2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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His campaign appeared on the ropes 4 days ago and he now appears to be close to reclaiming frontrunner status.

The high turnout is good news for a general. Though I feel like we’re at peak Biden momentum this week, I’ve not really seen anything like this, and I worry that will start to fade as November rolls around and people realise he’s Joe Biden.

I hope enough Democrats get out to vote in November to get rid of Trump. I don’t particularly want a President Biden but I also didn’t go to law school to have Donald Trump shape the Supreme Court single handedly.

The fact that Biden v Trump and Hillary v Trump is the best America can offer is a fecking joke
The high turnout is good news for a general. Though I feel like we’re at peak Biden momentum this week, I’ve not really seen anything like this, and I worry that will start to fade as November rolls around and people realise he’s Joe Biden.

I hope enough Democrats get out to vote in November to get rid of Trump. I don’t particularly want a President Biden but I also didn’t go to law school to have Donald Trump shape the Supreme Court single handedly.

The fact that Biden v Trump and Hillary v Trump is the best America can offer is a fecking joke
On the contrary Biden is better than Kerry. Has the black vote because of Obama and has personal tragedies that goes well with American public
4 years ago, perhaps. I think he would've done better than Clinton.

I don't enjoy saying it because the mental deterioration of older loved ones is one of the most heartbreaking things many of our generation have had to go through but he's clearly not okay and that's not going to be ignored in the general in the way it has been so far.
4 years ago, perhaps. I think he would've done better than Clinton.

I don't enjoy saying it because the mental deterioration of older loved ones is one of the most heartbreaking things many of our generation have had to go through but he's clearly not okay and that's not going to be ignored in the general in the way it has been so far.

I would absolutely agree with you in general but then again, we have a president who is less coherent than I and English isn't even my first language.
What if the story of 2016 isn't that a centrist democrat can't beat a GOP populist, but rather that Hillary Clinton is just a really weak candidate? Sander's share of vote is deteriorating vs 2016 in states like Oklahoma and Minnesota. You can't discount that maybe she's just a particularly bad candidate, and a cookie cutter dem candidate a-la Kerry is hypothetically enough to beat a GOP populist.

Biden has his own scandals and can barely string a sentence together. That's not a strong candidate. It's honestly remarkable that the Dem's managed to find a candidate even less coherent than Trump. It's like having to clear a 20cm hurdle and tripping over your shoelaces.

Biden's benefitting from the stunt pulled on the eve of Super Tuesday with the drop-outs, endorsements and a concerted mainstream media push. There'll be no such maneuvers available in November and Trump will have Fox News battling on the mainstream media front. I'll be amazed if his run doesn't fold like a damp squib.
Biden has his own scandals and can barely string a sentence together. That's not a strong candidate. It's honestly remarkable that the Dem's managed to find a candidate even less coherent than Trump. It's like having to clear a 20cm hurdle and tripping over your shoelaces.

Biden's benefitting from the stunt pulled on the eve of Super Tuesday with the drop-outs, endorsements and a concerted mainstream media push. There'll be no such maneuvers available in November and Trump will have Fox News battling on the mainstream media front. I'll be amazed if his run doesn't fold like a damp squib.
Scandals? More than Ukraine?
On being coherent, you are joking I assume. A lot of it, perhaps all, is due to his stutter. And it's nothing near the level of Trump.
What about the demagoguery?
That's pragmatic. See the President of the United States.

EDIT - Every campaign but Klobuchar's (who really stuck to her 'better things aren't possible' beliefs) has been hugely demagogic.

Biden's gonna cure cancer.
That's pragmatic. See the President of the United States.

EDIT - Every campaign but Klobuchar's (who really stuck to her 'better things aren't possible' beliefs) has been hugely demagogic.

Biden's gonna cure cancer.

To be fair, him curing cancer has more chance than Sanders implementing M4A or Green New Deal.

Sanders is a demagogue. He knows that his plans have no chance of being implemented.

Yang was actually the only candidate who I found to not be a demagogue, and who was giving precise logical answers to all the questions he was asked.
Mind boggling how Biden won MA without not doing anything there at all. Bernie had rallies both in Boston and Minnesota recently, all for naught. He should drop out, zero chance establishment will now cede any ground to him.
Looking at NC results by county, Durham County, which is the most liberal in the state, voted Biden by roughly 10 points over Sanders. Neighboring Orange County, which is the second most liberal, only voted Biden by .8% over sanders. The biggest difference? Durham County is about 40% black, while Orange County is about 13%. Bernie won the two liberal counties in the mountains by about 20 and 10 points respectively, but those places are 96% and 90% white.

In NC, and throughout the South, black voters seem to have been decisive for Biden.
To be fair, him curing cancer has more chance than Sanders implementing M4A or Green New Deal.

Sanders is a demagogue. He knows that his plans have no chance of being implemented.

Yang was actually the only candidate who I found to not be a demagogue, and who was giving precise logical answers to all the questions he was asked.

I think you are getting carried away by the viciousness of the arguments you've been having with Eboue and Red Dreams. There's no reason to take this out on Sanders and his policies because you don't like two guys on an online forum. Obviously, I could be wrong and far off base but that's my take on it.
I think you are getting carried away by the viciousness of the arguments you've been having with Eboue and Red Dreams. There's no reason to take this out on Sanders and his policies because you don't like two guys on an online forum. Obviously, I could be wrong and far off base but that's my take on it.

