2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Biden definitely outperformed last night but Sanders will make a comeback over the next month or two- especially when the debates only feature two people.
Healthcare wouldn’t have changed much in either case since Sanders wouldn’t have the votes to implement his plan.

Didn't Obama use his executive order to implement Obama Care? Sanders would've done the same.
Why is everyone acting like Sanders has lost? Still a long way to go, right?
Biden definitely outperformed last night but Sanders will make a comeback over the next month or two- especially when the debates only feature two people.

I think people tend to put too much weight on debates. I mean Trump was abysmal in the election debates (despite the narrative now that he destroyed Clinton, that certainly wasn't the case at the time) and they did nothing. I don't think Sanders is someone who would "destroy" someone in a debate at any rate, his skill in debates is he basically manages to turn the question around to the same stump speech answers but he's not someone who's going to methodically pick you apart. Warren staying in might be better for him in that respect.

Sanders problem is turnout - his entire platform is on the premise it will start a movement and get people who don't usually vote voting for him and that simply hasn't happened. It's not impossible that last night would be the shock younger people needed to start turning out for him, but it's certainly not something you would have any faith in happening.
Didn't Obama use his executive order to implement Obama Care? Sanders would've done the same.
That’s not the way Executive Orders work.

They’re not as powerful as is portrayed from Donald’s pathetic signature reappearing ad nauseam in his early days would have you think.
Didn't Obama use his executive order to implement Obama Care? Sanders would've done the same.
No, the Affordable Care Act was passed in Congress in 2010
Why is everyone acting like Sanders has lost? Still a long way to go, right?
Still a ways to go, but generally Biden has performed better than expected and Sanders a bit worse. Primary expectations/projections are based on history+polls, but in a ways a full out election in a neighboring state that is demographically similar is a more reliable assessment of an upcoming state than the polls. This Biden outperformance generally indicates that he will also perform better than expected in primaries yet to come.
I think people tend to put too much weight on debates. I mean Trump was abysmal in the election debates (despite the narrative now that he destroyed Clinton, that certainly wasn't the case at the time) and they did nothing. I don't think Sanders is someone who would "destroy" someone in a debate at any rate, his skill in debates is he basically manages to turn the question around to the same stump speech answers but he's not someone who's going to methodically pick you apart. Warren staying in might be better for him in that respect.

Sanders problem is turnout - his entire platform is on the premise it will start a movement and get people who don't usually vote voting for him and that simply hasn't happened. It's not impossible that last night would be the shock younger people needed to start turning out for him, but it's certainly not something you would have any faith in happening.

The debates themselves won’t be as important as the fact that there will only be two people left in the race soon, which will outline a sharper divide between Sanders and Biden, and will force anyone on the fence to commit to one of them. This is will give Sanders the edge since his policies are far more appealing to the masses compared with anything Biden has on offer.
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Why is everyone acting like Sanders has lost? Still a long way to go, right?

Assumed that Biden will build momentum from here. Biden also has a much higher floor than Sanders and will probably continue to benefit from other candidates dropping out. Biden also had surprise victories in places like Minnesota where he had basically zero ground game and outperformed Sanders who put resources into the state.

Finally, it just does not look like people, especially young voters, are getting out and voting for Sanders. He is trying to pull from a voting base that just is not showing up for him. It is incredibly disappointing but young people are not voting while also complaining about not having candidates that voice their concerns. They're are complaining about the douche and the turd sandwich but not willing to show up for someone who is actually speaking to the issues they should care about
Assumed that Biden will build momentum from here. Biden also has a much higher floor than Sanders and will probably continue to benefit from other candidates dropping out. Biden also had surprise victories in places like Minnesota where he had basically zero ground game and outperformed Sanders who put resources into the state.

Finally, it just does not look like people, especially young voters, are getting out and voting for Sanders. He is trying to pull from a voting base that just is not showing up for him. It is incredibly disappointing but young people are not voting while also complaining about not having candidates that voice their concerns. They're are complaining about the douche and the turd sandwich but not willing to show up for someone who is actually speaking to the issues they should care about
Sadly the young people complaining about candidates such as Biden will be the small percentage who are voting. I think actually it's far worse, the majority of young people are most likely saying - Who's Bernie Sanders ? What's a primary ? There are elections going on ?

