2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This is a small bit of evidence, you can combine it with his national approval ratings (53-39 overall, the best of any active politician, and solid among independents), and H2H polling from 2016 and after Trump's election.
As for losing the primary, there are polls already out there that indicate that Biden will win.
I'm quote confident with both my predictions.

Unless something really nasty came out about Joe Biden (that's not a stupid conspiracy), I'd be shocked if Biden didn't win a presidential race.
I really think he has no chance. Hes failed twice already in presidential runs and the country has moved away from the center, where his support of banks and credit card companies and the drug war previously had some support.
I don't think Beto should run for POTUS in 2020.

We talk about a rising star beating Trump but think of it the other way - if he loses, that's his one chance gone. I know in the past candidates who lost before made a comeback (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr), but this is Donald Trump. You can't lose to Trump and shake off the collateral damage.

I think 2020 is shaped up for either Biden or Bernie. If they win they can bring some normality back, experience and someone like Beto can be VP. If Biden/Bernie lose it won't hurt them politically since they are at the end of their careers.

I think either one of them would beat Trump. I believe Biden will do it since he has name value and a popular image.
I don't think Beto should run for POTUS in 2020.

We talk about a rising star beating Trump but think of it the other way - if he loses, that's his one chance gone. I know in the past candidates who lost before made a comeback (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr), but this is Donald Trump. You can't lose to Trump and shake off the collateral damage.

I think 2020 is shaped up for either Biden or Bernie. If they win they can bring some normality back, experience and someone like Beto can be VP. If Biden/Bernie lose it won't hurt them politically since they are at the end of their careers.

I think either one of them would beat Trump. I believe Biden will do it since he has name value and a popular image.

I don't think Bernie stands a chance. They'll just call him a commie and that'll be that.

Biden is the best bet but even then I think it's a Trump landslide either way.
I don't know if you've been following some of the races this time around, for example, Claire Mccaskill and Heidi Heitkamp, both Democrats, took time out during campaigning to specifically mention Bernie and how they aren't like him. That was because of late, the attack on Dems has been "socialism" (=Bernie) and open bordere (=Pelosi???). His name has been invoked a lot by the Republicans, including a policy paper on "socialism" from the white house.

There's also the fact that his policy agenda - Medicare for all, minimum wage increases, and college tuition, has been polling extremely well. In fact, minimum wage increases have won in several red states. North Dakota voted out its Democrat senator and voted for a higher minimum wage, for example.

Finally, his name recognition is now in the 90s - a little over 90% of people know of him. It is easier to have vast swings in approval ratings when you're a relative unknown.

Not everything revolves around Bernie Sanders. McCaskill and Heitkamp both voted no for Brett Kavanaugh and that's probably a reason for getting fecked. You can't have it both ways.
I don't think Bernie stands a chance. They'll just call him a commie and that'll be that.

Biden is the best bet but even then I think it's a Trump landslide either way.

I think opposite. Biden wins in a landslide.
I don't think Bernie stands a chance. They'll just call him a commie and that'll be that.

Biden is the best bet but even then I think it's a Trump landslide either way.
There’ll never be a landslide either direction, but Biden is the one establishment Dem pick that is closest to being a lock to win.
Get Corey Booker to run and hope for a historic black turnout (I'm sorry for being apathetic/pragmatic/racist)

Yes, it was an unfriendly map for the Democrats and they took back the house but I would have hoped that US of fecking A had more decency than this to reject this dark administration on a grander scale.
Not everything revolves around Bernie Sanders. McCaskill and Heitkamp both voted no for Brett Kavanaugh and that's probably a reason for getting fecked. You can't have it both ways.
At least in polls, their figures dropped when it became clear that they weren't voting Kavanaugh.
Not everything revolves around Bernie Sanders. McCaskill and Heitkamp both voted no for Brett Kavanaugh and that's probably a reason for getting fecked. You can't have it both ways.

I'm saying both took the special effort to attack him. That's only possible if he was part of the GOP attack. What am I "having both ways"?
At least in polls, their figures dropped when it became clear that they weren't voting Kavanaugh.

Oh ffs. I didn't say they lost because they attacked him. I'm saying they attacked him because the GOP talks about him a lot, which was the original discussion ("his approval numbers are fake because he's never been attacked by the GOP")
I wasn't contesting the point that Sanders have been attacked. He has been attacked but not to the extent of say someone like Clinton. It's a bit of a copout to say 'Well sanders has never been attacked by the Republicans and he'll go down after that' but it's also a bit ingenious to claim Mccaskill and Heitkamp would have done better if they had embraced Sanders.

Joe fecking Manchin won. I'm not sure if Mccaskill and Heitkamp would have won if they had voted for Kavanaugh conceding he is going to get selected anyway, but I'm not sure anymore in this hellhole
I wasn't contesting the point that Sanders have been attacked. He has been attacked but not to the extent of say someone like Clinton. It's a bit of a copout to say 'Well sanders has never been attacked by the Republicans and he'll go down after that' but it's also a bit ingenious to claim Mccaskill and Heitkamp would have done better if they had embraced Sanders.

Joe fecking Manchin won. I'm not sure if Mccaskill and Heitkamp would have won if they had voted for Kavanaugh conceding he is going to get selected anyway, but I'm not sure anymore in this hellhole

I never ever said that bit on bold.
I don't think Bernie stands a chance. They'll just call him a commie and that'll be that.

Biden is the best bet but even then I think it's a Trump landslide either way.

Naw they'll just call Biden a commie too and Rush and Fox viewers will eat it up.

