2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Trump won because Obama did feck all with the majority he had. Anyone telling you otherwise is only resorting to lazy analysis.
He had the house for only the first 2 years of his presidency. In the remaining 6 years, the House was on GOP's hands (and in the final two years, GOP took control of the senate too). The house controls the budget, so when you don't have it, it is hard to efficiently govern (we saw Trump shutting down the government for a month cause Pelosi didn't give him 6billion for the wall). Obama was obstructed more than any other president (bar possibly Trump), with GOP setting the new rules that you should obstruct the president regardless of policies. I mean, he could have proposed to cut taxes and deregulate the economy, and Boehner and especially McConnell would have not allowed those votes to pass.
Bernie has failed and it is over. He was not popular enough, and could not convince people he can beat Trump. Voters supporting his ideas went for Biden in every state.

At the same time, he would have won Texas, CA by 20, Mass, Minn, and Maine if Warren had done yesterday what the other two did. Despite Bernie's flaws, the triple endorsement for Biden and the inaction of Warren was probably the knockout blow for the last chance to stop climate change without mass death. To explain briefly - since she got no delegates but ~12% in Texas and California, those were votes that go into the void, votes that would have given Bernie frontrunner status. And her votes in the 3 M states, while not wasted, deny Bernie the tag of being the winner.
Its over for Bernie isn't it? In terms of mathematics is there any viable way still?

Also, the DNC never learn. They ganged up like school bullies.

With votes still being counted across the country, The Associated Press has allocated 362 to Biden, 285 delegates to Sanders, 30 to Bloomberg, 20 to Warren and one for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
Remember when Hillary actually won the debates with substantive policy discussion......the democratic nominee for 2020 is going to be up on stage and either challenge trump to push ups or completely forget which state he's in. :wenger::lol:

Christ on a bike. If it had to happen, bring back Hillary at the convention, trump is going to crush Biden beyond recognition. At least lose with dignity, not with a clown.
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That's Bloomberg.

Biden is basically Grandpa Joe gone senile after the visit to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Can you imagine, when the GOP are hounding Biden over burisma, Biden is going to have a senior moment and admit to the corruption :lol:
Can you imagine, when the GOP are hounding Biden over burisma, Biden is going to have a senior moment and admit to the corruption :lol:
Or he'll just start talking about Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterand, and probably the Cuban missile crisis.
Trump won because Obama did feck all with the majority he had. Anyone telling you otherwise is only resorting to lazy analysis.

Obamacare mean nothing? It's one of the great American policy achievements.
Disgraceful race by the Democrats in my opinion, they will get went they deserve in the end which is nothing. The greed and bullying of failed candidates for Biden is on to hilarious. The US had a chance to vote an excellent candidate in Bernie, too busy thinking who might beat Trump never thought of the best nominee to represent them and more importantly all the people of the be nation. US politics like many systems across Europe and the world is fecking rotten to the core.
Disgraceful race by the Democrats in my opinion, they will get went they deserve in the end which is nothing. The greed and bullying of failed candidates for Biden is on to hilarious. The US had a chance to vote an excellent candidate in Bernie, too busy thinking who might beat Trump never thought of the best nominee to represent them and more importantly all the people of the be nation. US politics like many systems across Europe and the world is fecking rotten to the core.

Simple truth is that the US is not ready for Sanders. The people have voted, and it sucks.
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Bernie has failed and it is over. He was not popular enough, and could not convince people he can beat Trump. Voters supporting his ideas went for Biden in every state.

At the same time, he would have won Texas, CA by 20, Mass, Minn, and Maine if Warren had done yesterday what the other two did. Despite Bernie's flaws, the triple endorsement for Biden and the inaction of Warren was probably the knockout blow for the last chance to stop climate change without mass death. To explain briefly - since she got no delegates but ~12% in Texas and California, those were votes that go into the void, votes that would have given Bernie frontrunner status. And her votes in the 3 M states, while not wasted, deny Bernie the tag of being the winner.

