2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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More interesting to wonder if any repubs will challenge Trump in 2020.
What would they achieve with that? Get humiliated, I guess. Trump doesn't even need to campaign in order to win the primaries.
That’s his ‘basket of deplorable’ moment.

Although he’s not wrong on Gillum. The uniform polling miss does seem to be caused by Bradley effect. Abrams actually did extremely well taken into consideration all the shenanigans that happened there.
There are better progressive candidates than Bernie out there.But Main Stream media will not cover them.
who else is there? Hes made bad decisions before and I dont love his foreign policy but who else is there?

I'm failing to see why PoC should or would, rally around someone who holds such views on them - especially as the Dems continue to get more women & PoC representatives.
He's suggesting that, that is the wrong move and won't attract white voters - it's just so wrong.

This is more than a 'bad decision' I would say, and while I don't know enough about the pool of candidates who could take the nomination - I don't think there's nobody else who could do it.
Not sure why Bernie went down this route. Someone who refuses to vote for a candidate because of their colour of skin is a racist.
I'm failing to see why PoC should or would, rally around someone who holds such views on them - especially as the Dems continue to get more women & PoC representatives.
He's suggesting that, that is the wrong move and won't attract white voters - it's just so wrong.

This is more than a 'bad decision' I would say, and while I don't know enough about the pool of candidates who could take the nomination - I don't think there's nobody else who could do it.

His policies will make their lives better. That's the real reason. I think gillenbrand is probably not a good person but if she supports good policies I'll vote for her.
Weird. Biden is very charismatic, and a great debater.

You should show them his speech at Democrat convention in 2016. He certainly has a down to earth charm and comes across readily accessible. And a good match for Trump...much better than Beto.

Already seen it. I find the general opinion of Biden on the Redcafe to be very idiosyncratic with what I see and hear day to day. No one I've spoken with in the past month from moderate union members and vets to progressive activists and political junkies has said they find Biden charismatic. In fact I usually hear the opposite even from the people that like him; they still find him a bit dull and uninspiring.
His policies will make their lives better. That's the real reason. I think gillenbrand is probably not a good person but if she supports good policies I'll vote for her.

Possibly, but he's not the only one who's policies will improve their lives - and that shouldn't be the reason why he gets the nomination.
There's a lot of energy behind other candidates also - whether they're worthy or not, we'll have to wait and see, but this incident doesn't bode well at all.
Already seen it. I find the general opinion of Biden on the Redcafe to be very idiosyncratic with what I see and hear day to day. No one I've spoken with in the past month from moderate union members and vets to progressive activists and political junkies has said they find Biden charismatic. In fact I usually hear the opposite even from the people that like him; they still find him a bit dull and uninspiring.

He ran two extremely inept president campaigns. The reason people like him seem to be because they associate him with Obama.
Yep. I'm on L1 A. I applied for extension late June and my visa extension was valid till July. I have stayed here for 5 years on this visa, so I have 2 more years left. As you know, you can stay in this country for 240 days with a petition receipt notice. I've consumed about 140 days as of today. My employer has applied to bump my case to Premium on November 2nd. Hoping for a decision in the next 14 days. If there's a rejection, I will have less than 5 days to sell my stuff to move back to a place nearby God's own country.

EDIT : Welcome to the life of a legal immigrant I guess :)

Been there, done that. You're not the only one in this mess.
Yikes Bernie, big yikes. This is the wrong take on so many levels. Can't say i'm surprised though.

Do you think he should still be the candidate for 2020?

If he was 10 years younger, then he would be a formidable candidate. I just think his age will be a key factor against him if he does run and think a much younger candidate will get the nomination.

Good thread on twitter regarding Bernie.

Lots of prominent BLM & Young PoC activists saying they're not surprised after having met him during the 2016 campaign.
Very disappointing.
If he was 10 years younger, then he would be a formidable candidate. I just think his age will be a key factor against him if he does run and think a much younger candidate will get the nomination.

Age was always a big factor yes, but I don't think it would've been the defining one.

Right now, the main thing going for him to get the nomination is that we don't know who else could really do it.

O'Rouke has momentum sure, but has there been a politician who lost in the mid-terms and ended up as President? Maybe years ago, but it seems unlikely now.
I'm failing to see why PoC should or would, rally around someone who holds such views on them - especially as the Dems continue to get more women & PoC representatives.
He's suggesting that, that is the wrong move and won't attract white voters - it's just so wrong.

This is more than a 'bad decision' I would say, and while I don't know enough about the pool of candidates who could take the nomination - I don't think there's nobody else who could do it.

He actually said the opposite
“I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American,” Sanders told The Daily Beast, referencing the close contests involving Andrew Gillum in Florida and Stacey Abrams in Georgia and that ads run against the two. “I think next time around by the way it will be a lot easier for them to do that.”

He also endorsed both Abrams and Gillum during the primary itself. For Abrams it made no difference since she cruised to a win and was endorsed by Hillary too, but Gillum's polling shot up days after his endorsement - it's fair to say that Bernie was an important factor in making Gillum the nominee in the first place.
So I don't think he's saying that "you shouldn't have non-white candidates" - it would make no sense given his endorsements and actions (and the rest of this interview).
That's not really a silver lining in all of this, he's accommodating the comfort levels of racists. Next time around he thinks it will be easier for them to vote for black people? Based on what?

Oh, I think he's wrong, and that people who didn't vote for hi because of colour are by definition racist.
I'm just saying that the bit I highlighted in bold - that "we shouldn't run non-white candidates" - isn't what he is saying.
Biden has been leading every poll, you weirdos.

Polls this early with no official candidates are little more name recognition gauges. Neither of the last two Presidents (Trump16 and Obama08) were leading polling this early. Don't read too much into it
He also endorsed both Abrams and Gillum during the primary itself. For Abrams it made no difference since she cruised to a win and was endorsed by Hillary too, but Gillum's polling shot up days after his endorsement - it's fair to say that Bernie was an important factor in making Gillum the nominee in the first place.
So I don't think he's saying that "you shouldn't have non-white candidates" - it would make no sense given his endorsements and actions (and the rest of this interview).

I see what you're saying, but ultimately this is the kind of optics and uncertainty that you get with Bernie. Probably stems from him not being a 'true' democrat.
Him not being a real democrat isn't necessarily a bad thing, but certainly everyone who wants to get Trump out of office should be pulling in the same direction - and I don't think Bernie is the guy to do that going into 2020.
He'll fight & oppose Trump I have no doubt about that, but there should be a unified front, and I don't see him being the one to provide that.

For example there was literally no reason for him to say what he said, none at all.
For example there was literally no reason for him to say what he said, none at all.

There is a consensus among the US media that the ‘Bernie candidates’ failed because being progressive doesn’t work.

I think he just provided a counterpoint to that (faulty) opinion.
There is a consensus among the US media that the ‘Bernie candidates’ failed because being progressive doesn’t work.

I think he just provided a counterpoint to that (faulty) opinion.

True, but you'd think with his experience he could've provided a much more reflective response than that
I think he was trying to avoid a "basket of deplorables" comment actually, like a "now I'm not calling you racist" thing. I think that's what's causing the issue because now it seems like he's trying not to piss off people his base does see as racist (fair enough).

I don't read it as a "we should be running white people," at all in fact, more a "this will become more normal to people and voters will factor in a candidate's race less and less as more PoC run."

There's a video of an Obama interview somewhere where he says he's very reluctant to call anyone racist, rather that people can be racially insensitive (I forget his exact words, I'll find the clip when I have time.)
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