2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I don't really see it. I mean, he got a bunch of endorsements in the past few days, but candidates drop out every primary and endorse another candidate. There's nothing unusual there. It makes sense to time your endorsements for the time they'd have the most effect.

The fact is it appears Sanders hasn't been able to achieve the increase in turn out and he will likely lose the primary because of that. The DNC presumably want Biden, of course they do, he's a Democrat, but I don't see what has happened that has been so unfair to Sanders.

Ultimately the Sanders campaign gambled on turn out and gambled that more candidates would stay in so they could win with a low share of the vote - that hasn't happened and he appears to have a ceiling. The blame, if there is any, is on the Sanders campaigns gambles appearing to have failed. And with that said things can still change quickly, like they did for Biden.
Extremely important point. The entire argument I have been hearing why Sanders has a better shot beating Trump than Biden is because of the large turn out he inspires.

Guess what, Biden is inspiring a larger turnout. Kids actually prefer arguing in an internet forum how awesome Sanders is, but not go and wait in a queue to vote. Boomers instead wait for hours and cast votes. They are a much reliable source of votes.
Bloomberg wins American Samoa.
He should still win it since 30% of voters have already cast ballots well before Biden's recent momentum
I'm more speaking to the delegate math. Warren reaching viability will take away delegates from Bernie . If this goes well enough for Biden he could be much closer in delegates to Bernie after all the votes are counted
Anyone who thinks the GOP are going to “work with Biden” on anything that isn’t part of their own agenda is a village idiot.

The Dems wouldn't need much GOP help if they reclaim the Senate and Presidency. They would also have the support of the Manchin, Tester, Sinema and others, which wouldn't happen under Sanders.
I'm more speaking to the delegate math. Warren reaching viability will take away delegates from Bernie . If this goes well enough for Biden he could be much closer in delegates to Bernie after all the votes are counted

Good point.
My point is Trumps team has been geared for Biden for 2 years now. They dont want any of Sanders
All indications show that Trump prefers Sanders. It might be a miscalculation, but the GOP would love to go against Sanders.
Anyone who thinks the GOP are going to “work with Biden” on anything that isn’t part of their own agenda is a village idiot.
The senate can be flipped with Biden in the ticket (it won't matter for Bernie, cause most of Democrat senators as of now won't vote his policies, and some of them won't ever do that), so then you don't need to work with GOP. Additionally, for some votes, they can rely on one or two of Romney, Collins, and Murkowski being bipartisan.

When people say working with GOP, they don't mean having McConnell as No.1 cheerleader.
The Dems wouldn't need much GOP help if they reclaim the Senate and Presidency. They would also have the support of the Manchin, Tester, Sinema and others, which wouldn't happen under Sanders.

Support for what? None of those will vote for any public healthcare legislation or gun control and I doubt they would back a raise in tax rates either especially if the economy is floundering.
Anyone who thinks the GOP are going to “work with Biden” on anything that isn’t part of their own agenda is a village idiot.
Absolutely. Not as if it hasn't happened under Obama either.
The senate can be flipped with Biden in the ticket (it won't matter for Bernie, cause most of Democrat senators as of now won't vote his policies, and some of them won't ever do that), so then you don't need to work with GOP. Additionally, for some votes, they can rely on one or two of Romney, Collins, and Murkowski being bipartisan.

When people say working with GOP, they don't mean having McConnell as No.1 cheerleader.

Ahh the mythical Collins/Murkowski bi-partisan vote. I see.
Does Bloomberg own all the media outlets in American Samoa?
Debates are gonna be comedy gold. Our elections is the best entertainment reality show in the world.

Biden answering the wrong question and tail it off saying his best mate is black then namedropping Obama every 5 minutes, Trump doing that thing with his lips and repeating the fact he's the best at knowing all the things, gunna be a hoot.
Important to note Sanders favourable states will mostly be coming towards the end of the night.
Ahh the mythical Collins/Murkowski bi-partisan vote. I see.
If either of them would have voted to repeal Obamacare, there wouldn't be an Obamacare right now, and another few millions of people would be uninsured.

Working with someone doesn't mean that they are gonna be your bitch. But that at times, even for really large issues, you might get their votes and get things done.
I don't get US channels here so watching this all on YouTube I have the following to choose from:


Which one of these is likely to be the most balanced coverage / least obscenely and openly pro Biden? So far CBS aren't passing the smell test.
Biden should offer the VP position to Bernie in order to unite the party.

He will probably give that position to Warren or O'Rourke though. Kamala missed a trick by going after Biden hard in the debates.
Biden should offer the VP position to Bernie in order to unite the party.

He will probably give that position to Warren or O'Rourke though. Kamala missed a trick by going after Biden hard in the debates.

Beto or Pete, yes. Warren no, since she is pretty far away from him on policy.
Beto or Pete, yes. Warren no, since she is pretty far away from him on policy.
Yeah, but Dems love diversity when it comes to talking about elections.

I don't see Pete offering anything, they might calculate to win Texas cause of Beto, but I don't see Texas happening.

Sanders is by far the best choice obviously :)
Stop overreacting everyone

1. Delegate count is most important, not amount of states won
2. Bernie is favorite by far in California. And his ground op in Texas I don't see being surmounted by Bidensurge over the past few days
3. Sanders has always been weak in the south, which is red in the general election anyways

Take a chill pill, smoke some weed, come back in 12-24 hours
Has Biden been lucky or actually him (the people behind him) knew what they were doing all alone?

Not campaigning in super-Tuesday states while putting all his eggs in South Carolina looked like a suicide, but seemed to have worked like a charm.
Apparently all the states so far have very low early voting rates and so have been more susceptible to Biden’s momentum from SC.
Has Biden been lucky or actually him (the people behind him) knew what they were doing all alone?

Not campaigning in super-Tuesday states while putting all his eggs in South Carolina looked like a suicide, but seemed to have worked like a charm.

Its more so a party wide response that grew out of a concern that Sanders may run away with it and then get clobbered in the Gen, thereby stranding all down ballot Dems (who are generally moderate). Not sure if it would've played out that way, but that's the growing consensus among non-Sanders Dems.
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