2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I'm sorry I don't even know this Klobuchar person. Is she any good?

EDIT: At least you aren't suggesting Tulsi Gabbard like that dunderhead Nik
Centrist senator from Minnesota. Connects with Rust Belt / Midwest. Can nudge key swing states to blue. I reckon she and Brown can swing Ohio, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The last 3 were what won the election for Trump. She may not be liberal firebrand so will make a good veep. Brown is progressive and can carry the traditional blue states.
I wouldn't say winning a statewide election is some kind of benchmark for running for President. Trump had obviously never done anything of the sort, and even Bush Jr. ran twice for senator and failed both times. He had other experience obviously, but no statewide election. I think there are better and more likely candidates than Beto, but I definitely wouldn't put it past him to be a serious candidate.

governor is a statewide election
Jerry Brown? :lol: No that guy has zero chance. Go back to Newsom
Is it just me or are veeps largely pointless.
Governor of Texas?

I don't think it's a dealbreaker, but I also feel the Beto push is as premature as all the handwringing that happened when people were genuinely thinking that Oprah would be the next nominee.

governor is a statewide election

I meant Bush Sr.

I guess Vice President counts, sort of? But then I think Beto might very well be a Vice Presidential candidate in 2020.

I don't think comparing Beto to Oprah is very fair, though. Beto has been a politician for a while now. It's not like all of the other viable candidates have such long illustrious careers in the middle of the spotlight. And if we've learned anything the past few elections it's that some serious candidates might come a bit out of the blue.
I meant Bush Sr.

I guess Vice President counts, sort of? But then I think Beto might very well be a Vice Presidential candidate in 2020.

I don't think comparing Beto to Oprah is very fair, though. Beto has been a politician for a while now. It's not like all of the other viable candidates have such long illustrious careers in the middle of the spotlight. And if we've learned anything the past few elections it's that some serious candidates might come a bit out of the blue.

vice president twice, director of CIA, UN ambassador, RNC chairman

much more of a profile than city council and congressman
The #1 (or 2, depending on the poll) US president by historians consensus was a one term Representative and failed Senate candidate.

It’s not like being elected to the Senate would’ve dramatically increase his chance anyway. For the last 30-40 years governors had the upper hand vs Congresspeople.
The #1 (or 2, depending on the poll) US president by historians consensus was a one term Representative and failed Senate candidate.

It’s not like being elected to the Senate would’ve dramatically increase his chance anyway. For the last 30-40 years governors had the upper hand vs Congresspeople.

im not saying being in the senate would make him better or worse, just that it would make him a lot more viable than a congressman with 1 failed senate run
vice president twice, director of CIA, UN ambassador, RNC chairman

much more of a profile than city council and congressman

Hasn't the last few years proven that "profile" means very little a few years before an election? Whether he deserves it or not, he has a profile now, and he's got two years (well, not quite, but you get the idea) to build on that. For the record I don't think he's going to win the Democratic Primary, but I definitely think he's going to run. And I could easily see him being someone's VP candidate. And we've seen crazier things than Beto being nominated. Such as Trump being nominated.
Hasn't the last few years proven that "profile" means very little a few years before an election? Whether he deserves it or not, he has a profile now, and he's got two years (well, not quite, but you get the idea) to build on that. For the record I don't think he's going to win the Democratic Primary, but I definitely think he's going to run. And I could easily see him being someone's VP candidate. And we've seen crazier things than Beto being nominated. Such as Trump being nominated.

it proves it for republicans. i think its yet to be proben for democrats
He'll spend the next year visiting every county.
Are we not in the era where a massive media and social media persona can vault a relative unknown into a potential presidential nomination?

Surely Beto's biggest obstacle would be breaking through the DNC gridlock that would prefer a Biden or (gasp) Hillary.
Ted Cruz said:
Ein Reich, who are not in heaven,
Hitler be thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done
in earth, as it is not in heaven:
Give us this day our daily soul;
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we never forgive them that trespass against us;
And lead us into temptation,
And deliver us to evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
Let's finally get a woman president. I think a woman has the best chance of defeating Trump. Kumquat moron wouldn't be able to help himself from demeaning and insulting a woman running against him: which will alienate more of his voters and would motivate the non-voters & more women to come out in support of the Dem candidate.

I really like Klobuchar. She should get a young, progressive male (possibly of color) to be her running mate and give it a go. She has a great chance to win, imo. The only states that really are in play are - Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin. Being a Midwesterner, she should be able to sway Wisconsin & Michigan easily, and should resonate with people in the other six.
Let's finally get a woman president. I think a woman has the best chance of defeating Trump. Kumquat moron wouldn't be able to help himself from demeaning and insulting a woman running against him: which will alienate more of his voters and would motivate the non-voters & more women to come out in support of the Dem candidate.

I really like Klobuchar. She should get a young, progressive male (possibly of color) to be her running mate and give it a go. She has a great chance to win, imo. The only states that really are in play are - Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin. Being a Midwesterner, she should be able to sway Wisconsin & Michigan easily, and should resonate with people in the other six.

There are no viable women candidates at the moment other than perhaps Warren, who got off to a shaky start last month. The likes of Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Harris would likely get shaken out during the primaries.
They're all viable candidates, for as much as anything because more women vote in Dem primaries than men and that makes a difference.
They're all viable candidates, for as much as anything because more women vote in Dem primaries than men and that makes a difference.

Theyre not even remotely viable since women don’t vote based on gender, in fact many of them vote Republican. Harris may be the exception in this regard since she has a bit more substance than the other two. None of them are even close to Warren.
The candidate should be young and charismatic. Up to now only Beto fits the bill.

Young, charismatic, positive, and citizen funded. If there’s one thing that is Trump’s Kryptonite, it’s sheer positivity, which is why the likes of Bernie ( not young ) and Beto will be massive threats to him.
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