we are in the ages of Trump winning after the grabbing pussy leak. Anything can happen.

Other than Bernie. Brown and Beto.

No one else for me.

I think this is also fair, with Brown covering the centrist angle and gaining the Midwest. Still have to see if the liberal grassroots may connect with Brown. Beto may well decide to run and he will be a good option. I'd only say not to forget Warren that easily. She may still surprise us.
I understand all that eboue. You said in this thread we are all completely fecked if Beto decides to run and in the very next page throw a bunch of names where none of them have the credentials standing up for issues closer to your heart. If we are fecked with Obama 2.0 Beto running, we will be fecked of Sherrod Brown and Klobuchar run as well. I know she called out Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky recently, but still Gillibrand is someone who you should be up in arms against, accusing her of being a Clinton stooge/Establishment Dem. If your thinking is Beto may be a strong candidate against Bernie but other candidates may not be, then I can see your point.

i think this post is fair, but I'd only say that Brown is an interesting choice if the path to victory is Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Penn but he'll surely run as a centrist. Warren could yet surprise us and if she wins back some momentum, she fits the 'Women against Trump' narrative and she has connected well with the voters in the past with some fiery speeches. Maybe this sort of a mistake was insurmountable in the past but we are in the ages of Trump winning after the grabbing pussy leak. Anything can happen.

I think this is also fair, with Brown covering the centrist angle and gaining the Midwest. Still have to see if the liberal grassroots may connect with Brown. Beto may well decide to run and he will be a good option. I'd only say not to forget Warren that easily. She may still surprise us.

I could see Brown winning if you pair him with a populist VP like Bernie, Beto, Warren. But Brown with a centrist like Gillibrand I would feel less confident about. I'd vote for it myself but not sure it would move some of the might not vote types
I could see Brown winning if you pair him with a populist VP like Bernie, Beto, Warren. But Brown with a centrist like Gillibrand I would feel less confident about. I'd vote for it myself but not sure it would move some of the might not vote types

Gillibrand as VP for the female voters makes sense.

Brown in the end may not run just because another Senate seat will be lost. Bernie/ Beto or Bernie/Gillibrand I can see.
I understand all that eboue. You said in this thread we are all completely fecked if Beto decides to run and in the very next page throw a bunch of names where none of them have the credentials standing up for issues closer to your heart. If we are fecked with Obama 2.0 Beto running, we will be fecked of Sherrod Brown and Klobuchar run as well. I know she called out Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky recently, but still Gillibrand is someone who you should be up in arms against, accusing her of being a Clinton stooge/Establishment Dem. If your thinking is Beto may be a strong candidate against Bernie but other candidates may not be, then I can see your point.

That's not my thinking. You've said that twice now with no apparent reason. It is clear to me what Beto is and what he represents. I think there is at least hope that the people I mentioned will be left of what Beto is. It's still 2 years away, I dont have to have all the answers now. Just that those are people I would consider but Beto is not.

I'd be fine with Beto as senator or part of the DNC / DCCC or even as someone who campaigns and fundraisers for other Democrats. But I don't want him as president.
Beto is better than all those but the Bern. More charisma and I trust his progressive credentials more than the rest.
Brown lacks charisma
Merkley I had to Google to even know who he was
Warren lost her momentum after not running in 2016 and own goaled herself with the 'fake ndn' tag
And you can't even spell the junior Sen. from NY correctly ;)

I dont think he is truly to the left of Brown or Gillenbrand or Merkley or Warren.
Gillibrand apparently has very high ambitions and allegedly opportunistic. I have no idea if that's the truth, it could well be agenda driven news aimed to hurt her but if that's true I would think she would not be happy with being a VP role. Brown/Warren could be a good compromise if Warren can buy it, but surely Bernie and Beto won't agree to run as VP's when they may have a chance to win at the top of the ticket. I only kept out Gillibrand out of this list because I don't think she can realistically win the ticket on her own.

Apparently, Tulsi Gabbard is visiting New Hampshire this weekend. She surely has ambitions. Wonder if Bernie Sanders will ask her to run on his ticket.

Gillibrand as VP for the female voters makes sense.

Brown in the end may not run just because another Senate seat will be lost. Bernie/ Beto or Bernie/Gillibrand I can see.