If Warren is not there, Bernie wins these states only because of Bloomberg. Besides what I have seen on SM, a good portion of Warren supporters would not have voted for Bernie anyway. Main take away for me is that it is clear that he was never winning a head to head with Biden and only the crowded moderate field gave an illusion of an advantage to Bernie.
So does Bernie run independent? He's not been screwed over this time, people are just overly cautious and a bit dim. Trump laughing his way to four more years.
Bernie Sanders have done a few big mistakes over the last few years that might cost him the nomination. When you introduce a new political ideology like Democratic Socialism then first you got to be sure you pick the most accurate one. He should have picked Social Democratism instead as it would have been far easier to sell to the older voters and far harder to smear campaign against. He would have had far better chance at pulling over people to his side this way. I know why this has happened by personal account as i´m a Social Democrat from Denmark and have given his team help from jan 2017 to June 2018. I helped build up his campaign during this period but because i come from an unknown background his team tried to play games with me and screwed me over on some major stuff so i stopped providing help. I cant say more than this however for obvious reasons.

He has trusted the wrong people and advisors on critical matters like rhetoric. His speech writer and pr people dont really utilize the rhetoric tools anywhere near enough that you need to at this level. They have aimed for the presidential campaign run off against Donald Trump without doing the preparation for the democratic primary in greater details first. If they had done a better job with the older voters then the current situation would have been avoided or at least mitigated better. He had to do a better job at building trust with the older demographic voters in the Democratic primary. Trust is a key aspect in politics and in this area his campaign staff have failed big time.

I still hope he wins the nomination because USA need changes to their health care system, educational system and the economic system needs reformed as well. He will still have played a big role in advancing new idea´s to the American public so his legacy will be one that laid the foundation for change over the next 20 years hopefully. He has failed to build up an clear political heir to the movement he help created as well and this could be a short to medium term problem for the movement going forward after the 2020 elections regardless of the outcome. It´s not over yet but something dramatic or great fortune have to happen in the race to change the direction now.
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Disgraceful race by the Democrats in my opinion, they will get went they deserve in the end which is nothing. The greed and bullying of failed candidates for Biden is on to hilarious. The US had a chance to vote an excellent candidate in Bernie, too busy thinking who might beat Trump never thought of the best nominee to represent them and more importantly all the people of the be nation. US politics like many systems across Europe and the world is fecking rotten to the core.

They are disgraceful because people didn't vote for the candidate you endorse? Some of the political commentary I read online from people who support political candidates like they are football clubs and an election is the champions league is hilarious.
Both him and Fox news seem far more scared of Biden than Sanders.

I agree that Trump is likely to win regardless of the opponent (unless Coronavirus sends us in a recession), but there is absolutely nothing to suggest (bar being fans of him) than Bernie will do better than Biden in the general election. The fact that DNC have gone all in for Bernie, combined with Trump/Fox attacking him much more than Bernie, and Russia interfering to give the nomination to Bernie, makes me believe that as of now, Biden is more likely to win than Sanders.

My choice would be Warren but sadly she looks sunk
I dont get the establishment fecked Bernie narrative. Sure all the moderate candidates came together but that was bound to happen sooner or later. Sanders ran a flawed campaign. He did not connect with the black folks at all, no way is any candidate getting the nod for general with such a bad record with African Americans. Its a shame but the US just isnt ready for Socialism yet.
They are disgraceful because people didn't vote for the candidate you endorse? Some of the political commentary I read online from people who support political candidates like they are football clubs and an election is the champions league is hilarious.
I don't endorse anyone, I thought Bernie was a great candidate. My issue was the strategy of the other candidates to squeeze Sanders out. People in other nations have an eye on the election because ultimately it could effect the world, so naturally they are going to be in favour of some candidates over others. That's enough logic for you today.
I don't endorse anyone, I thought Bernie was a great candidate. My issue was the strategy of the other candidates to squeeze Sanders out. People in other nations have an eye on the election because ultimately it could effect the world, so naturally they are going to be in favour of some candidates over others. That's enough logic for you today.

