2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He doesn’t have to be, he just has to have strong base support AND independent support. He’s pretty good at both.
But he has to agree with the core policies of Bernie in the first place. I am implying he may not want to be his VP.
But he has to agree with the core policies of Bernie in the first place. I am implying he may not want to be his VP.

He’s already onboard with Medicare for all which is the crown jewel of Sanders’ schtick.

I do agree that he may not want to be VP and may just go for POTUS since no other Dem would enter the race with as much positive momentum and media hype as Beto.
Theyre not even remotely viable since women don’t vote based on gender, in fact many of them vote Republican. Harris may be the exception in this regard since she has a bit more substance than the other two. None of them are even close to Warren.
I mean, I literally said in my post "democratic primary", where last time Clinton had a big edge over Sanders with women, and where there was a large turnout gap in favour of women.

No-one has a perfect profile here - the two leading contenders with a national profile are over 75, Beto will have to break through without statewide office and less publicity for the next year, Warren isn't particularly well liked by either the establishment side or the Bernie side, midwesterners like Brown and Klobuchar still aren't particularly well known despite popularity and strong results back home, and Gillibrand and Harris can both be painted easily as coastal elites.

The fact is, until some big endorsements start flying in and we get some evidence of how they deal with a national audience, we have little idea of who's viable and who isn't. If Biden announces he's running next April and Obama endorses him, it's pretty much done already barring a scandal. Aside from that, it's all open to anyone that can make a big play.
Yes because I actually read manifestos and policies rather than following memes or voting on emotion. Both Trump and Bernie are for emotional/single issue voters.

Well then, as long as that goof Trump doesn't get involved it looks like 2016 could well result in a Republican presidency.
He's not. Unless the elections take place on tumblr and facebook.

Yes because I actually read manifestos and policies rather than following memes or voting on emotion. Both Trump and Bernie are for emotional/single issue voters.
Yeah that's was the spirit in the DNC two years ago. A world of good it brought.
Yeah that's was the spirit in the DNC two years ago. A world of good it brought.

Don't get me started on all the Bernie voters who voted Gary Johnson instead of Hillary because their guy wasn't on it. Ridiculous. Hillary was a fine candidate and all the mudslinging, and equating her to Trump (even by liberals!), cost us all big time.

We're all feeling the bern right now with cheeto in chief building walls.
He's not. Unless the elections take place on tumblr and facebook.

Yes because I actually read manifestos and policies rather than following memes or voting on emotion. Both Trump and Bernie are for emotional/single issue voters.

This is more or less correct, although in Sanders' case, the single issue happens to be the issue that animates not only most Dems, but much of the lower income population.
I mean, I literally said in my post "democratic primary", where last time Clinton had a big edge over Sanders with women, and where there was a large turnout gap in favour of women.

No-one has a perfect profile here - the two leading contenders with a national profile are over 75, Beto will have to break through without statewide office and less publicity for the next year, Warren isn't particularly well liked by either the establishment side or the Bernie side, midwesterners like Brown and Klobuchar still aren't particularly well known despite popularity and strong results back home, and Gillibrand and Harris can both be painted easily as coastal elites.

The fact is, until some big endorsements start flying in and we get some evidence of how they deal with a national audience, we have little idea of who's viable and who isn't. If Biden announces he's running next April and Obama endorses him, it's pretty much done already barring a scandal. Aside from that, it's all open to anyone that can make a big play.
This pretty much.
People in here speaking so matter of factly like they could have predicted Obama would win the nomination in 08.
In all seriousness I don't dislike Bernie. I am just very bitter because I feel a size-able chunk of his support cost us in 2016 by vilifying Hillary (and voting Gary fecking Johnson..).

EDIT: Also, some of Bernies ideas are way too idealistic and I can't see how it can be so easily implemented.
Don't get me started on all the Bernie voters who voted Gary Johnson instead of Hillary because their guy wasn't on it. Ridiculous. Hillary was a fine candidate and all the mudslinging, and equating her to Trump (even by liberals!), cost us all big time.

We're all feeling the bern right now with cheeto in chief building walls.