I don't know if anyone would think 'If I run we may lose another senate seat, so I'm not going to run' if there's a good chance. I'm sorry, i just can't see it. I personally don't see Bernie/Beto happening either but that would be a great ticket. Bernie can carry anyone on his own but he would be better off with a black candidate on his ticket. Ocasio Cortez is too young for being a VP?
Gillibrand apparently has very high ambitions and allegedly opportunistic. I have no idea if that's the truth, it could well be agenda driven news aimed to hurt her but if that's true I would think she would not be happy with being a VP role. Brown/Warren could be a good compromise if Warren can buy it, but surely Bernie and Beto won't agree to run as VP's when they may have a chance to win at the top of the ticket. I only kept out Gillibrand out of this list because I don't think she can realistically win the ticket on her own.

Apparently, Tulsi Gabbard is visiting New Hampshire this weekend. She surely has ambitions. Wonder if Bernie Sanders will ask her to run on his ticket.

I don't know if anyone would think 'If I run we may lose another senate seat, so I'm not going to run' if there's a good chance. I'm sorry, i just can't see it. I personally don't see Bernie/Beto happening either but that would be a great ticket. Bernie can carry anyone on his own but he would be better off with a black candidate on his ticket. Ocasio Cortez is too young for being a VP?

Yeah she can't be President so she can't be VP. Crazy to think all her buzz and she is legally still 6 years away from being old enough for Pres.
That's not my thinking. You've said that twice now with no apparent reason. It is clear to me what Beto is and what he represents. I think there is at least hope that the people I mentioned will be left of what Beto is. It's still 2 years away, I dont have to have all the answers now. Just that those are people I would consider but Beto is not.

I'd be fine with Beto as senator or part of the DNC / DCCC or even as someone who campaigns and fundraisers for other Democrats. But I don't want him as president.

Gillenbrand is not her actual name. Till #Metoo broke out, she was mentored by Clinton cabal when she called out Bill Clinton. I personally think she's sort of the establishment Democrat we should all be avoiding and I have moved to this camp instead of choosing pragmatic candidates mainly because of your posts. I'm sure you probably know all this and noone in your list stands out for being anything liberal. More of a centrists who may turn to left, so we may as well as hope Beto is all that. Anyway there is no point in questioning a hypothetical list so I will leave it as it is.
Yeah she can't be President so she can't be VP. Crazy to think all her buzz and she is legally still 6 years away from being old enough for Pres.

Maybe Tulsi Gabbard may work, she's a woman, veteran and a photogenic surfer. But she met Assad etc, so she comes with a baggage. But if Bernie decides to run, he would have many good candidates to run on the ticket. I think someone African American could be a good combination for Bernie.
Maybe Tulsi Gabbard may work, she's a woman, veteran and a photogenic surfer. But she met Assad etc, so she comes with a baggage. But if Bernie decides to run, he would have many good candidates to run on the ticket. I think someone African American could be a good combination for Bernie.
None of the Bernie’s 16 lot should be touched with a barge pole.

Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Canova (who has turned into a Seth Rich murder conspiracist) etc... Opportunists the lot of them.
Bernie Sanders - Barbara Lee :drool:
(and don't reply to this post saying it's unrealistic... I know it is).

If he wants to win it'll be either Warren or Beto as VP probably.
Of all the non-Bernie choices Beto seems somewhat alright. I imagine he'll support single-payer and fall in line with a fair few of the leftist Dem stances.
Maybe Tulsi Gabbard may work, she's a woman, veteran and a photogenic surfer. But she met Assad etc, so she comes with a baggage. But if Bernie decides to run, he would have many good candidates to run on the ticket. I think someone African American could be a good combination for Bernie.

I like Tulsi myself and I know others that like her but I've seen some not like her online so I'm not sure. The next 8 months hopefully we get a better shakedown on all of them. I just want a ticket that can reasonably win that I can reasonably believe will try to help the people.
Gillenbrand is not her actual name. Till #Metoo broke out, she was mentored by Clinton cabal when she called out Bill Clinton. I personally think she's sort of the establishment Democrat we should all be avoiding and I have moved to this camp instead of choosing pragmatic candidates mainly because of your posts. I'm sure you probably know all this and noone in your list stands out for being anything liberal. More of a centrists who may turn to left, so we may as well as hope Beto is all that. Anyway there is no point in questioning a hypothetical list so I will leave it as it is.

Like I said, I don't think Gillenenenenbrand is a true believer or anything. I think she is just a politician who sees which way the wind is blowing and would enact left wing policies, regardless of whether she believes in them but because they are popular.
Bernie Sanders - Barbara Lee :drool:
(and don't reply to this post saying it's unrealistic... I know it is).

If he wants to win it'll be either Warren or Beto as VP probably.

