2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Disappointed with the results today but the silver lining is that it will be 2 horse race from now on. I'd really prefer Bernie winning but Biden winning outright is definitely a better scenario that having the super-delegates involved. Country is definitely still Centre-right so, I hope most sanders voters swallow the bitter pill and vote for Biden in the general if it comes down to it. I'm still not counting Sanders out of it yet though because he can still do well on March 10 primaries. What do people here think today does to the chances of Brokered convention?
The vocal support for Bernie here quoted multiple polls that he doesn't have a problem with black votes. He clearly has.

Bernie does better with younger black voters, but, generally speaking, they aren't the ones who are showing up at the polls. The two biggest counties (Wake/Mecklenburg) have a mixture of liberal and moderate voters who went for Biden by even larger numbers. Both of counties have larger suburban moderate voters who seem to have swung Biden's way too. From the older black voters I talk to regularly, they want the candidate who has the best chance of beating Trump. Part of it is they want a Democrat they think can win over regular white voters against Trump.

Turnout was up slightly over 2016 but down from 2008. Part of that is likely the shift from a later primary to Super Tuesday so NC barely got any attention from candidates.

Wow. I thought Sanders was ahead by a fair bit there....

He is on the Post site, but I'm guessing with lots outstanding in Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas, he's guessing those break Biden's way.
The problem is it’d take days, even a couple of weeks to count all the mail in ballots and ratify the result, so by that point Biden would have received coverage as current frontrunner for uncounted newscycles.

Fair point, but wouldn’t that be for every state? And the projected numbers for the delegates will probably be done today.

Interesting to see the number of delegates after today. Biden won many states that don’t have too many delegates.
Really? with California looking like it'll go his way

He was always going to win Cali. Facts are Bernie outspent Biden by 4x or 5x, had better ground game in almost all states yet Biden is going to win in more states and unexpectedly so in 2-3. Already murmurs of Bloomberg dropping out which consolidate Biden's vote further. Florida is next big delegate state and Bernie is dead there on arrival. I would be shocked if Bernie is fav to even win pluarity of votes after tonight. And as per his own proclamations so far, he will cede nomination to anyone with most number of delegates at the end.
He was always going to win Cali. Facts are Bernie outspent Biden by 4x or 5x, had better ground game in almost all states yet Biden is going to win in more states and unexpectedly so in 2-3. Already murmurs of Bloomberg dropping out which consolidate Biden's vote further. Florida is next big delegate state and Bernie is dead there on arrival. I would be shocked if Bernie is fav to even win pluarity of votes after tonight. And as per his own proclamations so far, he will cede nomination to anyone with most number of delegates at the end.

This reminds me of these tweets from earlier. Bernie hedged hard on winning against a divided field.

He was always going to win Cali. Facts are Bernie outspent Biden by 4x or 5x, had better ground game in almost all states yet Biden is going to win in more states and unexpectedly so in 2-3. Already murmurs of Bloomberg dropping out which consolidate Biden's vote further. Florida is next big delegate state and Bernie is dead there on arrival. I would be shocked if Bernie is fav to even win pluarity of votes after tonight. And as per his own proclamations so far, he will cede nomination to anyone with most number of delegates at the end.

Supporters of Sanders will now change tack and hope for a brokered convention :eek:

But yes, Sanders will do poorly in Florida. There's just so much going against him here.
He was always going to win Cali. Facts are Bernie outspent Biden by 4x or 5x, had better ground game in almost all states yet Biden is going to win in more states and unexpectedly so in 2-3. Already murmurs of Bloomberg dropping out which consolidate Biden's vote further. Florida is next big delegate state and Bernie is dead there on arrival. I would be shocked if Bernie is fav to even win pluarity of votes after tonight. And as per his own proclamations so far, he will cede nomination to anyone with most number of delegates at the end.
I don't disagree with this and I don't know the spending figures, but dropping out is a bit extreme, personally I don't think he'll win the nomination but he should definitely stay in the race, his arguments need to be heard.
This reminds me of these tweets from earlier. Bernie hedged hard on winning against a divided field.

Yeap. As much as Biden camp has been hating on cable news' analysis of staggered moderate field allowing Bernie to triumph, it has most definitely been proven to be correct today. If Pete and Amy were still in the race, there is a chance Bernie would have won Mass. and Minnesota. In fact if Bloomberg was not there, Bernie most likely loses Texas as well. In fact he could lose Texas now as well and that would most definitely be the death kneel on his campaign.
I don't disagree with this and I don't know the spending figures, but dropping out is a bit extreme, personally I don't think he'll win the nomination but he should definitely stay in the race, his arguments need to be heard.

Drop out stuff was hyperbole, he will stay in for quote a bit but it is not going to happen for him. Texas margin down to 0.5% ... Bernie is done. :(
Yeap. As much as Biden camp has been hating on cable news' analysis of staggered moderate field allowing Bernie to triumph, it has most definitely been proven to be correct today. If Pete and Amy were still in the race, there is a chance Bernie would have won Mass. and Minnesota. In fact if Bloomberg was not there, Bernie most likely loses Texas as well. In fact he could lose Texas now as well and that would most definitely be the death kneel on his campaign.
Lead down to 5k now. Bernie is done
Fair point, but wouldn’t that be for every state? And the projected numbers for the delegates will probably be done today.

Interesting to see the number of delegates after today. Biden won many states that don’t have too many delegates.
No, California is its own beast. VA for instance have already counted more than half the votes. You are talking about nearly 10 million votes for CA.

Clinton was up 21.5 when she was projected to win it in 2016, she ended up winning by 7.