Fair point, you’re probably right. They are to Sanders what Glaston is to Spurs.
I think you are getting carried away by the viciousness of the arguments you've been having with Eboue and Red Dreams. There's no reason to take this out on Sanders and his policies because you don't like two guys on an online forum. Obviously, I could be wrong and far off base but that's my take on it.
I've been quite rude to him too. Just not for as prolonged a period.
Looking at NC results by county, Durham County, which is the most liberal in the state, voted Biden by roughly 10 points over Sanders. Neighboring Orange County, which is the second most liberal, only voted Biden by .8% over sanders. The biggest difference? Durham County is about 40% black, while Orange County is about 13%. Bernie won the two liberal counties in the mountains by about 20 and 10 points respectively, but those places are 96% and 90% white.

In NC, and throughout the South, black voters seem to have been decisive for Biden.

The vocal support for Bernie here quoted multiple polls that he doesn't have a problem with black votes. He clearly has.
Fair point, you’re probably right. They are to Sanders what Glaston is to Spurs.

Eerily, I was about to quote the same example as I started hating Spurs to the point that I was rooting for an ARsenal win in the North London Derby. I learned to ignore Glaston completely and normalcy returned.
Scandals? More than Ukraine?
On being coherent, you are joking I assume. A lot of it, perhaps all, is due to his stutter. And it's nothing near the level of Trump.

Did you see him try and cite the declaration of independence the other day? Exaggeration or not, he is clearly struggling on that front.

On the scandals front, he already failed in one presidential bid due to plagiarism. Not to mention the baggage that comes along with his questionable 40yr voting record. Lots to pick away at on there, whenever you might need to. Even the recent story, lying about being arrested in South Africa. It's all ammunition that Trump can and will use however he feels he needs to.

Anyway, I'm obviously a Bernie supporter (Non-US citizen) and a labour supporter in my home country (UK). It's been a tough time recently...
I certainly did. I'll do it again if you're in to that?

But I think we probably exhausted our views on that topic for now.
Well, as long as we don’t derail the thread and debate it on the right thread.

I think it was hilarious tbf.
Well, as long as we don’t derail the thread and debate it on the right thread.

I think it was hilarious tbf.
I gathered.

I fear it won't be the last time you find my views hilarious and as you say, hopefully we're able to keep our intimate squabbles to appropriate threads going forward.
California could be huge for Bernie. Bloomberg seems to be doing good, and Warren seems to be under 15%. It being the biggest price and Bloomberg splitting Biden’s vote, could mean that Bernie will get a 100+ difference in delegates from California.

Proud of the state I live :)
Bernie had rallies both in Boston and Minnesota recently, all for naught. He should drop out, zero chance establishment will now cede any ground to him.
Really? with California looking like it'll go his way
California could be huge for Bernie. Bloomberg seems to be doing good, and Warren seems to be under 15%. It being the biggest price and Bloomberg splitting Biden’s vote, could mean that Bernie will get a 100+ difference in delegates from California.

Proud of the state I live :)
The problem is it’d take days, even a couple of weeks to count all the mail in ballots and ratify the result, so by that point Biden would have received coverage as current frontrunner for uncounted newscycles.
Wow. I thought Sanders was ahead by a fair bit there....
Our local news and outlets are saying its the same day vote that is the difference. The lines are MASSIVE here. And exit polling is showing that decisions were made within the past few days. Texas tribune was just on MSNBC and they are saying same day numbers for Biden are staggering if they hold.

Even with 2 weeks of early voting people waited. Thats not good for Sanders overall. That he cannot lock people down. But the enthusiasm and turnout is really encouraging. People really want to vote to stand in these long lines for a Primary.
Would be absolutely hilarious if Bloomberg ends up giving more delegates to Sanders after all the criticism he took from the Sanders supporters.
I think there's a pretty good argument that Sanders' campaign getting distracted by Bloomberg and failing to recognise the threat of Biden is where it all went wrong.

Not that I'm suggesting I myself thought Biden was capable of doing this until a few days ago.
Did you see him try and cite the declaration of independence the other day? Exaggeration or not, he is clearly struggling on that front.

On the scandals front, he already failed in one presidential bid due to plagiarism. Not to mention the baggage that comes along with his questionable 40yr voting record. Lots to pick away at on there, whenever you might need to. Even the recent story, lying about being arrested in South Africa. It's all ammunition that Trump can and will use however he feels he needs to.

Anyway, I'm obviously a Bernie supporter (Non-US citizen) and a labour supporter in my home country (UK). It's been a tough time recently...
I doubt those "scandals" will have traction. I'm more worried about the "creepy" Joe clips.

He's been quite open about his stutter and confidence. I don't think that's a big mental health or capacity issue. Compare to Trump which clearly is.

I'm also from the UK originally and tend toward Bernie's policies like healthcare etc. Someone posted earlier in this or the covid thread about a person from Las Vegas and M4A... That could easily have been me since I've said the same thing over and over to any American who will listen. BUT I don't see a path for M4A here. OC was near impossible to pass and is being picked apart. M4A... Alas I don't see it here for the forseeabble future. There's a weird reaction from the right, even those who would benefit massively from it.
Would be absolutely hilarious if Bloomberg ends up giving more delegates to Sanders after all the criticism he took from the Sanders supporters.
Buttigieg is doing better than Warren (I guess cause of early voting). Biden is third, so Sanders should win by more than a hundred delegates.
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