2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Yes, but
1. if it means by policy, the left is doomed
2. if it means by behaviour - it means voting largely isn't by policy. It will be based on endorsements and signifiers, and Bernie will lose those. Doomed both ways.

I mean do the R's want the candidate to be more like Bernie Sanders because he would lose the general or would they vote Democrat if the candidate is on the ballot? It's just confusing with the R's
Yes, but
1. if it means by policy, the left is doomed
2. if it means by behaviour - it means voting largely isn't by policy. It will be based on endorsements and signifiers, and Bernie will lose those. Doomed both ways.
Ah shit your right, I was just interested if the poll went into any depth.
Further evidence that Bernie will lose the primary but would win a general (again):

Yeah, with Warren more or less certain to run, an establishment pick would have a good chance in the primaries despite all the good feels towards Bernie right now.
I miss Jim Carrey and his comedy. I really think it was "smart slapstick" rather than the brain dead comedy we have now.

You could always tell Jim was an intelligent guy.

EDIT: wth he doesn't believe in vaccines..
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I miss Jim Carrey and his comedy. I really think it was "smart slapstick" rather than the brain dead comedy we have now.

You could always tell Jim was an intelligent guy.

EDIT: wth he doesn't believe in vaccines..
He’s rich so he can get away with no vaccines.
What do we think about Beto in 2020 after his strong showing in Texas?
What do we think about Beto in 2020 after his strong showing in Texas?
Hope he is VP candidate if Biden gets the nomination. If Bernie wins, he maybe should look instead for a more centrist pick for VP.

Too early for president IMO, though if he manages to turn Texas blue (and he almost did it yesterday), then the election is pretty much won.
What do we think about Beto in 2020 after his strong showing in Texas?

He's the perfect profile but it would be the wrong move imo, anyone on the ticket for 2020 for President or VP should be a current nationally elected official.
It would be too easy for Trump to target him & Dems for getting behind a loser. Someone who lost to Cruz, who lost emphatically to Trump - he'll have a field day with it.
Trump is going to get nasty, and he's going to fight dirty, and the Dems need to be preemptive of this.

I like him a lot though, but he needs to be patient and play the long game now.
He's the perfect profile but it would be the wrong move imo, anyone on the ticket for 2020 for President or VP should be a current nationally elected official.
It would be too easy for Trump to target him & Dems for getting behind a loser. Someone who lost to Cruz, who lost emphatically to Trump - he'll have a field day with it.
Trump is going to get nasty, and he's going to fight dirty, and the Dems need to be preemptive of this.

I like him a lot though, but he needs to be patient and play the long game now.
Too soon, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him throwing his hat in the ring.

Hope he is VP candidate if Biden gets the nomination. If Bernie wins, he maybe should look instead for a more centrist pick for VP.

Too early for president IMO, though if he manages to turn Texas blue (and he almost did it yesterday), then the election is pretty much won.

All probably true! I like both Sanders and Biden, but Jesus, the youngest one of them is going to be 77 in two years time. I feel the Dems need someone young and energetic to take on Trump.
All probably true! I like both Sanders and Biden, but Jesus, the youngest one of them is going to be 77 in two years time. I feel the Dems need someone young and energetic to take on Trump.

Sanders has more energy than most of the younger candidates combined.
If I were a betting man I'd put a ton on GOP winning 2020. Houses horrible efforts to investigate Trump will just do what Kavanaugh did. The country is fecked.
If I were a betting man I'd put a ton on GOP winning 2020. Houses horrible efforts to investigate Trump will just do what Kavanaugh did. The country is fecked.
Possible. They should proceed carefully. Look at his taxes and collision, but not impeach him on the house, cause it won't achieve anything (senate won't impeach him) and will just activate his base.

Think that Dems have this on the bag providing they go with Sanders or an another progressive which can mobilize their base. Yesterday was a 9% win, and Trump numbers aren't going to get better.
What do we think about Beto in 2020 after his strong showing in Texas?
He arrived a few years too late to save the Democrats. If they had a superstar like he might be 2020 would be a lock, but as it is it's still up in the air.
Hope he is VP candidate if Biden gets the nomination. If Bernie wins, he maybe should look instead for a more centrist pick for VP.

Too early for president IMO, though if he manages to turn Texas blue (and he almost did it yesterday), then the election is pretty much won.
The states Hillary won + TX is enough for any Dem candidate to win the white house.

But I think PA/MI/WI (or even FL) are more winnable than TX for the foreseeable future.
Further evidence that Bernie will lose the primary but would win a general (again):


This is like saying Trump would definitely lose an election because his figures amongst democrats would look horrendous compared to any other republican.

Obama had ten years of republican propaganda against him most of which has zero to do with his policies, indeed the most contentious policies he has are positions Sanders would support too.
This is like saying Trump would definitely lose an election because his figures amongst democrats would look horrendous compared to any other republican.

Obama had ten years of republican propaganda against him most of which has zero to do with his policies, indeed the most contentious policies he has are positions Sanders would support too.

This is a small bit of evidence, you can combine it with his national approval ratings (53-39 overall, the best of any active politician, and solid among independents), and H2H polling from 2016 and after Trump's election.
As for losing the primary, there are polls already out there that indicate that Biden will win.
I'm quote confident with both my predictions.
This is a small bit of evidence, you can combine it with his national approval ratings (53-39 overall, the best of any active politician, and solid among independents), and H2H polling from 2016 and after Trump's election.
As for losing the primary, there are polls already out there that indicate that Biden will win.
I'm quote confident with both my predictions.

His national approval ratings are high because there's no targeted campaigns against him yet. You can't compare the popularity of some senator from Vermont who's never had any real battle against the Republicans to people who've actually been through the ringer and faced all the attacks and scrutiny.

The only true picture of Sanders popularity would be after he got the nomination, not before. There's a reason all the Republican attacks in the democrat primaries were built around Clinton.
His national approval ratings are high because there's no targeted campaigns against him yet. You can't compare the popularity of some senator from Vermont who's never had any real battle against the Republicans to people who've actually been through the ringer and faced all the attacks and scrutiny.

The only true picture of Sanders popularity would be after he got the nomination, not before. There's a reason all the Republican attacks in the democrat primaries were built around Clinton.

I don't know if you've been following some of the races this time around, for example, Claire Mccaskill and Heidi Heitkamp, both Democrats, took time out during campaigning to specifically mention Bernie and how they aren't like him. That was because of late, the attack on Dems has been "socialism" (=Bernie) and open bordere (=Pelosi???). His name has been invoked a lot by the Republicans, including a policy paper on "socialism" from the white house.

There's also the fact that his policy agenda - Medicare for all, minimum wage increases, and college tuition, has been polling extremely well. In fact, minimum wage increases have won in several red states. North Dakota voted out its Democrat senator and voted for a higher minimum wage, for example.

Finally, his name recognition is now in the 90s - a little over 90% of people know of him. It is easier to have vast swings in approval ratings when you're a relative unknown.
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