Only chance Dems have is to present a real alternative. For Biden to have any chance of winning he'll need the most progressive VP and a commitment to universal healthcare. Otherwise Biden lacks the charisma to win on a centrist model
Not that bitter but I'm moving to Florida soon. All things looking to kill you, mentalists with guns, alligators etc

EDIT : And a racist governor.
Find Mike Schatner somehow and asked for advice, I’m sure you’ll be grand.

Out of interest, where are you moving to? Doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of mass shooting in the panhandle, if you can handle the daily racist abuse.
Weren't you the one who was saying that USCIS was yet to adjudicate on your Visa? What visa are you on? H1 or L1?

Yep. I'm on L1 A. I applied for extension late June and my visa extension was valid till July. I have stayed here for 5 years on this visa, so I have 2 more years left. As you know, you can stay in this country for 240 days with a petition receipt notice. I've consumed about 140 days as of today. My employer has applied to bump my case to Premium on November 2nd. Hoping for a decision in the next 14 days. If there's a rejection, I will have less than 5 days to sell my stuff to move back to a place nearby God's own country.

EDIT : Welcome to the life of a legal immigrant I guess :)
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Biden will be a close and even toss up. He's popular in the rust belt and is not seen as a 'fixer' like Hillary was. Only thing is he's older than Trump.

As my son calls him, Biden is Democrat Jeb Bush. He lacks the charisma to really lead a serious challenge
So just curious...What do they think about Bernie?

They all love him. From my more centrist mom and aunt to son's friends to my cousins. Bernie has a quality of genuineness that is extremely rare in politicians imo. People see Bernie as more genuine than others and that goes a long way imo.
Beto should run for me.

He has momentum right now and it is a huge thing in politics. People say 2024 etc.. but that momentum may have halved till then.

He has run Cruz close in Texas and gotten people to vote, plus has raised funds without big donations at huge scale right now which if replicated at national level will be a huge advantage at a national level. Also he can pretty much satisfy the Sanders crowd in the Democratic base to come out and vote actively unlike a Biden.

Trump isn't hugely popular in Texas it seems anyway and that state can get even closer in future seeing 2016 vs 2012 pattern when one of their own runs.

Plus due to his age he can out campaign anyone else personally. What is biggest risk for him is though winning the Democratic primary unscathed.
Beto should run for me.

He has momentum right now and it is a huge thing in politics. People say 2024 etc.. but that momentum may have halved till then.

He has run Cruz close in Texas and gotten people to vote, plus has raised funds without big donations at huge scale right now which if replicated at national level will be a huge advantage at a national level. Also he can pretty much satisfy the Sanders crowd in the Democratic base to come out and vote actively unlike a Biden.

Trump isn't hugely popular in Texas it seems anyway and that state can get even closer in future seeing 2016 vs 2012 pattern when one of their own runs.

Plus due to his age he can out campaign anyone else personally. What is biggest risk for him is though winning the Democratic primary unscathed.
That's the thing. Also some people might switch allegiances in order to get a president from that state, and in case Dems win Texas, then the election is finished.

The problem though is that Trump will have an easy go on him, by you lost to such a weak candidate as Lying Ted whom I easily, BIGLY defeated. How are you supposed to defeat me?! LOSER Beto, LOSER Beto.
That's the thing. Also some people might switch allegiances in order to get a president from that state, and in case Dems win Texas, then the election is finished.

The problem though is that Trump will have an easy go on him, by you lost to such a weak candidate as Lying Ted whom I easily, BIGLY defeated. How are you supposed to defeat me?! LOSER Beto, LOSER Beto.

Well Trump is gonna have a go at anyone who runs anyway on some point or the other. It's how the opponent responds or counters it while not seeming weak that will mmatter.Beto canpretty much make the historical argument re Texas.

Thing also for Beto is that except getting more on committees or a possible vp slot there is no logical other progression chart to presidency anyway. If he runs vs cornyn say in 2020 for senate he is as likely to lose as he is for the presidency then what? He'll be a double loser with no momentum.
Well Trump is gonna have a go at anyone who runs anyway on some point or the other. It's how the opponent responds or counters it while not seeming weak that will mmatter.Beto canpretty much make the historical argument re Texas.

Thing also for Beto is that except getting more on committees or a possible vp slot there is no logical other progression chart to presidency anyway. If he runs vs cornyn say in 2020 for senate he is as likely to lose as he is for the presidency then what? He'll be a double loser with no momentum.
Obviously, but here is really easy to target Beto. How are you supposed to defeat me when you lost against a loser like Lying Ted? Bllah bllah bllah. Of course, as you said, he ca point to the fact that this was the closest election on Texas in decades (just look for gubernatorial race where Rep candidate won by 13.5 points).

Agree that Beto would lose in 2020 Texas race, and his career at that stage would be over. Think that his best bet is to be on VP ticket with a deal with Bernie for him to take over for 2024 election.
Beto should run for me.

He has momentum right now and it is a huge thing in politics. People say 2024 etc.. but that momentum may have halved till then.

He has run Cruz close in Texas and gotten people to vote, plus has raised funds without big donations at huge scale right now which if replicated at national level will be a huge advantage at a national level. Also he can pretty much satisfy the Sanders crowd in the Democratic base to come out and vote actively unlike a Biden.

Trump isn't hugely popular in Texas it seems anyway and that state can get even closer in future seeing 2016 vs 2012 pattern when one of their own runs.

Plus due to his age he can out campaign anyone else personally. What is biggest risk for him is though winning the Democratic primary unscathed.

I fully agree. Also, he oozes that certain Rockstar aura. He still appears authentic when standing on a Skateboard.
In my opinion, there's nobody who comes even close to that bloke.
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