We shouldn't underestimate just how alienated people are from the political process.
Assumed that Biden will build momentum from here. Biden also has a much higher floor than Sanders and will probably continue to benefit from other candidates dropping out. Biden also had surprise victories in places like Minnesota where he had basically zero ground game and outperformed Sanders who put resources into the state.

Finally, it just does not look like people, especially young voters, are getting out and voting for Sanders. He is trying to pull from a voting base that just is not showing up for him. It is incredibly disappointing but young people are not voting while also complaining about not having candidates that voice their concerns. They're are complaining about the douche and the turd sandwich but not willing to show up for someone who is actually speaking to the issues they should care about

Chasing young voters is and has for a long time been fools gold. Wasting resources on them is pointless, it doesn't matter how targetted your policies are to them, they simply don't turnout in the numbers needed to make it worthwile. Obviously you still want to appeal to them but they can never be relied upon to be the base.

It's not a US thing either, its common throughout the world. People become more politically engaged as they get older and have more to lose.
Didn't Obama use his executive order to implement Obama Care? Sanders would've done the same.
It was passed in the house and Senate and likely cost democrats the next mid cycle due to energizing the right. I absolutely want M4A but the reaction afterwards would be a vast swing to the right like we've never seen. That's why I think we need steady progress towards it letting Americans see once and for all that a healthcare safety net is not the work of Satan, rather its a good thing.
Yes, Biden fights for Black people more than Sanders :rolleyes: Fights to put them in jail, it's truly sad how people are being fooled by the media into thinking Biden cares for them. He, like Hilary before him, never have and never will, they've been wrong on so many issues, while Sanders has been right on them, that it shouldn't be an issue

It has to be more to it than that,Shirley ?

I'm not jiving you.

There's also an element of black Democrats (particularly in SC, which propelled this whole comeback) being somewhat more moderate than other Democratic voters (which makes sense, since a much higher proportion of black people are Democrats in the first place). But mostly I'd say it's Biden's direct connection to Obama, which is also why this presidential campaign is going so much better than his other attempts. No President Obama, no Presidential candidate Biden.
What the exit poll data seemed to show is that the Dem voters were looking at which candidate they think will beat Trump and they overwhelmingly believe Biden is that candidate.

Bernie's key message has been medicare for all/free tuition and these policies polled really well in California, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, but Sanders failed to win 4 of those 5 states yesterday.


Medicare for all polled well in the other states

Sanders policies are popular, but the problem is that voters yesterday just don't think he can beat Trump and that's a key reason they overwhelmingly backed Biden yesterday.
Can anyone vote in these primaries?

Or do you have to be a registered member of the party?
@Fergie's gum , thanks for highlighting. Another possibility that can't be dismissed is that to some level Sanders' policies are popular, but he might not be a popular figure despite being the champion of those policies. He wouldn't be the first politician to suffer from that if it were the case.
Biden definitely outperformed last night but Sanders will make a comeback over the next month or two- especially when the debates only feature two people.

Its over man. Biden will be the nominee. The worst thing is that the media will only start to focus on Biden's gaffes/blunders and his state of mind once he takes part in the general election.

What do you think will happen when you see women come forward to allege Biden behaved inappropriately towards them and they felt uncomfortable in his presence. Those stores are bubbling under the surface and will come to light in the coming months.
Can anyone vote in these primaries?

Or do you have to be a registered member of the party?
From wikipedia:
Fourteen states - Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin - have open primaries.

That's where anyone can vote. 12 states are closed and 14 others are semi-closed where people can register with the party at the same time they vote.
Why is everyone acting like Sanders has lost? Still a long way to go, right?

Not really, many of the later states aren’t particularly fertile ground for Sanders. He needed to build up a big lead on ST to ensure he couldn’t be caught later.

