2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Jobs and Immigration will be No 1 imo. Tax and infrastructure next. Climate change will at best be 3rd imo.

I think the Dems would be wise to offer up a grand bargain in 2020 - something similar to Bernie's entire platform and vaguely reminiscent of a modern version of FDR's new deal. Not just healthcare or climate change or education, but a proper turnkey solution to a vast majority of the problems that are plaguing society at the moment.
True. All the more reason for him choose a young running mate to give the public a bit of confidence that his policies will endure even if he himself doesn't.
I think Dems are coming from behind. They better pick someone with less obvious chinks in armour. Maybe not much difference but as I think more Biden/Brown looks to be best bet. With Brown/Beto in 2024
I think the Dems would be wise to offer up a grand bargain in 2020 - something similar to Bernie's entire platform and vaguely reminiscent of a modern version of FDR's new deal. Not just healthcare or climate change or education, but a proper turnkey solution to a vast majority of the problems that are plaguing society at the moment.

I agree.
As a general rule I think someone running for such an important office at such an age is daft, but if he's the best candidate they probably need to go for it - he's in good condition for his age which is the most important thing.
Yeah, missed healthcare.

1. Healthcare
2. Jobs and Immigration
3. Tax and Infrastructure
4. Climate change.
Climate change will always be last on that list. They have to more or less win the Rust Belt back to retake the White House, and any job growth in PA/OH and perhaps further west is likely due to oil and gas.
A good number probably are but some aren't. There are ordinary Dems that don't care for Sanders as well.

The Twitter you linked was from a self-described 'Former CIA Analyst and targeting Officer 2000-2010'. That is nowhere near an "ordinary" Dem and I doubt any of the people following her (never even heard her name before) represent ordinary people.
The Twitter you linked was from a self-described 'Former CIA Analyst and targeting Officer 2000-2010'. That is nowhere near an "ordinary" Dem and I doubt any of the people following her (never even heard her name before) represent ordinary people.

These are mostly establishment Dems who obviously haven't drank the Sanders koolaid.
These are mostly establishment Dems who obviously haven't drank the Sanders koolaid.

Or to phrase another way they are drinking the greasy green Clinton-aid
Wonder who she wants as the Dem candidate then?
Wish Sanders was younger. He'd be over 80 if he won and got a second term.
I think anyone who is expecting the Dems to come together if Sanders wins will be in for a surprise.

Absolutely. There would still be a split in the party whether he wins or loses. Unless of course a younger candidate like O'Rourke wins by running on hybrid platform that appeases both sides.
Not that surprising.
His path to earning the Dem nomination will be very tricky.

Agreed. At a minimum it won't be the slam dunk that some think it will. There will 3 or 4 candidates who are going to be in the mix as the primary season wears on imo.
Absolutely. There would still be a split in the party whether he wins or loses. Unless of course a younger candidate like O'Rourke wins by running on hybrid platform that appeases both sides.
I can't see O'Rourke running but it would have to but someone in ''centre'' winning the primary for the party to not cause a internal fight.

If Bernie wins I expect

.Someone to run as a Independent

.No endorsements by former Dems presidents or any centre/right wing democrats.

.The DNC to be actively working against Bernie winning.

Plus the usual hostility from the media and the republicans. I still think Bernie would cruise to a victory even with all of that.
I can't see O'Rourke running but it would have to but someone in ''centre'' winning the primary for the party to not cause a internal fight.

If Bernie wins I expect

.Someone to run as a Independent

.No endorsements by former Dems presidents or any centre/right wing democrats.

.The DNC to be actively working against Bernie winning.

Plus the usual hostility from the media and the republicans. I still think Bernie would cruise to a victory even with all of that.

Can't see a viable independent run by anyone since it would help Trump. There would be too much pressure to get out of the race or else face another 4 years of Trump. As for Sanders, the DNC would support him...since he would ostensibly become its boss if he wins the Dem nomination. The party platform would need to be amended to include many of his policies.
Agreed. At a minimum it won't be the slam dunk that some think it will. There will 3 or 4 candidates who are going to be in the mix as the primary season wears on imo.

I'm looking forward to seeing him debate with the comparatively lessor known candidates, no doubt they will try to use that opportunity for notoriety.

Previously I was against the idea of a woman running for president in this climate - but the more I consider it, I don't think it's a bad strategy to use against Trump. Problem is I don't want it to be Kamala Harris (or any black woman) and the other alternatives aren't that appealing either.

It's going to be an interesting few months watching all of this unfold.
Agreed. At a minimum it won't be the slam dunk that some think it will. There will 3 or 4 candidates who are going to be in the mix as the primary season wears on imo.
Except no one actually think Bernard Sanders would waltz into a nomination. The argument is and has always been he’d be best placed to compete in the general election.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a brokered convention this time.
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