:lol: Hillary was a shit candidate and she's a shithouse politician. Bernie actually wants real change and to help people. Hillary just wants to have power, play President and keep things how they were. She's a corporate hawk with dangerous foreign policy ideas. Yes she would have been better than Trump, but so would an Umpa Lumpa.
:lol: Hillary was a shit candidate and she's a shithouse politician. Bernie actually wants real change and to help people. Hillary just wants to have power, play President and keep things how they were. She's a corporate hawk with dangerous foreign policy ideas. Yes she would have been better than Trump, but so would an Umpa Lumpa.

Yeah, facebook meme voter spotted. You don't know shit about Hillary and are repeating the media/social media BS about "shit politician who wants power". Besides, "keep things how they were" meaning she would try to see Obamas policies go through. Yeah that's so bad isn't it.
Yeah, facebook meme voter spotted. You don't know shit about Hillary and are repeating the media/social media BS about "shit politician who wants power". Besides, "keep things how they were" meaning she would try to see Obamas policies go through. Yeah that's so bad isn't it.

You do realize that half the people posting here aren't American yes ?
Yes because I actually read manifestos and policies rather than following memes or voting on emotion. Both Trump and Bernie are for emotional/single issue voters.

Bernie's got more than one issue he focuses on, but to be fair if I'm someone who can't afford healthcare then a politician who offers free healthcare is a fairly good single-issue one for me to vote on.
There are no viable women candidates at the moment other than perhaps Warren, who got off to a shaky start last month. The likes of Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Harris would likely get shaken out during the primaries.

We'll see, bud. There is plenty of time left for people to emerge into the limelight. Klobuchar got good exposure during the Dr. Ford hearings. And she maintained her composure in front of Beer Bro's douchebaggery. I think she'll prove to be a force if she decided to run. She is good centrist candidate who can bring people together.

I just hope Gramps Bernie stays out of it and instead decides to give his blessing to someone. It would be annoying to have either him or Biden running.
Yeah, facebook meme voter spotted. You don't know shit about Hillary and are repeating the media/social media BS about "shit politician who wants power". Besides, "keep things how they were" meaning she would try to see Obamas policies go through. Yeah that's so bad isn't it.

You are of course right, but I would leave it at that.
Somewhat ironically, Clinton ran to the left of Obama in 2008 on healthcare.
We'll see, bud. There is plenty of time left for people to emerge into the limelight. Klobuchar got good exposure during the Dr. Ford hearings. And she maintained her composure in front of Beer Bro's douchebaggery. I think she'll prove to be a force if she decided to run. She is good centrist candidate who can bring people together.

I just hope Gramps Bernie stays out of it and instead decides to give his blessing to someone. It would be annoying to have either him or Biden running.

I've met quite a few people - generally progressives - who aren't particularly interested in Sanders. Not sure if that will translate to a broader desire for a younger candidate, but the Dems would be wise to get someone who can incorporate some of Sanders' policies into the platform.
I've met quite a few people - generally progressives - who aren't particularly interested in Sanders. Not sure if that will translate to a broader desire for a younger candidate, but the Dems would be wise to get someone who can incorporate some of Sanders' policies into the platform.

I think a lot of them, if not all, will be ready to incorporate some of the stuff he talks about. However, I expect (hope for) them to be practical about it, rather than fool people into something that is not possible and ends up leaving them disgruntled.
Bernie's got more than one issue he focuses on, but to be fair if I'm someone who can't afford healthcare then a politician who offers free healthcare is a fairly good single-issue one for me to vote on.

Obama promised it too and Hillary would actually be able to see it go through.
Obama promised it too and Hillary would actually be able to see it go through.

Obama didn't deliver it and it Hilary didn't run on a platform including it. There's an argument to be had with pressure and the threat of a primary in 2020 she'd have perhaps considered it, because her political views have typically always been very flexible, but however you view her she didn't actively support universal healthcare like Bernie has.
Even if elected Bernie wouldn't be able to deliver it without both houses on the same wavelength.

True, but then you're ultimately going to stand a much better chance of getting universal healthcare in place if the countries most prominent politician supports it. If current trends continue the Dems should be able to take back the Senate in 2020, and if they do that then you'd imagine most Dems will start to fall in line and support it unless they want to sign their own political obituaries the next time they're standing for reelection.
Even if elected Bernie wouldn't be able to deliver it without both houses on the same wavelength.
Ja, you'd need to nuke the filibuster for everything rather than just court appointments.
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