2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Got to wonder if Warren's humiliation in Massachusetts will infuriate her so much that she refuses to endorse Sanders when she drops out.
This could all be reversed if Bernie wins big in Texas and California

I’ve given up hope. It will be close in Texas and Warren will cut heavily into Bernie’s California stack with Biden also over performing there.
Got to wonder if Warren's humiliation in Massachusetts will infuriate her so much that she refuses to endorse Sanders when she drops out.

Why would she take it out on Sanders rather than Biden who appears to have won there?
Got to wonder if Warren's humiliation in Massachusetts will infuriate her so much that she refuses to endorse Sanders when she drops out.

If she loses bigger than expected in MA, she may have to bow out immediately to prevent longer term political damage for when she runs for reelection on her Senate seat.
Another thing that has shifted this race is Bloombergs complete capitulation thanks to Warren swallowing him whole during the debates. Bloomberg was taking away votes from Biden. Doesn't seem to be the case today (at least so far)
Why would she take it out on Sanders rather than Biden who appears to have won there?

Sanders should still win Massachusetts. Warren won't be happy as her and Sanders have more or less equal support among liberals according to the exit polls.

The split of the progressive vote has meant Biden has done unexpectedly well here.
Man, some serious polarisation on here, as always. God bless the internet.

No one knows how the maths plays out between Biden and Bernie as a candidate.

Bernie might activate the youth, convert working-class Obama/Trump voters in they key states and ride the medicare for all train to victory.

Or, Bernie could fail to get out the black vote - the single largest democrat voting bloc, the youth vote could flake and the progress made in 2018 in largely 'purple' states could be undone.

Biden could deliver the black vote, appeal to swing voters that gave the dems the house, appeal to moderate Trump voters that have realised how bad he is and be a nice safe choice to rally around.

Or, Biden could get torn apart by an endless charade of Hunter hearings, be too establishment to get out any youth vote and just be too dull to deliver turnout.

Point is, we don't know. You don't. I don't. Nate Silver doesn't. The masterminds at the DNC don't. So instead, let's have this voting system whereby we let people choose, and see how that goes?
Agreed, I dont see a big win for him in Texas but I would like to be proven wrong
The best thing Bernie has going for him in Texas is we were early voting for 2 weeks before tonight. I voted for Bernie the second day of early voting. Before Warren ripped apart Bloomberg on the debate stage. He will have some baked in votes from when Biden looked weak and shaky prior to SC
If she loses bigger than expected in MA, she may have to bow out immediately to prevent longer term political damage for when she runs for reelection on her Senate seat.

She will drop out. Even the super PAC that is supporting her have announced they won't be running any more ads.
Man, some serious polarisation on here, as always. God bless the internet.

No one knows how the maths plays out between Biden and Bernie as a candidate.

Bernie might activate the youth, convert working-class Obama/Trump voters in they key states and ride the medicare for all train to victory.

Or, Bernie could fail to get out the black vote - the single largest democrat voting bloc, the youth vote could flake and the progress made in 2018 in largely 'purple' states could be undone.

Biden could deliver the black vote, appeal to swing voters that gave the dems the house, appeal to moderate Trump voters that have realised how bad he is and be a nice safe choice to rally around.

Or, Biden could get torn apart by an endless charade of Hunter hearings, be too establishment to get out any youth vote and just be too dull to deliver turnout.

Point is, we don't know. You don't. I don't. Nate Silver doesn't. The masterminds at the DNC don't. So instead, let's have this voting system whereby we let people choose, and see how that goes?
Not to be rude but its a forum. If we don't discuss what could have then its rather pointless.
Looks like Biden has taken Maine which Bernie was projected.
Not to be rude but its a forum. If we don't discuss what could have then its rather pointless.
Oh I'm all for discussion. I meant more the escalating attacks we're getting this lovely evening on this thread.
All indications show that Trump prefers Sanders. It might be a miscalculation, but the GOP would love to go against Sanders.

Trump's strategies are relatively see-through.

He doesn't want to run against Sanders for many reasons.

To distract everyone the Trump team makes it seem like they don't want Biden, who they know he can beat because Biden isn't afraid to stoop to his level. Problem for Biden is that no one does Donald Trump's level better than Donald Trump.
Regardless of what the result is tonight, the good news is that its looking like record turn out from democrats which means that Democrats. As Trump isn’t facing primary competition in most places, Republicans have not had the same registration surge.
Regardless of what the result is tonight, the good news is that its looking like record turn out from democrats which means that Democrats. As Trump isn’t facing primary competition in most places, Republicans have not had the same registration surge.
That's a fair point, but Trump's campaign is the most well funded in history and will only target the potential crucial voters in like 4 states. I'm scared.
Beto or Pete, yes. Warren no, since she is pretty far away from him on policy.

Beto is a fecking loser, no idea why he gets to be one heart attack away from the most powerful man in the world.

And Pete is a smarmy fecker that doesn't inspire anything.
Looks like Biden has taken Maine which Bernie was projected.

How? 0% reporting from there so far.

Bernie and Biden neck and neck in Texas with Bloomberg also in the mix. But <1% reporting so far.

Bernie Sanders67,39526.38%
Joe Biden65,35125.58%
Michael Bloomberg52,14320.41%
Beto or Pete, yes. Warren no, since she is pretty far away from him on policy.

It’s going to be Pete isn’t it? Surely he needs to pick someone a bit more progressive to somehow unite the party? The venn diagram of Bernie and Pete is a large circle with a dot in the centre.
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