2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I get that you dislike her immensely and love Bernie. But you don’t seem to be able to grasp that some people do not share your view, and there’s no need to get all wound up about it

As a non-American, the US foreign policy affects me much more directly than your domestic policy. Is it so wrong to ‘support’ someone whose foreign policy I agree with?

The same thing happened in 2008, guess what, Obama won anyway.


You have no ability to digest facts.

It is You who love her but cannot rationalize.

But I understand.

You lack critical thinking.


You gain from a discussion by addressing points being raised.

Can you address them logically?
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I get that you dislike her immensely and love Bernie. But you don’t seem to be able to grasp that some people do not share your view, and there’s no need to get all wound up about it

As a non-American, the US foreign policy affects me much more directly than your domestic policy. Is it so wrong to ‘support’ someone whose foreign policy I agree with?

The same thing happened in 2008, guess what, Obama won anyway.
If it had any effect on you then you wouldn't agree with it at all.
It doesn't matter if you rig the game if you were going to win anyway.

It doesn't matter if you rig the game, because you rigged the game before and lost then anyway.

Good to know.

"Hey you lost 3-0, that blatant dive that saw a penalty given against you at 0-0 doesn't matter. That guy dived against City and won a penalty, but City won 3-1 anyway. Get over it."
That doesn't make it right, which has been validated by the fact that they have gotten rid of superdelegates.
Agreed, but it also doesn't mean Hillary "stole the nomination" as the Bernie gang claims.

You have no ability to digest facts.

It is You who love her but cannot rationalize.

But I understand.

You lack critical thinking.


You gain from a discussion by addressing points being raised.

Can you address them logically?
Facts? :lol:

Fact = Hillary got million more votes in the primary.

Fiction = Hillary stole the nomination from St Bernie.

You lot are almost like the Messi brigade. :rolleyes:

If it had any effect on you then you wouldn't agree with it at all.
What? :confused:

Obama & Hillary's pivot to Asia policy has helped immensely in my retirement plans.

I'd love to see it continued. Not Trump's MAGA shit
If its an unfair policy that has since been changed then its obvious that there was a problem.
I never denied there's a problem, but still doesn't mean she stole the nomination like they claim.
What? :confused:

Obama & Hillary's pivot to Asia policy has helped immensely in my retirement plans.

I'd love to see it continued. Not Trump's MAGA shit
Do you actually know what USA foreign policy is ? Well done you got a decent retirement plan but it also came with endless drone murder, destroying Libya and keeping close ties to the awful regime like the saudi.
Facts? :lol:

Fact = Hillary got million more votes in the primary.

Fiction = Hillary stole the nomination from St Bernie.

You lot are almost like the Messi brigade. :rolleyes:

How often have you brought this million votes business?

And you have had responses from me and others about why it was not relevant because she won so many in Southern States that she was not going to win in the GE.

The Super Delegates threw their votes in with her to 'appoint' her.

It was clear during the primaries that she was losing in the Key states, she simply had to carry if she was to be the nominee. MN, WI, MI.

Both Brazille and Warren said the nomination was rigged. Both supported her... not Bernie.

it does not matter if the act was not illegal. It was unfair.

She was so invested in her personal ambition that she did not think about the country when it was clear that her 'message' other than Trump was Bad was not resonating.

Nixon in 1960 did not want to contest what was said to be questionable practices in MI because he thought it would damage the nation.

Can you imagine Hillary doing that?

She went to MI and tried to take advantage of the Flint Water crisis to server her own end.

The overall point is that almost every other candidate would have greater integrity than Hillary and would not be a shipwreck of a candidate this time around.
How often have you brought this million votes business?

And you have had responses from me and others about why it was not relevant because she won so many in Southern States that she was not going to win in the GE.

The Super Delegates threw their votes in with her to 'appoint' her.

It was clear during the primaries that she was losing in the Key states, she simply had to carry if she was to be the nominee. MN, WI, MI.

Both Brazille and Warren said the nomination was rigged. Both supported her... not Bernie.

it does not matter if the act was not illegal. It was unfair.

She was so invested in her personal ambition that she did not think about the country when it was clear that her 'message' other than Trump was Bad was not resonating.

Nixon in 1960 did not want to contest what was said to be questionable practices in MI because he thought it would damage the nation.

Can you imagine Hillary doing that?

She went to MI and tried to take advantage of the Flint Water crisis to server her own end.

The overall point is that almost every other candidate would have greater integrity than Hillary and would not be a shipwreck of a candidate this time around.
As often as needed to drill the message through... :rolleyes:

Let's re-structure the Dem primaries just to serve whatever Bernie is favourite for, why not? You seem to be unhappy with the fact she won fair and square in plenty of states. Let's get rid of the primaries and just annoint St Bernie the non-democrat for 2020.

She has her flaws, but let's not pretend she's the only one to ever put personal ambition above everything.
Do you actually know what USA foreign policy is ? Well done you got a decent retirement plan but it also came with endless drone murder, destroying Libya and keeping close ties to the awful regime like the saudi.
Trump is only even more cosy with the Saudis.... :rolleyes:

St Bernie doesn't even seem to have a foreign policy.
Why, what has he accomplished so far?

