2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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:lol: This certainly won't help things.

Biden put all his eggs in the SC basket and barely campaigned in any of the Super Tuesday states and is still outperforming the polls. Just shows how momentum is such a big factor.
The Dems wouldn't need much GOP help if they reclaim the Senate and Presidency. They would also have the support of the Manchin, Tester, Sinema and others, which wouldn't happen under Sanders.
Very true. The political conditions to implement Sanders' policies simply don't exist at the moment, and could render him a lame duck from day one.

It's been told to you before but it bears repeating.

The point of Sanders isn't to implement Medicare for All in 4 years time, its to begin shifting the window in the other direction instead of just allowing the Republicans to keep moving it further right and then having establishment Dems do nothing but defend the New Center (which keeps shifting right).

If we want public options and universal healthcare in 10 years time we have to begin now. And if we want a sane transition that even sane libertarians can get on board, we can't keep defending the frankenstein's monster that is Obamacare as if it benefits people instead of the for-profit corporations.
:lol: This certainly won't help things.

I'll be interested after the dust settles if anyone explains this sort of thing. Is it intentional on the part of Biden's camp? If so, what's the logic/insight behind it? It seems like either some bizarre stroke of luck, or a stroke of real insight into primaries in this day and age.
To come close to losing Massachusetts is just mind boggling. Warren should have quit the race.
I must say I find Sanders supporters delusion rather staggering. I get it, you like the candidate. But seriously:

1) The idea only Sanders can beat Trump has no basis. If he can't even beat Biden amongst a further left leaning electorate in the primary, how on earth do you expect him to beat Trump?

2) The idea Sanders increases turnout looks demonstrably false - in places he's doing well, turnout hasn't increased, where turnout has increased its gone massively to Biden. If anything the opposite is true, it is Biden who is turning out voters.

3) He's been robbed by the DNC. He's just not. On the one hand he wants to other himself and paint the rest as corrupt establishment, on the other his supporters are upset when those people he's specifically distanced himself from endorse one of that group? Regardless of which if the only way he could win is through 5 moderates running he clearly isn't a strong candidate.

4) The idea Biden is unelectable. Again zero basis. He does if anything slightly better than Sanders in head to heads with Trump, not that they're much use this far out. He's turning out voters better than Sanders. His coalition of voters is broader. More importantly he turns out people who actually vote. I don't think he's a great candidate either, but he's clearly stirring something up in the turnout.

Honestly, I get it, Sanders has some cool policies. But the constant conspiracies if he's not handed the elections are bizarre. The US has never been a left leaning country, the evidence is it still isn't.
It's been told to you before but it bears repeating.

The point of Sanders isn't to implement Medicare for All in 4 years time, its to begin shifting the window in the other direction instead of just allowing the Republicans to keep moving it further right and then having establishment Dems do nothing but defend the New Center (which keeps shifting right).

If we want public options and universal healthcare in 10 years time we have to begin now. And if we want a sane transition that even sane libertarians can get on board, we can't keep defending the frankenstein's monster that is Obamacare as if it benefits people instead of the for-profit corporations.
Mitch McConnell wrote a book called The Long Game. Democrats need to start playing it or we will never have the welfare state we deserve. What better time than now.
I'll be interested after the dust settles if anyone explains this sort of thing. Is it intentional on the part of Biden's camp? If so, what's the logic/insight behind it? It seems like either some bizarre stroke of luck, or a stroke of real insight into primaries in this day and age.

He likely didn't have the resources to beat Klobuchar there, who was going to win it, and there's no need to fight with her over delegates since their concern was always Bernie, not Klobuchar.
So Warren says she will fight on, I wonder if this is being done specifically to hurt Sanders, Biden is gathering momentum partly because almost everyone that has dropped out is endorsing him so the more centrist vote is less split, where as the the left wing vote is still split between Warren and Sanders, but there's no way she can win the nomination now so why stay in? unless it's to keep Bernie out.
So Warren says she will fight on, I wonder if this is being done specifically to hurt Sanders, Biden is gathering momentum partly because almost everyone that has dropped out is endorsing him so the more centrist vote is less split, where as the the left wing vote is still split between Warren and Sanders, but there's no way she can win the nomination now so why stay in? unless it's to keep Bernie out.

Bloomberg is doing a lot more damage to Biden than Warren is doing to Bernie atm.
It didn't sound to me like Bloomberg was going to drop out. I suspect after tonight it will be Biden, Sanders, and Bloomberg (with that other thing a distant 4th). Bloomberg is going to start hurting Biden's chance. I forget who said it, it's far easy to run for the presidency than to drop out. It would be good to see Bloomberg drop out and let voters decide between the two real candidates.
You really don't.

No, I really do. I know what he has people desperately passionate for these policies. I think he's hoodwinking all his supporters and full well knows none of them are actually achievable in a million years given the senate makeup, but I get why his supporters are so passionate for them.

But that doesn't excuse the frankly Trump level of delusion of his support. It's honestly staggering.
So Warren says she will fight on, I wonder if this is being done specifically to hurt Sanders, Biden is gathering momentum partly because almost everyone that has dropped out is endorsing him so the more centrist vote is less split, where as the the left wing vote is still split between Warren and Sanders, but there's no way she can win the nomination now so why stay in? unless it's to keep Bernie out.
Has she just said it? Bit surprised by that.
No, I really do. I know what he has people desperately passionate for these policies. I think he's hoodwinking all his supporters and full well knows none of them are actually achievable in a million years given the senate makeup, but I get why his supporters are so passionate for them.

