2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bernie is not competing in Florida. I wish for a pleasant surprise though, as there are 220 delegates for the taking. Still a contested convention is a possibility but Bernie camp should now make a deal with Warren and make a case for super delegates

Do you not think this would be rank hypocrisy given he said himself that whoever won the plurality should win?

“If I or anybody else goes into the Democratic convention with a substantial plurality, I believe that individual — me or anybody else — should be the candidate of the Democratic Party," Sanders, the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner, said during a Monday CNN town hall before the South Carolina primary this weekend.
You are trolling right?

Obama was a terrible president. Some of you aren't ready for that conversation. He failed voters on multiple issues that he had the power to change. Be it prison reform, police brutality, immigration, reining in wall street banks, health care. I could go on.
Over the last 50 years, 18-24 year olds have had a voter participation rate of 20% in the mid-term elections - 2018 was the first time it went above 30% since 1970. Expecting much more than that in the primaries was expecting a miracle. They barely get up to 40% in the general election.

Interesting I'd guess this specific group constitutes a large number of potential voters? What I meant to ask is this age group large compared to the others?
Obama was a terrible president. Some of you aren't ready for that conversation. He failed voters on multiple issues that he had the power to change. Be it prison reform, police brutality, immigration, reining in wall street banks, health care. I could go on.

I agree. All this shit that Trump is doing is a result of Obama not being able to get anything done. I give him a lot of credit for getting the basis of the affordable health care act going but he was a horrible president on the lines of Bush #2. Hell, he ended up being one of the least open presidents of our time.
The only clips I’ve seen of Biden are him being really creepy near young girls and him struggling to form sentences when he’s campaigning. How is a senile old perv such a strong runner to win the Democrat candidate?
So Biden has the lead, the party behind him and now a shitload of money. Bernie will need a miracle.
The only clips I’ve seen of Biden are him being really creepy near young girls and him struggling to form sentences when he’s campaigning. How is a senile old perv such a strong runner to win the Democrat candidate?
Shows that your media consumption on him is a bit biased.
The only clips I’ve seen of Biden are him being really creepy near young girls and him struggling to form sentences when he’s campaigning. How is a senile old perv such a strong runner to win the Democrat candidate?

The only coverage I’ve seen is that he‘s the second coming of Genghis Khan. Not sure how on earth he’s leading at the moment. Must be all the MSM and DNC support he’s getting.

Shit stirring at its finest :lol:

His reverse psychology is infant level at best. First his IC stooges release a contextless report that the Russians are backing Bernie and since then he's been screaming about how unfair Bernie is being treated by the DNC.

It's clear as feck that they want to face Biden in November and not a populist character like Bernie who is capable of peeling an (admittedly very minor) amount of Trumps base away from him so they've been coordinating an effort to make it look like Bernie is the weak candidate they want Trump to face.
What a waste of $500 million dollars. Though to Bloomberg that is pocket change.
Literally spent half a billion and the only thing he achieved was public humiliation.

I hope he continues to spend big though on damaging Trump adverts in right wing media because it's the only way Trump can be beaten.
I don't see it as a waste in a way. It's clear the ads had a fairly significant impact because Bloomberg still got a fair amount of votes for being completely absent from the stage recently. Bloomberg s ads I think are in fact very good and effective in showing the danger that is Trump rather than focusing on just about anything else. The votes he garnered in many ways are probably a direct reflection of those who just want Trump out. Single issue voters in essence who are critical for whoever the dem candidate is.
t's clear as feck that they want to face Biden in November and not a populist character like Bernie who is capable of peeling an (admittedly very minor) amount of Trumps base away from him so they've been coordinating an effort to make it look like Bernie is the weak candidate they want Trump to face.

I said this last night, too. Bernie won't rise to Trump's taunts but Biden will. At which point Trump will wipe the floor with him.
His reverse psychology is infant level at best. First his IC stooges release a contextless report that the Russians are backing Bernie and since then he's been screaming about how unfair Bernie is being treated by the DNC.

It's clear as feck that they want to face Biden in November and not a populist character like Bernie who is capable of peeling an (admittedly very minor) amount of Trumps base away from him so they've been coordinating an effort to make it look like Bernie is the weak candidate they want Trump to face.
That populist character doesn't seem so 'populist' after last night. His pull along young voters was very overestimated, apparently.
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