2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The 'liberal' MSM wil push anyone but a Social Democrat.

They fear Bernie.

But Sherrod Brown is interesting.
Ohio and He speaks to the truth.

He spoke directly and said Abrahms election was stolen.

He did not accept Chuck Todd pushing back about it.
The 'liberal' MSM wil push anyone but a Social Democrat.

They fear Bernie.

But Sherrod Brown is interesting.
Ohio and He speaks to the truth.

He spoke directly and said Abrahms election was stolen.

He did not accept Chuck Todd pushing back about it.

Think CNN would be more tolerant to Bernie this time around.
Bloomberg serious about running.

1.8 Billion donation to John Hopkins
He gives a lot of money to many things, anyway. But if he runs in Dem primaries, it is fine, just I hope he doesn't run as an independent.
Bloomberg doesn't have national appeal. If he was running again as mayor of NYC or governor of NY then he may have a good chance. Anything beyond the NY bubble won't work.
I don't think Booker, Harris or Gillibrand would fare well either. It's easier for a someone from mid/south west to gain credibility in east/west than vice versa.
Are you talking about the primary here or the GE?
Bloomberg doesn't have national appeal. If he was running again as mayor of NYC or governor of NY then he may have a good chance. Anything beyond the NY bubble won't work.

And the GOP would harp on another liberal elite from NY, while the voting base wouldn't see the irony in Trump was that as well (elitist cnut tosser that is).
I don't think Booker, Harris or Gillibrand would fare well either. It's easier for a someone from mid/south west to gain credibility in east/west than vice versa.

Agreed. Booker comes across as a total light weight attempting to slither in via Obama and Hillary’s coat tails. Harris and Gillibrabd don’t seem to have national appeal either.
Agreed. Booker comes across as a total light weight attempting to slither in via Obama and Hillary’s coat tails. Harris and Gillibrabd don’t seem to have national appeal either.
2020 must see Bernie on the ticket. Let's have this battle of ideas and see how trumps fear tactics hold up against democratic socialist policies. Also, with a lot of republican senate seats up for grabs and a great selection of Dems for cabinat positions we may see an opportunity arise for a "new deal". One thing must be certain if the Dems take the White House, prosecution and jail time for the trump family and minions. This country needs a lesson learned that no one is above the law.
2020 must see Bernie on the ticket. Let's have this battle of ideas and see how trumps fear tactics hold up against democratic socialist policies. Also, with a lot of republican senate seats up for grabs and a great selection of Dems for cabinat positions we may see an opportunity arise for a "new deal". One thing must be certain if the Dems take the White House, prosecution and jail time for the trump family and minions. This country needs a lesson learned that no one is above the law.
Bernie running on the Democratic ticket whilst not being a Democrat isn't just hypocritical, it will be incredibly damaging; he gets a platform to trash the very party he says he wants to lead.
Bernie running on the Democratic ticket whilst not being a Democrat isn't just hypocritical, it will be incredibly damaging; he gets a platform to trash the very party he says he wants to lead.

I think the Dem party is drifting towards being more like Bernie....much as the GOP have largely assimilated into the party of Trump. Except, unlike Trump....Bernie will be good for the party and wind up actually expanding it.
Bernie running on the Democratic ticket whilst not being a Democrat isn't just hypocritical, it will be incredibly damaging; he gets a platform to trash the very party he says he wants to lead.

Bernie is in the tradition of old school Progressives, Bull Moose or New Deal Democrats. Much closer to the ideals of an allegedly liberal party's base than the Clinton's Republican-Lite corporatism.
Bernie running on the Democratic ticket whilst not being a Democrat isn't just hypocritical, it will be incredibly damaging; he gets a platform to trash the very party he says he wants to lead.
The Democratic party need a swift kick to the face right now. Trump wasn't a Republican but everyone fell in line regardless. Sanders/Swalwell 2020.
Bernie running on the Democratic ticket whilst not being a Democrat isn't just hypocritical, it will be incredibly damaging; he gets a platform to trash the very party he says he wants to lead.

Trump did the same to GOP and won. Now they are licking his boots. Besides Bernie did not even "trash" the party even when he did not win the nomination. He could have been much more divise and refused to support Hillary.
Bernie is in the tradition of old school Progressives, Bull Moose or New Deal Democrats. Much closer to the ideals of an allegedly liberal party's base than the Clinton's Republican-Lite corporatism.
Why doesn’t he sign up as a Democrat? The fact is he has criticized the party a lot in the past.

His wing May be the future, but that’s not where the country is at for now.
The Democratic party need a swift kick to the face right now. Trump wasn't a Republican but everyone fell in line regardless. Sanders/Swalwell 2020.
If he wins the primary, everyone will fall in line. But don’t expect them to fall in line before a primary vote is cast.
Trump did the same to GOP and won. Now they are licking his boots. Besides Bernie did not even "trash" the party even when he did not win the nomination. He could have been much more divise and refused to support Hillary.
He has trashed the Dems numerous times in his career. It’s not surprising that the establishment Dems don’t want him.
You keep moving the goalposts. There is zero chance he would trash the party if he won the nomination. Establishment dems hate him because they don't like his policies which are against their corporate overlords.
Just been doing a quick read-up on some of the less familiar names mentioned in this thread. Sherrod Brown seems like an interesting character - a good age, seemingly the right profile in terms of the direction the Democratic Party should probably be heading, and from a vital swing-state which he could potentially carry for the Party.