Today is all about the margins. I expected the VA result since the NoVA suburbs are poison to Sanders, but getting ran close in ME, lost MA/MN, and couldn’t hold Biden below the threshold in his own state are all pretty bad. His case if there’s a brokered convention should be having a plurality and winning the battleground states. The MA and MN result doesn’t bode well for MI, WI and PA, when he has already lost VA and almost certainly FL.
Lead down to 5k now. Bernie is done

Yeap, apparently his lead was due to early voting and late one is breaking towards Biden. Both will still come out of Texas with same number of delegates but narrative wise only way Bernie can come out of tonight with a draw is by winning both Texas and Cali. If Biden takes one then he is the clear winner and front runner.
I think you are getting carried away by the viciousness of the arguments you've been having with Eboue and Red Dreams. There's no reason to take this out on Sanders and his policies because you don't like two guys on an online forum. Obviously, I could be wrong and far off base but that's my take on it.
@DiseaseOfTheAge Revenge of the Wine Moms.

Maybe the country really is centre right after all and Bernie was only winning because of the moderate vote being split. I'd love for both Warren and Bloomberg to drop out after this so that we can have a clear contest between the two but I guess Bloomberg's end game is still the brokered convention and Warren is establishment fail-safe against another Biden implosion.
Maybe the country really is centre right after all and Bernie was only winning because of the moderate vote being split. I'd love for both Warren and Bloomberg to drop out after this so that we can have a clear contest between the two but I guess Bloomberg's end game is still the brokered convention and Warren is establishment fail-safe against another Biden implosion.

No way Bloomberg gets the nomination in a contested convention with Biden ahead of him. I expect Bloomberg to drop out tomorrow.

No idea what is the long game of Warren, but he finishing third in her country more or less leaves her no other choice but to drop out.

I hope we get a fast resolution either way. The longer it continues, the more toxic it will become. If Biden looks strong in the next cycle, then he should make a deal with Bernie and offer to Bernie what he wants in order for Bernie to drop out (same the other way around, but now it looks unlikely). No point on continuing the farce as long as last time when the epilogue becomes clear.

It's all about what's out (ballot type) and where is out. Bernie started well because of early voting, but what's left won't help him as much.

Biden is ahead even in California in the late-deciders poll. 40 to 29 in favour of Biden.
His campaign appeared on the ropes 4 days ago and he now appears to be close to reclaiming frontrunner status.

he's easily favourite now, I've been watching the odds tumble all night

Biden 1.3
Bernie 3.5

Bernie was 1.5 a week ago
You can write the script now. Bernie will go head to head with Biden in a debate or two, destroy him, fail to will nomination. Trump destroys Biden and establishment Dems blame Bernie again for losing.....
I think you are getting carried away by the viciousness of the arguments you've been having with Eboue and Red Dreams. There's no reason to take this out on Sanders and his policies because you don't like two guys on an online forum. Obviously, I could be wrong and far off base but that's my take on it.
"Bernie Bros"
"religious cult"
"God savior Bernie"

Anyone resorting to consistently using those terms can't be taken seriously. Similarly to Warren, started off decent with reasonable posts, then as time went on, shown true colors and turned nasty. It's as if NewGlory took over his account.

Huge contrast with some of the newer posters in this thread. Definitely not pro Bernie and offer contrasting views, but post reasonably. I like those cats even if I don't necessarily agree with them.
So, according to projections, Warren might hit 15% statewide in only in 5 states.

But she has already sent a message to her supporters asking them to donate as there are 6 primaries next week.

Don't think she is dropping out even after the pathetic showing tonight.
So Biden got a healthy delegate lead, won most of the so-called battleground states (I'm sure he'll win FL and PA as well), and probably has most of the superdelegates. The math doesn't check out for Bernie, he is done.

The revolution will not be televised :(
So, according to projections, Warren might hit 15% statewide in only in 5 states.

But she has already sent a message to her supporters asking them to donate as there are 6 primaries next week.

Don't think she is dropping out even after the pathetic showing tonight.
She has a plan. And it doesn't involve any belief that she can be the nominee.
So Biden got a healthy delegate lead, won most of the so-called battleground states (I'm sure he'll win FL and PA as well), and probably has most of the superdelegates. The math doesn't check out for Bernie, he is done.

The revolution will not be televised :(
The revolution won't be from the ballot box.
"Bernie Bros"
"religious cult"
"God savior Bernie"

Anyone resorting to consistently using those terms can't be taken seriously. Similarly to Warren, started off decent with reasonable posts, then as time went on, shown true colors and turned nasty. It's as if NewGlory took over his account.

Huge contrast with some of the newer posters in this thread. Definitely not pro Bernie and offer contrasting views, but post reasonably. I like those cats even if I don't necessarily agree with them.

I don't know NewGlory :nervous:

I'm amazed how much we hate on people we more or less agree with most of the time just because we happen to argue back and forth in social media. I'm sure Revan is a progressive person who would heartily support Bernie Sanders but is now put off from him because of the antics of Eboue and Red Dreams. Now I don't think Eboue and Red Dreams are bad people, but they have an argument style which is a big turn off for many.

Feeling pretty deflated tonight with the results. Will have to take a break from this thread.
She has a plan. And it doesn't involve any belief that she can be the nominee.
Then what's the plan? Looking at how low she is polling, it's not like she is fecking Bernie either.
It's incredible how it has gone all downhill for her in the past few months.
I don't know NewGlory :nervous:
Centrist dude who turned up out of nowhere ready to set us all straight with his superior analysis. Didn't go down well.
Then what's the plan? Looking at how low she is polling, it's not like she is fecking Bernie either.
It's incredible how it has gone all downhill for her in the past few months.
The plan is to be an effective opponent of Sanders and gain good will within the Democratic party. She does not need to reach high percentages to do that.
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