Why is it unrealistic? Because of her age? She's woman, African american, has stood for liberal policies etc. I'm genuinely intrigued

Edit: Warren or Beto as VP would be a strong ticket. Unlike Pence staring at North Korean wall and lolling in to vote on tie break votes, Bernie could even offer meaningful positions to either one of them. But I still think Bernie will need to win over the black community and while it may be a bit opportunistic, he would do well with one on his ticket.
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Like I said, I don't think Gillenenenenbrand is a true believer or anything. I think she is just a politician who sees which way the wind is blowing and would enact left wing policies, regardless of whether she believes in them but because they are popular.

Isn't that all the more reason why we should stay away from her? I mean, she's basically Clinton 2.0. Well, I'm confused with the GilletteBrand doesn't believe in anything, so let's vote her but Beto would be a disaster because he never mentioned Medicare for all.

Edit: Seriously, we aren't going to go anywhere with this. It's a hypothetical list, so it's fine.
Isn't that all the more reason why we should stay away from her? I mean, she's basically Clinton 2.0. Well, I'm confused with the GilletteBrand doesn't believe in anything, so let's vote her but Beto would be a disaster because he never mentioned Medicare for all.

Edit: Seriously, we aren't going to go anywhere with this. It's a hypothetical list, so it's fine.

Well Clinton said in 2016 that single payer would "never ever ever happen".
Why is it unrealistic? Because of her age? She's woman, African american, has stood for liberal policies etc. I'm genuinely intrigued

Edit: Warren or Beto as VP would be a strong ticket. Unlike Pence staring at North Korean wall and lolling in to vote on tie break votes, Bernie could even offer meaningful positions to either one of them. But I still think Bernie will need to win over the black community and while it may be a bit opportunistic, he would do well with one on his ticket.

Mostly because she doesn't have any name recognition, and equally because she is the most anti-war politician in the whole country. The think-tanks and ex-generals/CIA will be united like never before to stop that ticket, because her name (alongwith his) signals a very different foreign policy than the bipartisan consensus of the last few decades. It would easily be the most leftist candidates from any major party, I think the only comparison is FDR+Wallace in 1940.

It will also not be hard for Republicans to attack her past.

Again, this would be my dream ticket, and Bernie went to campaign for her re-election this time so they're probably close, but I don't think it'll happen.
Mostly because she doesn't have any name recognition, and equally because she is the most anti-war politician in the whole country. The think-tanks and ex-generals/CIA will be united like never before to stop that ticket, because her name (alongwith his) signals a very different foreign policy than the bipartisan consensus of the last few decades. It would easily be the most leftist candidates from any major party, I think the only comparison is FDR+Wallace in 1940.

It will also not be hard for Republicans to attack her past.

Again, this would be my dream ticket, and Bernie went to campaign for her re-election this time so they're probably close, but I don't think it'll happen.

She doesn't deliver a state like a strategic VP pick as she comes from California, but still she could give him a much needed boost with the African American votes. Maybe start a twitter rumour and it will catch on and become a thing?
Yeah, we have a draft dodger masquerading as a military champion and her work with the Panthers can surely be defended. I think it's a great choice, it will energize the liberal crowd and give him good standing with the minority community. Unlike there is a seriously unavoidable option like Beto (For eye candy and younger rockstar image) or Brown (May give him Ohio, PA and the midwest) or Warren (Woman, progressive, has name recognition), Barbara Lee is a great choice. Only thing is, both are above 70.

Gillibrand's website states "Specifically, Senator Gillibrand will continue to strengthen America's close relationship with the State of Israel." She voted for S.CON.RES.23 of 2011-2012, which was " A concurrent resolution declaring that it is the policy of the United States to support and facilitate Israel in maintaining defensible borders and that it is contrary to United States policy and national security to have the borders of Israel return to the armistice lines that existed on June 4, 1967."

In 2012, Gillibrand came out against Democrat Charles Barron, a candidate for the state's Eighth Congressional District, because she viewed him as anti-Israel. Her spokesman said "Any candidate who is anti-Israel does not share Senator Gillibrand's values,"[85]

In 2017, Gillibrand co-sponsored the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S.270),[86] which made it a federal crime, punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment, for Americans to encourage or participate in boycotts if protesting actions by the Israeli government.[86][87][86] This bill was criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union and other civil rights proponents.[88] In direct response to criticisms, Gillibrand said that she would urge changes to the bill so that it would only apply to companies, not individuals.[89]
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