He has the charisma and panache to bring people together in a similar manner as Sanders does. Politicians don’t really accomplish things these days, particularly in today's world of tribal gridlock, so anyone who can sell a unifying message is in and of itself doing something profoundly positive.
He has the charisma and panache to bring people together in a similar manner as Sanders does. Politicians don’t really accomplish things these days, particularly in today's world of tribal gridlock, so anyone who can sell a unifying message is in and of itself doing something profoundly positive.

If he doesn’t have the charisma to beat Lyin’ Ted in Texas, what chance does he have against Trump? He’d run as a civilian with no CV and nothing to show for other than a good speech, which in the course of a long campaign would wear thin. The GOP machine would eat him alive.

If he wins in Texas, then he might have a shot in 2020, though even that might be too early.
As often as needed to drill the message through... :rolleyes:

Let's re-structure the Dem primaries just to serve whatever Bernie is favourite for, why not? You seem to be unhappy with the fact she won fair and square in plenty of states. Let's get rid of the primaries and just annoint St Bernie the non-democrat for 2020.

She has her flaws, but let's not pretend she's the only one to ever put personal ambition above everything.

she is an empty person.

She will say anything.

But hey. don't worry. you don't have the vote.
Never mind your top five Hillary issues. Just give me three.

Hillary is toast, I can’t believe people are seriously entertaining the idea of her running. She’s just being in the mix to sell some books and fill some seats on her speaking tour. And possibly get some concessions out of the Dem Party.

She would be too old. Plus she lacks the energy and charisma to connect with voters. Trump would destroy her if she runs, and it would make for must-see TV.
If he doesn’t have the charisma to beat Lyin’ Ted in Texas, what chance does he have against Trump?

Because Texas is a distinctly red state where Cruz is relatively popular, so anyone who gets within a few points of him is actually performing very well. The nation is obviously not red and is there for the taking by any competent candidate who connects with independents, which Beto seems good at.

He’d run as a civilian with no CV and nothing to show for other than a good speech, which in the course of a long campaign would wear thin. The GOP machine would eat him alive.

If he wins in Texas, then he might have a shot in 2020, though even that might be too early.

You generally don't need a CV to run. A lot of politicians, including the last two Presidents have defied all expectations to win despite having light (or no) political CVs.
If he doesn’t have the charisma to beat Lyin’ Ted in Texas, what chance does he have against Trump? He’d run as a civilian with no CV and nothing to show for other than a good speech, which in the course of a long campaign would wear thin. The GOP machine would eat him alive.

If he wins in Texas, then he might have a shot in 2020, though even that might be too early.
Have you ever been to Texas ?
Why is anyone even bothering replying to the Hillary troll? All he ever does (And has done ad nauseam for two years) is pipe up and defend his flawed idol every time she is mentioned in any US politics thread. He repeats the same bullshit and gets everyone sidetracked going round the same argument over Hillary and Bernie over and over again.

All it does is derail the threads. He's been asked continuously which Hillary policies he favours and he can't even name ONE! His only answer is he likes her hawkish foreign policy, which is a fecking bullshit answer. What does he mean? That she would possibly have started a war with Iran? Or that like Trump she would have continued to sell arms to the Saudi's? What? It's a cop out, especially when asked what actual policies he liked.

Sorry, it's just getting fecking tiresome reading the same shit every few pages whenever the God bitch of war and corporate blow jobs is brought up all the time. It would be ok if it was met with intelligent and articulate reason and retort, but it never is. Just the same old "She won more votes" and "How would Bernie pay for it all?" Nonsense. Even worse is that has been answered a million times with " Raising taxes, cutting military budgets, the same as every other country does etc" yet he ignores those replies too only to repeat the same bollocks all over again.

Simply put.... Stop feeding the troll!

/Rant over
Because Texas is a distinctly red state where Cruz is relatively popular, so anyone who gets within a few points of him is actually performing very well. The nation is obviously not red and is there for the taking by any competent candidate who connects with independents, which Beto seems good at.

You generally don't need a CV to run. A lot of politicians, including the last two Presidents have defied all expectations to win despite having light (or no) political CVs.

I still think Obama had more of a CV than Beto. He was a bestselling author, a sitting US senator, had garnered national attention for opposing the war in Iraq, had a very interesting background which helped in the post-Bush era. “First black candidate” etc helped.

Trump is Trump, he’s been a celebrity for ever, is the master marketer that built a brand and generally connected with his electorate like no other Republican.

I feel like I don’t know who Beto is or what he’s done and I tend to keep an eye out for politics. He’d have a hard time with the average voter.
Why, what has he accomplished so far?

I think in this era that doesn't matter for President so much as just meeting some basic threshold of enough experience. Long time in Congress is probably a bigger negative these days than a positive.
Why does it have to be better than what the other Dems are offering?

Her policies aren't really so different from what the others are offering and I happen to agree with her hawkish foreign policy.

You say Bernie's free college and universal healthcare is better than her halfway measures? How exactly are you supposed to pay for it?

It's like what she said in her book, zero-minute abs sounds great, but can it really work?

Still ignoring the million more votes she got in the primary... :nono:


Further evidence that Bernie will lose the primary but would win a general (again):

But in terms of policy or in terms of stature/way of speaking ? More like Obama could literally mean a million things.

Yes, but
1. if it means by policy, the left is doomed
2. if it means by behaviour - it means voting largely isn't by policy. It will be based on endorsements and signifiers, and Bernie will lose those. Doomed both ways.

What does that final column mean?

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