2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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this guy will never be president

Brown is a Progressive.

Klobachar is not. Far from it. I voted for her even so.
Does it matter? As a Veep candidate, she can deliver key states where Dems have fallen behind. Maybe not a firebrand liberal, but she's balanced and leans blue. Minnesota, Wisconsin and even Florida will have better chance to swing Blue with her in the ticket plus other rust belt states.

I think priority should be stopping Trump and between her and Brown they can deliver places where Blues are weak. The traditional blue states will vote for them anyway.
Does it matter? As a Veep candidate, she can deliver key states where Dems have fallen behind. Maybe not a firebrand liberal, but she's balanced and leans blue. Minnesota, Wisconsin and even Florida will have better chance to swing Blue with her in the ticket plus other rust belt states.

I think priority should be stopping Trump and between her and Brown they can deliver places where Blues are weak. The traditional blue states will vote for them anyway.

WI, MI and PA could only have been lost by a terrible candidate like Hillary. Even she got MN....just though.

These states always vote Democrat in President.
Beto, Gillibrand and Warren won't even be a contest. Bloomberg is a wild card. Trump will just plaster Sanders as a socialist. They need a common unifying force.

Sanders would have beaten Trump last time and I think he would in 2020, however I think he's too old. Trump can shout Socialist as much as he likes, only his base will care or listen.

It's not a dirty word. It's the only thing that will save the USA.
The Socialist jibe wont resonate with most. And for those that care about it...they were going to vote Trump anyways.

Yeah, Trump's going to tarnish anyone who opts for solidly left-wing policy as a socialist no matter who they are. That shouldn't mean the Dems just give up on proper left-wing policies as a result.
Yeah, Trump's going to tarnish anyone who opts for solidly left-wing policy as a socialist no matter who they are. That shouldn't mean the Dems just give up on proper left-wing policies as a result.

People are actually listening to policies. health Care, Education and Retirement are huge.
Trump lies and his base believes him.
But he will be too busy defending himself. He is a criminal and traitor and the charges will be brought soon.
He wont even last till 2020.
Yeah, Trump's going to tarnish anyone who opts for solidly left-wing policy as a socialist no matter who they are.

Krysten Sinema voted to fund the border wall.
Krysten Sinema voted to allow the death penalty for the attempted murder of police officers.
Krysten Sinema repeatedly said she wants to work with Republicans to solve problems, not oppose Trump.

Trump called her an open borders radical. The attacks will come, whatever your position.

Krysten Sinema voted to fund the border wall.
Krysten Sinema voted to allow the death penalty for the attempted murder of police officers.
Krysten Sinema repeatedly said she wants to work with Republicans to solve problems, not oppose Trump.

Trump called her an open borders radical. The attacks will come, whatever your position.

Absolutely, moderating policy to try and prevent Trump from attacking you is ultimately futile. He's going to attack anyone who opposes him no matter what because that's fundamentally the way he works.
People are actually listening to policies. health Care, Education and Retirement are huge.
Trump lies and his base believes him.
But he will be too busy defending himself. He is a criminal and traitor and the charges will be brought soon.
He wont even last till 2020.
Envious of all of you who have this much faith! I hope to God you're right mate
Wow this thread is long already. If they want to win, Democrats will punt for Sanders. Don't think anyone else has a chance against the Don.
Envious of all of you who have this much faith! I hope to God you're right mate

With Trump destroying the Republican party, decent people are waking up to all the lies. Even Conservatives admit that the Republican party of old was wrong in many ways. Dog whistles.
A rethink is happening.
How about just offering policies. Perhaps many are still in the middle. That I think is being influenced by media that is owned by corporations.

But when people like Beto and Bernie speak, people sit up. More than that they go out and vote.
The reason is their honesty. Its not the same ol same ol.

Even those poor people who go to the Trump rallies are going to wake up to the lies. Fear and Hate can only go so far. It destroys from within.

They will feel it soon.
With Trump destroying the Republican party, decent people are waking up to all the lies. Even Conservatives admit that the Republican party of old was wrong in many ways. Dog whistles.
A rethink is happening.
How about just offering policies. Perhaps many are still in the middle. That I think is being influenced by media that is owned by corporations.

But when people like Beto and Bernie speak, people sit up. More than that they go out and vote.
The reason is their honesty. Its not the same ol same ol.

Even those poor people who go to the Trump rallies are going to wake up to the lies. Fear and Hate can only go so far. It destroys from within.

They will feel it soon.

Perhaps you should change your handle to Blue Dreams? :p
I'm sure Guilfoyle has enough dirt on Gavin - drugs, parties, and general debauchery etc....to bury him politically if he decided to against her current sugardaddy's father in 20.
I'm sure Guilfoyle has enough dirt on Gavin - drugs, parties, and general debauchery etc....to bury him politicalyl if he decided to against her current sugardaddy's father in 20.
Would that even matter anymore? As long as sexual assault and financial fraud aren't involved then I dont see it being a problem with the Democratic primary base.

That being said, guv'nor of the snowflakey liberal elite California is hardly a good sell in the critical tipping point states.
I'm sure Guilfoyle has enough dirt on Gavin - drugs, parties, and general debauchery etc....to bury him politicalyl if he decided to against her current sugardaddy's father in 20.
Elrich should have more dirt on Gavin.
Wow this thread is long already. If they want to win, Democrats will punt for Sanders. Don't think anyone else has a chance against the Don.

Biden also has a great shot as he would certainly galvanize enough indies to vote for him. He also connects with people better than Hillary. I'm fearful of how the right would play the socialist fearmongering against Sanders in a GE.

Perhaps you should change your handle to Blue Dreams? :p

Wet Dreams (of Bernie) might be more apt.
Would that even matter anymore? As long as sexual assault and financial fraud aren't involved then I dont see it being a problem with the Democratic primary base.

That being said, guv'nor of the snowflakey liberal elite California is hardly a good sell in the critical tipping point states.

It generally matters more on the Dem side than with the Trumpsters.
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beto is not a serious 2020 candidate. he hasnt even won a statewide election

I wouldn't say winning a statewide election is some kind of benchmark for running for President. Trump had obviously never done anything of the sort, and even Bush Jr. ran twice for senator and failed both times. He had other experience obviously, but no statewide election. I think there are better and more likely candidates than Beto, but I definitely wouldn't put it past him to be a serious candidate.
I wouldn't say winning a statewide election is some kind of benchmark for running for President. Trump had obviously never done anything of the sort, and even Bush Jr. ran twice for senator and failed both times. He had other experience obviously, but no statewide election. I think there are better and more likely candidates than Beto, but I definitely wouldn't put it past him to be a serious candidate.
Governor of Texas?

I don't think it's a dealbreaker, but I also feel the Beto push is as premature as all the handwringing that happened when people were genuinely thinking that Oprah would be the next nominee.
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