This twitter idea that somehow the DNC is squeezing Sanders out is a Trump talking point and no surprise its resounding well around the internet debates for people who don't understand how American political campaigns work.

Candidates who couldn't see a viable path forward and couldn't continue campaigning because it takes money to run these massive campaigns dropped out, as it happens naturally every election cycle. Sanders has been working with the same advantage until now as there were fewer options on the left of the democratic party to split votes with him and now Biden has naturally arrived at that place as the race touches on states where he is projected to do better.

Unlike you, I'm more than happy to offer more information for the logically deprived. So go ahead and grab your shine box.
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I dont get the establishment fecked Bernie narrative. Sure all the moderate candidates came together but that was bound to happen sooner or later. Sanders ran a flawed campaign. He did not connect with the black folks at all, no way is any candidate getting the nod for general with such a bad record with African Americans. Its a shame but the US just isnt ready for Socialism yet.

He was polling very well with black voters at times and astonishingly well with Latinos.
Yikes. Biden even winning in texas with bloomberg in the race. Bernie spent lots of time and money there.
This twitter idea that somehow the DNC is squeezing Sanders out is a Trump talking point and no surprise its resounding well around the web debates.

Candidates who couldn't see a viable path forward and couldn't continue campaigning because it takes money to run these massive campaigns dropped out, as it happens naturally every election cycle. Sanders has been working with the same advantage until now as there were fewer options on the left of the democratic party to split votes with him and now Biden has naturally arrived at that place as the race touches on states where he is projected to do better.

Unlike you, I'm more than happy to offer more information for the logically deprived. So go ahead and grab your shine box.

There's a reason why Warren hasn't dropped out yet, or why Klobuchar waited until a few days ago to drop out. The simple equation you described of no path forward = dropping out is clearly leaving quite a lot of other variables out. It was a co-ordinated effort by the establishment, no doubt influenced by some significant donors, to drop out at exactly the moment that would create the momentum for the best candidate in their team to win. It was designed to harm Sanders as much as possible. As much as Warren likes to describe herself as a progressive, she's also part of the establishment. It is the definition of a conspiracy. But it would be foolish to expect that the establishment wouldn't conspire in that way when they're being directly attacked.

It's Boomer Central

Trump's the only Boomer, the other four are from the Silent Generation.
I dont get the establishment fecked Bernie narrative. Sure all the moderate candidates came together but that was bound to happen sooner or later. Sanders ran a flawed campaign. He did not connect with the black folks at all, no way is any candidate getting the nod for general with such a bad record with African Americans. Its a shame but the US just isnt ready for Socialism yet.
And Biden as a great record with African Americans?
Yikes. Biden even winning in texas with bloomberg in the race. Bernie spent lots of time and money there.
Never thought Bernie was winning Texas in the end. Even blue counties, outside of urban/university areas (Austin, Dallas, etc), are still conservative, relatively speaking.
There's a reason why Warren hasn't dropped out yet, or why Klobuchar waited until a few days ago to drop out. The simple equation you described of no path forward = dropping out is clearly leaving quite a lot of other variables out. It was a co-ordinated effort by the establishment, no doubt influenced by some significant donors, to drop out at exactly the moment that would create the momentum for the best candidate in their team to win. It was designed to harm Sanders as much as possible. As much as Warren likes to describe herself as a progressive, she's also part of the establishment. It is the definition of a conspiracy. But it would be foolish to expect that the establishment wouldn't conspire in that way when they're being directly attacked.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here? If Warren is part of the establishment and she hasn't dropped out, doesn't that imply that the conspiracy idea is invalid?