But that doesn't excuse the frankly Trump level of delusion of his support. It's honestly staggering.
It's desperation, not delusion.
So Warren says she will fight on, I wonder if this is being done specifically to hurt Sanders, Biden is gathering momentum partly because almost everyone that has dropped out is endorsing him so the more centrist vote is less split, where as the the left wing vote is still split between Warren and Sanders, but there's no way she can win the nomination now so why stay in? unless it's to keep Bernie out.

I think she still believes in a brokered convention she could get the nomination. Maybe someone is leading her on to think that.
So Warren says she will fight on, I wonder if this is being done specifically to hurt Sanders, Biden is gathering momentum partly because almost everyone that has dropped out is endorsing him so the more centrist vote is less split, where as the the left wing vote is still split between Warren and Sanders, but there's no way she can win the nomination now so why stay in? unless it's to keep Bernie out.
Why on earth would Warren waste her time in a costly vindictive stromp against a colleague? Do you think she’s being bribed to do it?
I must say I find Sanders supporters delusion rather staggering. I get it, you like the candidate. But seriously:

1) The idea only Sanders can beat Trump has no basis. If he can't even beat Biden amongst a further left leaning electorate in the primary, how on earth do you expect him to beat Trump?

4) The idea Biden is unelectable. Again zero basis. He does if anything slightly better than Sanders in head to heads with Trump, not that they're much use this far out. He's turning out voters better than Sanders. His coalition of voters is broader. More importantly he turns out people who actually vote. I don't think he's a great candidate either, but he's clearly stirring something up in the turnout.


The US has never been a left leaning country, the evidence is it still isn't.
Please read some books. Thanks.
I'll be interested after the dust settles if anyone explains this sort of thing. Is it intentional on the part of Biden's camp? If so, what's the logic/insight behind it? It seems like either some bizarre stroke of luck, or a stroke of real insight into primaries in this day and age.

I doubt it's the latter.
It's desperation, not delusion.

It's not really though, fundamentally, what Bernie could achieve is not going to be any different to a Biden, a Buttigieg, even a Bloomberg. His healthcare would be at best what they are suggesting. I think its uncomfortable that he's sold a lie that its M4A or bust. Its possible to get full healthcare coverage, what he's suggesting in the quagmire that is US healthcare simply won't fly.


Please read some books. Thanks.

I think you need to get your head out the sand.

There is literally no evidence Biden is unelectable, that Sanders is better than him. Its frankly bizarre.

You like a candidate, yeah great. But at a certain point you know, pretending the Moon is made of cheese ain't healthy.
I must say I find Sanders supporters delusion rather staggering. I get it, you like the candidate. But seriously:

1) The idea only Sanders can beat Trump has no basis. If he can't even beat Biden amongst a further left leaning electorate in the primary, how on earth do you expect him to beat Trump?

2) The idea Sanders increases turnout looks demonstrably false - in places he's doing well, turnout hasn't increased, where turnout has increased its gone massively to Biden. If anything the opposite is true, it is Biden who is turning out voters.

3) He's been robbed by the DNC. He's just not. On the one hand he wants to other himself and paint the rest as corrupt establishment, on the other his supporters are upset when those people he's specifically distanced himself from endorse one of that group? Regardless of which if the only way he could win is through 5 moderates running he clearly isn't a strong candidate.

4) The idea Biden is unelectable. Again zero basis. He does if anything slightly better than Sanders in head to heads with Trump, not that they're much use this far out. He's turning out voters better than Sanders. His coalition of voters is broader. More importantly he turns out people who actually vote. I don't think he's a great candidate either, but he's clearly stirring something up in the turnout.

Honestly, I get it, Sanders has some cool policies. But the constant conspiracies if he's not handed the elections are bizarre. The US has never been a left leaning country, the evidence is it still isn't.

Whether or not he becomes President, I see Sanders as the guy who moves the Overton window on many of his policies and creates the foundation of a political movement that others will later build on.
I must say I find Sanders supporters delusion rather staggering. I get it, you like the candidate. But seriously:

1) The idea only Sanders can beat Trump has no basis. If he can't even beat Biden amongst a further left leaning electorate in the primary, how on earth do you expect him to beat Trump?

2) The idea Sanders increases turnout looks demonstrably false - in places he's doing well, turnout hasn't increased, where turnout has increased its gone massively to Biden. If anything the opposite is true, it is Biden who is turning out voters.

3) He's been robbed by the DNC. He's just not. On the one hand he wants to other himself and paint the rest as corrupt establishment, on the other his supporters are upset when those people he's specifically distanced himself from endorse one of that group? Regardless of which if the only way he could win is through 5 moderates running he clearly isn't a strong candidate.

4) The idea Biden is unelectable. Again zero basis. He does if anything slightly better than Sanders in head to heads with Trump, not that they're much use this far out. He's turning out voters better than Sanders. His coalition of voters is broader. More importantly he turns out people who actually vote. I don't think he's a great candidate either, but he's clearly stirring something up in the turnout.

Honestly, I get it, Sanders has some cool policies. But the constant conspiracies if he's not handed the elections are bizarre. The US has never been a left leaning country, the evidence is it still isn't.
Great post!
Warren was warned that this could happen and she just carried on in the race.
Bloomberg is getting more delegated from Biden, than Warren from Sanders.

Sanders can win only if the center is not consolidated towards a person. His success in the last election seems to have been more an anti-Hillary protest vote, rather than a genuine vote for Bernie. Until today, he was doing so well mostly cause the centrist vote was divided.
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