2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I think the love for the idea of a Biden run is clearly not policy based. Speaking as an outsider, I would see it on a personal level and let's face it, you've got Donald Trump currently embarrassing your country every day and night.

There's bound to be a lot of moderates who would just prefer some balance restored and frankly, a normal functioning human being running the country. Certainly think he's comes across much better on a personal level than Sanders does but again, I acknowledge a lot of voters might not care about that over policy.
Why would people want a Biden though?

That type of president would just stop most of progressive stuff in the name of being decent and unity while getting done fecked all and get another trump from GOP elected after.
Why would people want a Biden though?

That type of president would just stop most of progressive stuff in the name of being decent and unity while getting done fecked all and get another trump from GOP elected after.
A couple of reasons I would imagine:

1) ABT (anything but Trump).

2) Nostalgic throwback to President Obama (whos legacy through right or wrong has been boosted by Trump).

I’d agree though, Biden hardly indicates a progressive breakthrough. I mean sure it would from Trump, but not in the grand scheme of things.
A couple of reasons I would imagine:

1) ABT (anything but Trump).

2) Nostalgic throwback to President Obama (whos legacy through right or wrong has been boosted by Trump).

I’d agree though, Biden hardly indicates a progressive breakthrough. I mean sure it would from Trump, but not in the grand scheme of things.
On policies, Biden would be a bit like Clinton or Obama. Do things by compromise (and both, especially Obama did a shitload of good things not considering his foreign policy which was an absolute disaster, bar killing Osama). But not what most of left wing want, they want a real progressive who can do a lot of changes.

Of course, the problem of having someone like Sanders is that he won't be able to deliver his policies, especially if Dems don't control both rooms.
The hope for me is that Biden would be the link to a progressive shift. He'd choose a VP like Beto and groom him for the next election while stumping for progressives around the country and introducing progressive policies incrementally. America won't accept a big change even after a buffoon like trump. It has to happen over time.
The hope for me is that Biden would be the link to a progressive shift. He'd choose a VP like Beto and groom him for the next election while stumping for progressives around the country and introducing progressive policies incrementally. America won't accept a big change even after a buffoon like trump. It has to happen over time.

That's the same argument Pelosi is making to stay on as leader of the house. The idea is to groom a successor in the lead up to 2020 elections so the Republicans can't use her as the big bad wolf again.
I don't have a problem with Pelosi. She knows how to get stuff done and she knows that the times are changing.
She is 200 years old, and always tries for bipartisanship, which in normal circumstances is the decent thing to do, but not with this bunch of Republicans.

At the very least, she should promise that she will use 'the majority of majority' rule in the House. Which again in normal circumstances is a very non-Democratic thing to do, but not with this bunch of Republicans.
She is 200 years old, and always tries for bipartiseanship, which in normal circumstances is the decent thing to do, but not with this bunch of Republicans.

At the very least, she should promise that she will use 'the majority of majority' rule in the House. Which again in normal circumstances is a very non-Democratic thing to do, but not with this bunch of Republicans.
Yep I’d agree with that.

Bipartisanship might have been productive pre 21st century before the Republicans morphed into an extremist faction hell bent on gerrymandering their way to total power and sabotaging everything the Dems would put forward.

She’s also deeply disliked. Whether that’s fair or not the reality is like Clinton that will work against her party so the pragmatic thing to do would be to give way to a new guard.
Just reading that John Kyl, the other AZ senator might retire early and that seat will be open in 2020. Wonder if Dems have another candidate to take on McSally.
Isn't he releasing his seat in January (which means that the Republican governor will give it to someone else, likely McSally)? Then McSally will be incumbent when it comes to the reelection on 2020, and incumbents have their advantages.
Pelosi was shoehorned into nearly every ad for Republicans as an agent of ill aligned with their Democrat opponent running in Texas or Oklahoma that I saw.

She’s one step below Soros or Obama on the Redneck axis of evil scale.
Isn't he releasing his seat in January (which means that the Republican governor will give it to someone else, likely McSally)? Then McSally will be incumbent when it comes to the reelection on 2020, and incumbents have their advantages.

Yep. Likely one of the reasons McSally conceded without a big fuss. Ducey will probably just appoint her to the Senate once Kyl goes back into retirement.
Pelosi was shoehorned into nearly every ad for Republicans as an agent of ill aligned with their Democrat opponent running in Texas or Oklahoma that I saw.

She’s one step below Soros or Obama on the Redneck axis of evil scale.

And progressives.
Necessary evil imo. You need someone to take on the likes of Mitch McConnell. They are not there to impress public, but to handle the often dirty backstage negotiation and get the party decisions pushed through the bureaucracy.


She took over in 2006, with a large Dem house majority and a senate majority, and from 2008-10 had a Deomcrat president and a Democrat supermajority in the senate, alongside a large Democrat majority in the House.
Necessary evil imo. You need someone to take on the likes of Mitch McConnell. They are not there to impress public, but to handle the often dirty backstage negotiation and get the party decisions pushed through the bureaucracy.


Considering the Republicans had continually been improving their standing in both Senates until last week while also winning the Presidency, the suggestion would be that Pelosi wasn't doing a particularly good job of that.
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Great, all Dems need now , apart from Bloomberg, is Cuban , Gates, Bezos and Zuck running and then they have a REAL chance. You need 5 real billionaires to fight a fake one, amirite?
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