For those familiar with him, would he stand a chance in this race, first against the other Dems and then Trump? Has he any charisma about him?
Just been doing a quick read-up on some of the less familiar names mentioned in this thread. Sherrod Brown seems like an interesting character - a good age, seemingly the right profile in terms of the direction the Democratic Party should probably be heading, and from a vital swing-state which he could potentially carry for the Party.

For those familiar with him, would he stand a chance in this race, first against the other Dems and then Trump? Has he any charisma about him?

He would seem to check a lot of Dem boxes but he does lack the national level charisma that will be required to make a dent in the primaries.
Just been doing a quick read-up on some of the less familiar names mentioned in this thread. Sherrod Brown seems like an interesting character - a good age, seemingly the right profile in terms of the direction the Democratic Party should probably be heading, and from a vital swing-state which he could potentially carry for the Party.

For those familiar with him, would he stand a chance in this race, first against the other Dems and then Trump? Has he any charisma about him?

Policy-wise he seems fine but zero profile.
He is openly considering a run though. Bernie, Warren and Brown will cannabilise each other and let either Biden or Harris through.
Just been doing a quick read-up on some of the less familiar names mentioned in this thread. Sherrod Brown seems like an interesting character - a good age, seemingly the right profile in terms of the direction the Democratic Party should probably be heading, and from a vital swing-state which he could potentially carry for the Party.

For those familiar with him, would he stand a chance in this race, first against the other Dems and then Trump? Has he any charisma about him?
Charisma isn’t the first word that comes to mind, but he is very likable. Also lacks the open ambition towards greatness that kinda sorta helps sometimes, like with Beto.

I don’t think he wins the Primaries if the heavy hitters come out to play, but he strikes me as being a highly desirable VP candidate if they think he can deliver Ohio. The Dems aren’t winning that state any other way, but if he does the election is done and dusted.

Although he may not be the best VP pick if it’s a Bernie ticket; lacks a bit of... I don’t know... sex appeal for lack of a better term...
If Brown is not the nominee, he should not be VP. That Senate seat is far too important.

But if the Democrats do not select a candidate who embraces a True Progressive agenda, he or she should should not bother.
It is not impossible for this clown to be re elected with the same ol shit show.
Easily rectifiable. Not many knew Obama before his bid. Not only Ohio, but I reckon Brown can swing Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Michigan too.

He would definitely work as a VP pick since they are generally in the background and not required to have the sort of gravitas that POTUS candidates need to win. I do agree that he would be strong in terms of ferreting out votes in the rust belt...and obviously if he can help win Ohio that would likely mean MI, WI, and PA would also go Dem.
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Obama was on the cover of Time magazine in 06....

That was probably very early and after he said, he may run. Maybe even his first major publicity.

He would definitely work as a VP pick since they are generally in the background and not required to have the sort of gravitas that POTUS candidates need to win. I do agree that he would be strong in terms of ferreting out votes in the rusts belt...and obviously if he can help win Ohio that would likely mean MI, WI, and PA would also go Dem.

If only Hillary had chosen him for VP...

Beto/Brown would have been ideal....if Beto had won in Texas. I feel it's too soon for him. So we end up with Biden or Bernie and hope their age doesn't become a issue.
That was probably very early and after he said, he may run. Maybe even his first major publicity.

He delivered his breakout speech in the 2004 Democratic convention, had a NYT best seller by 2005, on the cover of Time and frequented talk shows/morning shows by 2006. Obama was always a star, not a wonky, scruffy little known Senator who were by and large only familiar to progressives.
Is Sanders really a serious candidate for 2020 or is he just named a lot because there is not a clear alternative yet? In 2020 he'd be 79, it sounds absolutely insane to make someone this old POTUS.
Is Sanders really a serious candidate for 2020 or is he just named a lot because there is not a clear alternative yet? In 2020 he'd be 79, it sounds absolutely insane to make someone this old POTUS.

I agree, that’s how I got my tag!
Is Sanders really a serious candidate for 2020 or is he just named a lot because there is not a clear alternative yet? In 2020 he'd be 79, it sounds absolutely insane to make someone this old POTUS.

All signs point toward him running. I do agree that 80 is ridiculously old for a new POTUS but in Sanders case he seems more than lucid enough to do it.
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I agree, that’s how I got my tag!
I dont understand why people that old are in politics in general. Trump's too old as well. Everyone retires around 65 but for the office of president being old almost seems a requirement.
I dont understand why people that old are in politics in general. Trump's too old as well. Everyone retires around 65 but for the office of president being old almost seems a requirement.

I read this to myself in Ben Shapiro's voice.
I dont understand why people that old are in politics in general. Trump's too old as well. Everyone retires around 65 but for the office of president being old almost seems a requirement.

It’s insane. What’s the expected lifespan for men in the US? What are the odds that Sanders would be able to complete two terms? It sounds a bit harsh, but it’s a very real concern I’d say.

That said, I’d rather have an 80 year old Sanders as POTUS instead of the cheeto in chief.
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