The only way he wins now is if Biden does something staggeringly stupid, and we’re not talking his normal run of the mill gaffes. It’s just not going to happen realistically. The youth didn’t come out yet again, and so it’ll be Biden vs Trump and a likely Trump win.
What the exit poll data seemed to show is that the Dem voters were looking at which candidate they think will beat Trump and they overwhelmingly believe Biden is that candidate.

Bernie's key message has been medicare for all/free tuition and these policies polled really well in California, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, but Sanders failed to win 4 of those 5 states yesterday.


Medicare for all polled well in the other states

Sanders policies are popular, but the problem is that voters yesterday just don't think he can beat Trump and that's a key reason they overwhelmingly backed Biden yesterday.

Basically, the common narrative about electability is a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you say it enough, everyone will believe it and do "tactical voting" as opposed to voting for the candidate you actually agree with.
What the exit poll data seemed to show is that the Dem voters were looking at which candidate they think will beat Trump and they overwhelmingly believe Biden is that candidate.

Bernie's key message has been medicare for all/free tuition and these policies polled really well in California, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, but Sanders failed to win 4 of those 5 states yesterday.


Medicare for all polled well in the other states

Sanders policies are popular, but the problem is that voters yesterday just don't think he can beat Trump and that's a key reason they overwhelmingly backed Biden yesterday.

There's different ways of asking a question and getting different answers.

A person might answer yes to the question: Would you like to have free healthcare and college?
The same person might answer no to the question: Would you like to have free healthcare and college if you are put in the 35% federal income tax bracket?

The framing makes a ton of difference and that is a factor in how people decide who to vote for.
At this point you'd have to believe that the DNC sees four more years of Trump as the surest path to the White House for their party.
From wikipedia:
Fourteen states - Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin - have open primaries.

That's where anyone can vote. 12 states are closed and 14 others are semi-closed where people can register with the party at the same time they vote.

So in theory loads of Trump supporters could vote for the worst democrat candidate?
So in theory loads of Trump supporters could vote for the worst democrat candidate?
In theory, yes. But I don't recall that ever being claimed as a big influence in any past elections. I guess you'd see the outcomes of open vs closed primary states diverge a lot, and I don't think that's been the case.
So in theory loads of Trump supporters could vote for the worst democrat candidate?
Yes. Though people often aren’t good at picking who the worst candidate is. Sometimes they want a brokered convention. Rush Limbaugh and operation chaos in 2008 comes to mind when he said Obama would not pick up working class voters
Bernie is not competing in Florida. I wish for a pleasant surprise though, as there are 220 delegates for the taking. Still a contested convention is a possibility but Bernie camp should now make a deal with Warren and make a case for super delegates
If Warren is not there, Bernie wins these states only because of Bloomberg. Besides what I have seen on SM, a good portion of Warren supporters would not have voted for Bernie anyway. Main take away for me is that it is clear that he was never winning a head to head with Biden and only the crowded moderate field gave an illusion of an advantage to Bernie.

That is possible. But the race played out differently. Bloomberg only entered seriously after Biden failed initially, and his whole strategy was super Tuesday. Warren ran a conventional campaign like Amy and Pete and put a lot into Iowa and nh. They dropped out after outperforming her. And their vote totally collapsed and went to Biden. If she had the same commitment to progressive change that they had to the status quo, she would have shown it by now.

Anyway that is a tactical. Voters chose on electability and nothing, neither 2016 nor polls nor dementia make them think the candidate they agree with on policy can beat Trump.
That is possible. But the race played out differently. Bloomberg only entered seriously after Biden failed initially, and his whole strategy was super Tuesday. Warren ran a conventional campaign like Amy and Pete and put a lot into Iowa and nh. They dropped out after outperforming her. And their vote totally collapsed and went to Biden. If she had the same commitment to progressive change that they had to the status quo, she would have shown it by now.

Anyway that is a tactical. Voters chose on electability and nothing, neither 2016 nor polls nor dementia make them think the candidate they agree with on policy can beat Trump.

That's a fair assumption. Question is what is the path going forward for Bernie
Literally spent half a billion and the only thing he achieved was public humiliation.

I hope he continues to spend big though on damaging Trump adverts in right wing media because it's the only way Trump can be beaten.
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