She hasn't dropped out because she has accumulated enough money (https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/candidate-and-outside-committees-totals) and she likely has no more than one chance after this to run for the presidency if a Democrat doesn't win this one. So it makes all the sense for her to wait and test the waters on Super Tuesday. Now it appears inevitable that she'll suspend her campaign sooner than later as well.

The donors not donating to candidates who aren't faring well is pretty much part of the cycle and that's how campaigns run out of money.

Its not like Biden is running uncontested for the moderate vote either, he is sharing the ideology spectrum with Bloomberg who has more money than he knows what to do with and he is still running as well.
Biden winning big in exit polls on "electability" is probably the most flimsy argument in all of politics. The damn script writes itself

GOP are going to spend the whole of 2020 in the senate investigating Joe and hunter Biden over burisma. And for those saying Biden did nothing wrong in Burisma, ask Hillary Clinton how the email fiasco played out in the election. After that trump is going to run every horrific quote Biden has ever said in TV ad's. He is going to make Joe Biden "the swamp" and unfortunately he will be right. "The Senator from MBNA" should be Trump's first ad campaign against Biden.

What happens when people doubt electability? They're going to stay flapping home and not vote. Christ this is like the slowest moving train wreck in political history.

Just wait till trump runs ads that tell the audience Biden gave a eulogy for a strom thurmond
Biden winning big in exit polls on "electability" is probably the most flimsy argument in all of politics.

Or may be he is winning because he isn't making statements like expanding the government by 30 trillion dollars over the next 10 years without raising taxes on the middle class. Just a thought.
Never thought Bernie was winning Texas in the end. Even blue counties, outside of urban/university areas (Austin, Dallas, etc), are still conservative, relatively speaking.
Yeh but the whole Bernie Latino vote was what was going to propel him. The man put spent and out organised Biden in texas, bloomberg syphoned off Biden votes and Bernie still got his ass handed to him. I don't know what the Bernie fans are going to say to spin this disaster yesterday but it will be interesting to witness non the less
I read somewhere that less than 18% of voters under 25 voted, and only 20% under 35 voted. The youth did not turn out. I think it's over for Bernie and Trump will win again.
There's a reason why Warren hasn't dropped out yet, or why Klobuchar waited until a few days ago to drop out. The simple equation you described of no path forward = dropping out is clearly leaving quite a lot of other variables out. It was a co-ordinated effort by the establishment, no doubt influenced by some significant donors, to drop out at exactly the moment that would create the momentum for the best candidate in their team to win. It was designed to harm Sanders as much as possible. As much as Warren likes to describe herself as a progressive, she's also part of the establishment. It is the definition of a conspiracy. But it would be foolish to expect that the establishment wouldn't conspire in that way when they're being directly attacked.

Trump's the only Boomer, the other four are from the Silent Generation.
Quick question. Is Bloomberg part of the "establishment" and if yes what's his role in this conspiracy to propel Biden.
Aren't you contradicting yourself here? If Warren is part of the establishment and she hasn't dropped out, doesn't that imply that the conspiracy idea is invalid?
In the conspiracy, Warren stays in because while she is establishment, she is the most Bernie-ish one, and therefore remains in the race to pull Bernie votes away from him.
Its not like Biden is running uncontested for the moderate vote either, he is sharing the ideology spectrum with Bloomberg
In the conspiracy, Bloomberg isn’t part of the “establishment” and therefore also isn’t part of the conspiracy. He stayed in because he independently wanted to.
Or may be he is winning because he isn't making statements like expanding the government by 30 trillion dollars over the next 10 years without raising taxes on the middle class. Just a thought.

Huh? Exit polls are highlighting Joe getting a nice chunk of vote because perceived electability against Trump. My argument is that is probably the worst reason to vote for someone and the consequence of that in a GE should it backfire. At least your post actually makes sense as a reason to vote for someone. Not really sure where you thought you were going with that post :lol:
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